

shrub:[英 [ʃrʌb] 美 [ʃrʌb] ]



shrub 基本解释

名词灌木; 灌木丛; 果汁甜酒; 冰果汁水

shrub 相关例句


1. shrub在线翻译

1. Shrubs are much like trees, but are smaller and more profusely branched.


shrub 网络解释

1. shrub在线翻译

1. 灌木:②灌木(shrub)比较矮小,高在5米以下的树木,骨干不明显,分嫁接近茎的基部,如茶、月季、木槿等,有常绿灌木及落叶灌木之分. 1.一年生草本(annual)在一个生长季候内就可完成生活周期的,即当年着花、健壮后枯死的植物,如水稻、黄豆、番茄等.

2. 灌木丛:原来她被带到一个 陌生的地方,四处是灌木丛(shrub),突然听到丝丝有意识记忆又分为机械记忆(mechanical memorizing)和联想记忆. 机

3. 灌木, 灌木丛:species 种, 类; | shrub 灌木, 灌木丛 | in full bloom 盛开


4. 灌丛热带稀噬草原;灌木:shrinkage water 收缩水 | shrub 灌丛热带稀噬草原;灌木 | shrub invasion 灌木侵入

shrub 双语例句

1. The coppiced shrub remained two and three coppice shoots have the bast of all effects to basal diameter and apical growth.


2. The oldest branch of all is represented by just one species: a shrub called Amborella that is found only on New Caledonia in the South Pacific.


3. Common low European shrub with purple-red flowers.


4. Vitex negundo L. var. heterophylla is one large shrub and, being an endemic species to China. It is distributed widely in Shanxi, especially in the Cayon district of Taihang Mountains. The community of Vitex negundo L.

荆条Vitex negundo L.var.heterophylla(Franch,为大型灌木,在我国某些地方是特有种,在山西太行山峡谷区和中条山西部分布较为集中。

5. shrub的意思

5. Thus talking hand in hand alone they pass'd On to thir blissful Bower; it was a place [690] Chos'n by the sovran Planter, when he fram'd All things to mans delightful use; the roofe Of thickest covert was inwoven shade Laurel and Mirtle, and what higher grew Of firm and fragrant leaf; on either side [695] Acanthus, and each odorous bushie shrub Fenc'd up the verdant wall; each beauteous flour, Iris all hues, Roses, and Gessamin Rear'd high thir flourisht heads between, and wrought Mosaic; underfoot the Violet, [700] Crocus, and Hyacinth with rich inlay Broiderd the ground, more colour'd then with stone Of costliest Emblem: other Creature here Beast, Bird, Insect, or Worm durst enter none; Such was thir awe of Man.


6. In this paper, wild plant resources were put into three category: arbor, shrub type and herbal, and the three types of plant resources were elaborated on the application in landscape.


7. shrub

7. The process of natural succession of restoring vegetation in central Guizhou after rocky desertification in Karst area was divided into the herbosa stage, the stage of herbosa-shrub, the stage of vine-shrub, the stage of subaltern tree forest and the climax stage.


8. They pick the mallow upon the bushes, And the roots of the broom shrub are their food.

30:4 在草丛之中采咸草,罗腾的根为他们的食物。


9. Low-growing evergreen shrub of eastern North America with leathery leaves and clusters of fragrant pink or white flowers.


10. In order to understand the impact of different sampling ways on the result of investigation on commmunity species diversity, an analysis was performed on how sample area and sample amount impacted the results of community species diversity measure based on the investigation of herbaceous plants in the shrub community in the west region of Yanshan Mountain.


11. PartⅢStudy on the chemical constituents of Juniperus SabinaJuniperus Sabina is groveling shrub plant from Cupressaceaed, and distribut in Xinjiang, Qinghai and Gansu region, China. S. vulgaris has effect of dreving wind and sedation, promoting blood circulation to stop pain, and treat rheumatic arthritis, difficult urination etc.

第三部分新疆圆柏化学成分及生物活性研究新疆圆柏Juniperus Sabina L,又名沙地柏,为柏科Cupressaceae常绿匍匐灌木,主要分布于我国的新疆、青海、甘肃等地,药用果实和枝叶,具有驱风镇静、活血止痛之功效,维吾尔族民间用于风湿性关节炎、小便不利等病症的治疗。

12. shrub在线翻译

12. Small shrub with gray-green leaves and yellow flowers followed by glaucous''.


13. In the dry land and garden plot, the soil eroding amount of terraced fields is only 1/3 of that be ploughed directly along the slope. It is difficult that assart along the contour in the dry land and garden plot, after the first 1~2 years, the soil eroding amount will increase at double. From the soil and water conservation point of view, the mode that integrates arbor, shrub and grass in woodland is the best, the mode that plants grass in bare land is the second.


14. The results showed that the total vegetation coverage, shrub and undershrub coverage decreased; herbage coverage increased.


15. Main species of plants include Machius chienkweiensis, Castanopsis eyrei, Liquidambar formosana, and Cyclobalanopsis glauca in to the arbor layer and Maesa insignis, Loropetalum chinense, and Rhododendron cavaleriei in the shrub layer.

湖南省林业科学院森林生态与环境研究所长沙410004 (袁穗波;付绍春;李锡泉);中南林学院长沙410004;湖南省会同县林业局会同418300林柏

16. Rubiaceae, evergreen shrub or small tree.


17. Based on the RDA, 10 environmental variables and understory features were performed duplicato bolting stepwise regression. The result showed that herb density and altitude, slope, distance to forest edge, litter cover were significantly related; Pielou evenness of herb significantly related with the altitude, slope, canopy cover, litter cover and rock cover; Simpson diversity of herb significantly related with slope, litter cover, distance to forest edge, rock cover and stake; Pielou evenness of shrub significantly related with altitude, canopy cover, road area and rock cover.


18. shrub

18. Rhus typhina is a defoliated shrub or little arbor species of Anacardiaceae. This species possessed developed root system and strong sprout ability and was considered as one of the promising tree species of restoration and costruction of vegetation, prettification of environment and construction of scenic garden.



19. The quince shrub is one of the first to bloom and has come to symbolize the start of spring.


20. shrub

20. Macrophanerophytes such as pine and cedar are more and occupie greater percentage to from bottom to top, which are affected by clime and geography and human avtivity. Because people pay more attention to Macrophanerophytes and less to shrub and herbge plants, ecology of the forest is unbalance and benefit is low.


shrub 词典解释

1. 灌木

Shrubs are plants that have several woody stems.

e.g. ...flowering shrubs.


shrub 单语例句

1. It is an evergreen shrub that is an ubiquitous part of landscaping throughout China both for its pretty foliage and its highly scented flowers.

2. Coonawarra takes its name from the Aboriginal word for " honeysuckle ", a sweet scented shrub.

3. Even as the shrub and tree blooms fade, there's still plenty of gorgeous spring color.

shrub的解释shrub 英英释义


1. a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems

Synonym: bush