

dorm:[英 [dɔ:m] 美 [dɔ:rm] ]



dorm 基本解释


dorm 网络解释

1. 宿舍:有个传说是关于那里一个被封闭的潜泳池,据说曾有个小孩在那淹死了,原来维泰是个鬼魂......动人至深的(Dorm)是(Shutter)制作公司2006年的全新力作挟着的骇人气焰和旺盛口碑,

2. dorm的反义词

2. 鬼宿舍:恐怖鬼片(Dorm)史无前例地深入位於泰国东部「许愿河」邦巴功河(Bangpakong River)畔鼎鼎大名的「鬼校」-赛琼维塔亚中学(Saichon Witaya School)拍摄,不但将该校校史里种种恐怖的传说一一入镜,

3. 的宿舍:她们拿到了同一所大学的offer,可以共同负担一间公寓(flat),这比住学校的提供的宿舍(dorm)条件要好得多. 而且,两个人在一起可以有个照应,是最经济、最实惠的办法,这是留学中介的人跟她母亲汇报时,她听到的.


4. 睡眠:150,dom屋,家 | 151,dorm睡眠 | 152,drom跑

dorm 双语例句

1. dorm

1. Sample1: Do you know Joe Jones next door to me in my dorm?


2. dorm是什么意思

2. The success story of 28-year-old Sergey Brin and 29-year-old Larry Page may sound familiar, the young entrepreneurs dreamed up the company while students at Stanford, financed their project by lobbying8 investors in the late 90's, and soon went from a dorm9 room office to sharing a corner office.


3. dorm

3. The success story of 28-year-old Sergey Brin and 29-year-old Larry Page may sound famillar, the young entrepreneurs dreamed up the company while students at Stanford, financed their project by lobbying investors in the late 90`s, and soon went from a dorm room office to sharing a corner office.


4. dorm

4. The success story of 28-year-old Sergey Brin and 29-year-old Larry Page may sound familiar, the young entrepreneurs dreamed up the company while students at Stanford, financed their project by lobbying investors in the late 90's, and soon went from a dorm room office to sharing a corner office.

记者 28岁的谢尔盖·布林和29岁的拉里·佩奇的成功故事也许听起来很耳熟,这两个年轻的企业家在斯坦福读大学的时候就梦想办这么一个公司,在20世纪90年代末靠游说投资者筹到该项目的资金,不久公司就把办公室从宿舍搬至一间街角门市。

5. The success story of 28-year-old Sergey Brin and 29-year-old Larry Page may sound famillar, the young entrepreneurs dreamed up the company while students at Stanford, financed their project by lobbying investors in the late 90's, and soon went from a dorm room office to sharing a corner office.


6. Get up 7am everyday, wash and dress, tie my hair up and go to the school canteen and get a piece of cake at 7:25, class is over at 12am, go to canteen with eve and get back to dorm at 12:30, talk on phone with neal for a while, 1pm start to take a nap, get up at 2:10pm, go back to classroom 10mins later, class is over at 5pm, go out for supper with eve, usually 2 share of noodle, or one share of meal and a desert, get back to classroom at 6pm, check email, night class starts at 6:30pm, listening comprehesion, go back to dorm at 9pm, jump up and down for 500 times, sit for 10 mins to choke the desire of puking back, finish bathing at 10pm, dry my hair, wash clothes, till 10:45pm the main light will be turned off, then i start to study till 12pm, then sleep...then the story goes...


7. dorm是什么意思

7. I have been switching off lights in my dorm study lounges and kitchens as well in my lab and classrooms.



8. As summer draws to a close, many parents are facing the tough task of outfitting a college-bound teen for dorm life for the first time.


9. The days in shenzhen were really regular for me, get up at 7, have breakfast at 7:30, classes from 8:30 to 12:30, afternoon classes from 2 to six, then have dinner downstairs and come back to dorm. its good that i have a single small room for myself, its quite small, but i've made it a very comfortable clean one, hehe. i always read my book till 11, and watch a movie make me sleepy, sleep at a quarter past 12, and fall asleep, then wake up at 7am the next morning. it's been a long time i haven't had this regular life, it's very simple, quiet, regular, when i lie on bed reading at night, it was so quiet that i could even hear myself breathing, but i really enjoyed the peace in my heart.


10. The permanent dorm Tzu Chi is currently helping to build for Qianjin Middle School in Sichuan's Yaan Municipality will be complete in 300 days. For now, the children are studying in temporary prefabricated classrooms. Due to consecutive days of hot weather, many students have suffered from heat stroke. To tackle the problem, the school principal, Song Ruwei, suggested a traditional solution.



11. After Da Hui was persuaded to go back to the dorm, Yi Min continued her walk to the plaground alone.



12. The bo's dorm was just beside the plaground. Yi Min saw a person's silhouette over there.


13. His simple dorm room a few shelves of books that has become a popular commodity of our students.


14. She will be moving to the dorm.



15. I am now at home. I have graduated, finished work, and moved out of my dorm.


16. Do you know where the dorm I moved into recently is


17. You thanked her by saying good bye outside the dorm so you wouldn t be embarrassed in front of your friends.


18. Thanks to his warmly showing around, I saw his dorm in United College and other interesting places in CUHK, especially the cliff where we could see the bay.

第一个接头成功的居然是这次在美国认识的 gzy……他在CUHK这儿交换,特别热情的就打电话把我叫出去吃饭,然后领着我参观United College的宿舍和其他CUHK的景点。

19. dorm的反义词

19. This year I'm in a co-ed dorm.


20. This year I`m in a co-ed dorm.


dorm 词典解释

1. 同 dormitory

A dorm is the same as a dormitory .

dorm 单语例句

1. Four female college students are sharing their dorm room with some tenants that come through the window every day.

2. " We already have a doorkeeper to keep strangers away from the dorm, " said a female postgraduate law student.

3. Within half an hour, the meal is delivered to the dorm.

4. Ouyang said she may have bought the exam papers and answers from the university's masters recruitment office or stolen them from his office or dorm.

5. Crain says police went to the room after dorm's resident director received an anonymous phone call reporting marijuana and reptiles inside.

6. The flammable oil paint used by art students in the dorm also made the fire bigger and hard to extinguish.

7. I shared a dorm room there with seven classmates and spent my evenings studying and playing basketball.

8. Police said they were still investigating the shooting at the dorm when they got word of gunfire at the classroom building.

9. She then carried the dead baby back to her dorm in a plastic bag and threw it out of the window the following morning.

10. She said her classmates frequently returned to the dorm drunk and cried at night that they wanted to go home.

dorm 英英释义



1. a college or university building containing living quarters for students

Synonym: dormitoryresidence hallhallstudent residence