

disable:[英 [dɪsˈeɪbl] 美 [dɪsˈebəl] ]


过去式:disabled;   过去分词:disabled;   现在分词:disabling;

disable 基本解释

及物动词使无能力; 使残废,使伤残; 使无资格; 使不中用

disable 相关例句


1. He was disabled in the accident.


2. An accident disabled him from playing football.



3. He is disabled from voting.


disable 网络解释

1. 禁止:(23)C8000-CBFFF Shadow/DFFFF Shadow:这些内存区域用来作为其他扩充卡的ROM映射区,一般都设定为 禁止(Disable). 如果有某一扩充卡ROM需要映射,则用户应搞清楚该ROM将映射地址和范围,可以将上述的 几个内存区域都置为Enable;

disable 双语例句

1. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacurer If problems comtinue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.

如果这个屏幕再次出现,遵循这些步骤:检查以确保任何新的硬件或软件被正确地安装如果这是一个新的安装,你的硬件或软件manufacurer 如果问题comtinue,使或失去能力除去任何崭新安装了硬件或软件的。

2. The deadline set password is also very important, disable some obvious interim accounts is also very clever approach.



3. Also, we have inbuilt Trace object to enable and disable the tracing dynamically.


4. disable的意思

4. First Floor: Equipment Store - After Otacon contacts you to explain how to disable the lasers, turn left (Snake's right if you haven't moved since getting off the elevator). Take out the lasers and move to the far left wall.

一楼:装备库( First Floor:Equipment Store ):在眼镜兄 Otacon 联系你并告诉你如何解除激光触发雷后,向左走(如果你下了电梯没有动的话,那就是 Snake 的右手边)。

5. I suppose you could also disable your screen savers, but I have never tried it this way.


6. The function INT_Disable returns the status of the global interrupt flag just before the interrupts are disabled.

这个标志会在后面调用 INT_Restore 来恢复中断状态时使用。

7. Temperature Motor at correct step Motor slow speed Wafer presence before oven Wafer presence after oven Output status Green lamp cycle start Blue lamp cycle reset Enable heating Enable power zone A 6-3 machine timers Camera delay time Conveyors belt running rime Enable/disable table vacuum Up/down flood squeegee delay Disable load suckers vacuum Detach magazine pieces blow air time Load suckers down delay

焦炉最高。温度汽车在正确的一步汽车速度慢晶圆存在之前,烤箱晶圆存在后,烤箱输出状态绿色灯周期的开始蓝灯周期重置使暖气使电力A区 6月3日机定时器相机延迟时间输送带带运行rime 启用/禁用表真空向上/向下防洪刮延误禁用负载吸孔真空分离杂志件,打击空中的时间负载吸孔延迟

8. In order to do that one of your party members needs to be able to disable the traps as there are quite a few on level three and springing anyone of them means the failure of this quest.


9. disable什么意思

9. Enables/disable hardware traps for the floating point exception if they are supported.


10. The buzz droids are designed to disable, not destroy, enemy craft.


11. Fortunately, now there is a way to disable the software to think for you and decide that you really won't be looking for whichever file you are looking.


12. Note: Apparently the default is Enabled, so removing the line to disable Composite will not work.


13. disable

13. Warning your computor chipfan fail or speed too low. you can also disable this warning message in setup....


14. disable的近义词

14. It should be noted that some U disk in WinXP is always under the lights lit, and this is because WinXP increased detection of USB devices, and as long as there is data traffic, flashing light, so at this time also To disable the device and then pulled out to work.



15. If you need to use safe Mode to remove or disable componts, restart your computer, Press F8 to Select Advanced stardup Options and then select safe mode technical informantion


16. Disable or remove any newly installed hardware and drivers, Disabie or Remove and newly installed software.


17. disable什么意思

17. Afterburner can be used in networks that also have 802.11b devices, and will not disable the use of them.


18. You can disable startup applications by user, whole group, or by registry entry.


19. disable在线翻译

19. This command will disable all span session.


20. Disable BIOS memory option such as caching or shadowing. if you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced start up option, and then select safe mode.


disable 词典解释

1. 使丧失能力;使伤残

If an injury or illness disables someone, it affects them so badly that it restricts the way that they can live their life.

e.g. She did all this tendon damage and it really disabled her...


e.g. Although disabled by polio during the Second World War, Proctor was also a first-rate helmsman.



...skin ulcers which are disfiguring and sometimes disabling.


2. (通常指暂时地)使无效,使不能正常运转

If someone or something disables a system or mechanism, they stop it working, usually temporarily.

e.g. ...if you need to disable a car alarm.


disable 单语例句

1. And they can damage or disable the body's immune system, so it is unable to remove the virus completely.

2. The talks will now focus on having the country declare and dismantle remaining nuclear programs and how to permanently disable its reactor at Yongbyon.

3. The second phase required it to disable its sole functioning reactor and fully describe all its nuclear programs.

4. It might disable fuel pump's reaction to car crash, when it was designed to cut off fuel supply.

5. " It is a risky procedure which might disable us, " Tony says.

6. The second phase of the talks obliges DPRK to disable its nuclear facilities and declare all its nuclear programs.

7. The DPRK agreed last year to disable its nuclear facilities and fully account for its nuclear programs in exchange for economic and political concessions.

8. To take photos of the tiny tarsiers, you have to disable your flash because it can damage the nocturnal creature's eyesight.

9. Hill yesterday reiterated the US stance of having the DPRK disable its nuclear facilities by the end of this year.

10. It might disable the fuel pump's reaction to a car crash, when it should cut off fuel supply.

disable 英英释义


1. injure permanently

e.g. He was disabled in a car accident

Synonym: invalidincapacitatehandicap

2. make unable to perform a certain action

e.g. disable this command on your computer

Synonym: disenableincapacitate