
come up是什么意思_come up用法和例句

come up:[英 [kʌm ʌp] 美 [kʌm ʌp] ]

come up是什么意思

come up 基本解释

上来; 发生; 提到; 开庭

come up 相关例句


1. A number of questions came up at the meeting.


2. I'll let him know if anything comes up.


come up 情景对话


A:We want to use the right marketing mix to reach our target market.


B:Certainly. Weve done some tactical planning already. We think weve come up with a good plan.


A:What media do you plan to use?


B:Well, taking into account the image you want to project, weve asked our copywriters to prepare copy for computer magazines and the internet first.


A:So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.


B:Yes. Well also run billboard and newspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition.


A:Will there be any direct mail?


B:No. That would not be correct for a manufacturer like you. Leave that to the retailers.


A:Good point. Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then Ill pitch it to the higher-ups.


B:Great. Well get started right away.


come up 网络解释

1. 上来:检查 checkout | 上来 come up | 海流 current

2. 发生:all the way 一直 | come up 发生 | go by (时间)逝去

3. 被提出:semicircle n. 半圆,半圆形体 | come up 被提出 | co-worker n. 合作者,同事

4. 发芽:come about 发生 | come up 发芽 | *comedy n. 喜剧

come up 双语例句

1. The reasons of our country`s philanthropy undertakings fall behind the times are these: the imperfect of legal system and doesn`t enforce the law strictly; the defects come from setting up a philanthropy organization, registering it and administration it; the management methods fall behind the times, financial accounting in utter disorder; lacks of philanthropy goal.


2. I will come to pick you up on 7 o'clock!


3. come up的解释

3. You need to lighten up, come on.


4. come up的翻译

4. Or you wake up, bleary with jet lag, in a city you've never seen before and feel you've come home.


5. The first time, I come from there, she looks at the cattle, I saw her carrying a child, 搭着head with a towel, I see a small child, and her son has grown up.


6. Everybody has his dream. In order to come true the dream, maybe you must give up sth.


7. The trees come up to my window plike thef yearning voice of the dumb earth.


8. The U. S. government aware of this matter later, and sent a named police officer went to the findings of Lyon, Lyon, go there after, they found where the town's residents have been infected may not know it was Lyon who infected long - looks like to do, a result, he went to an ordinary house to ask whether, Lyon just a question of circumstances, to see him behind and in front suddenly have a lot of strange people coming forward themselves, Lyon suddenly felt wrong, This to General Telephone, can be more surprising thing is even here, there is no signal, step by step, those who went to the Lyon, This is a woman, just get behind a motorcycle Chuang broken glass, Lyon mobile phone signal in here, Lyon immediately raised his cell phone and asked how it is one thing, the headquarters said: This is the city's residents have been infected with, and you must immediately destroy them, otherwise the virus will spread to the United States lead to disastrous consequences in various cities, Lyon has just a cell phone down and immediately picked up the pistol with the woman escaped with the tight encirclement half an hour later, they finally died Lyon is very pleased to this woman asked: What's your name and that name woman said: My name is Clayton Er, I have come to me brotherCosta Rica, and your brother What's your name called Chris Lyon asked she said.


9. Whether it`s his 81-point game, his electrifying dunks, his pull-up jumpers, or even his ball-hawking defense, Bryant has it all, and he can come at you with any of this on any given night.


10. And now, Kobe has it. Whether it`s his 81-point game, his electrifying dunks, his pull-up jumpers, or even his ball-hawking defense, Bryant has it all, and he can come at you with any of this on any given night.


11. Whenever I thought about getting it done, I would quickly come up with something else to do.


12. I've come up with an idea to help our company reduce its fixed costs.


13. The quality of the new products doesn't come up to the required standard.


14. Believe many personnel in a gleam of of sale of travel beauty spot by plan, have a lot of actual combat experience, should draw up only come, still can gain the attention of of all kinds media.


15. To try to come up with a $3, 000 car.



16. However, with the increase of the case colume, more problems have come up such as recurrence, chronic pain, intestinal damage and seroma, approaches for some special incisional hernia, etc.


17. The literary geniuses that come from careless root are barehanded like a flock of fierce forest ace pop-up arena, because cannot find pretty enginery, clutch to forbid the pace that enter the court, be nodded however and became a disorderly band of a gang clamorous, evening of mountain fastness spring became make things done with whatever is avaible almost amuse oneself.


18. come up的近义词

18. Guston, we come to the conclusion that only setting up an intermediate organization and construction an organic ecology boundary between politics and science may control and regulate the degree of opening of the science system and intensity of the outer control, which is worthy of a meaningful try to find a way of self-organization evolution of scientific system.

戈斯顿(David H·Guston)的委托—代理者理论,在科学与政治之间建立中间组织,构建政治与科学的有机生态的边界,就能够起到控制和调节科学系统的开放度和外部控制强度的作用,这不失为寻求科学系统达到自组织进化的一种有意尝试。

19. come up

19. He knows he's in trouble, so he's come up with some cock and bull story about how he was forced to stay in the country.



20. Our company use 5 axes full automatic coordinate measureing machine and Optical Comprator for QC department, Use 3 axes CNC Lathe, High speed CNC Mill (Up to 4 Axis), 3 Axis Auto Surface Grinder, EDM Wire Cut, EDM SINKER, EDM DRILL, etc for manufacture department. Most of the equipments and tools come from America and Japan.

本公司拥有5轴全自动坐标测量仪、光学投影仪等先进的检测仪器和3轴 CNC 车、4轴 CNC 铣、自动平面磨、线切割、电火花成型等生产设备,主要设备是美国和日本制造。

come up 词典解释

1. 走近;走到跟前

If someone comes up or comes up to you, they approach you until they are standing close to you.

come up

e.g. Her cat came up and rubbed itself against their legs...


e.g. He came up to me and said: 'Come on, John.'


2. 被提及;被讨论

If something comes up in a conversation or meeting, it is mentioned or discussed.

e.g. The subject came up during a pre-dinner drink with our guests.


e.g. Jeane Kirkpatrick's name has come up a lot.


3. 即将发生;即将到来

If something is coming up, it is about to happen or take place.

e.g. Plan your activities so that you are rested and refreshed when something important is coming up...


e.g. We do have elections coming up.


4. 突然发生

If something comes up, it happens unexpectedly.

e.g. I was delayed — something came up at home...


e.g. Other projects came up and the emphasis of my work altered.


5. (工作)出现空缺;(商品)上市

If a job comes up or if something comes up for sale, it becomes available.

e.g. A research fellowship came up at Girton and I applied for it and got it...


e.g. The house came up for sale and the couple realised they could just about afford it.


6. (太阳、月亮)升起

When the sun or moon comes up, it rises.

e.g. It will be so great watching the sun come up.


7. (案件)开庭审理

In law, when a case comes up, it is heard in a court of law.

e.g. He is one of the reservists who will plead not guilty when their cases come up.


come up 单语例句

1. Each year thousands of Chinese mainlanders come to the Philippines to do business, and more and more end up settling in the country.

2. But analysts said the measures were merely palliative, buying time for Europe to come up with more concrete measures to quell the crisis.

3. It would be wrong to believe that people behind the project could be ignorant enough to have come up with the title by accident.

4. Lawmakers should act to make sure that statisticians never ever come up with statistics that are totally out of touch with reality.

5. Causey recalled catching a group of Vietnamese by surprise, causing them to come out of their hut with their hands up.

6. Those who wish to donate can take clothes to the store's donation centers, send clothes by mail or call volunteers to come pick up donated items.

7. China's regulator can order insurers with a solvency ratio between 100 percent and 150 percent to come up with plans to raise capital.

8. Traders with open positions had to come up with increasing amounts of cash to keep the position open.

9. Zhou said many foreigners who want to come to China without an actual job lined up choose to do this.

10. Netizens have already come up with a parody in which Zhang Yimou is cast as the principal for a breast enlargement school.

come upcome up 英英释义

come up的解释


1. result or issue

e.g. A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion

Synonym: arise

2. gather or bring together

e.g. muster the courage to do something

she rallied her intellect

Summon all your courage

Synonym: musterrallysummonmuster up

3. gather (money or other resources) together over time

e.g. She had scraped together enough money for college

they scratched a meager living

Synonym: scrapescrape upscratch

4. start running, functioning, or operating

e.g. the lights went on

the computer came up

Synonym: go oncome on

5. bring forth, usually something desirable

e.g. The committee came up with some interesting recommendations

6. move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody

e.g. He came singing down the road

Come with me to the Casbah

come down here!

come out of the closet!

come into the room

Synonym: come

7. move upward

e.g. The fog lifted

The smoke arose from the forest fire

The mist uprose from the meadows

Synonym: riseliftarisemove upgo upuprise

8. come up, of celestial bodies

e.g. The sun also rises

The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled...

Jupiter ascends

Synonym: riseupriseascend

9. come to the surface

Synonym: surfacerise uprise

10. get something or somebody for a specific purpose

e.g. I found this gadget that will serve as a bottle opener

I got hold of these tools to fix our plumbing

The chairman got hold of a secretary on Friday night to type the urgent letter

Synonym: line upget holdfind

11. originate or come into being

e.g. a question arose

Synonym: arisebob up

12. be mentioned

e.g. These names came up in the discussion