

comment:[英 [ˈkɒment] 美 [ˈkɑ:ment] ]


过去式:commented;   过去分词:commented;   现在分词:commenting;   复数形式:comments;

comment 基本解释

名词评论; 注释; 意见; 说明


及物动词表达意见; 解释,注释

不及物动词作注释; 作注解; 作解释; 作评语


comment 相关例句


1. He commented that her acting was superb.


2. He commented that it was an excellent film.



1. comment的翻译

1. He did not comment on what I said.



1. He made a comment about the bad road.


2. He made no comments on our proposal.


comment 网络解释

1. 注解:多稳态多谐振荡器 双稳态多谐运算元(oper and) 注解(comment) 标签(labe l) 操作码125. (3) 若要进行随意存取记忆体( RAM)测试时,下列那一组资料最适合?接记忆体存取式(D irectMemory Access) 握手式(Hand -Sh ak e) 向量中断式(Vector I nterrup t) 轮询式(Po lling) .

comment 双语例句

1. Google would not comment on Cuil and would not disclose the size of its own index.


2. Thank you for comment, I just want to play rosewood, but also meet good Dao, so I am tempted, then play.


3. I refuse to comment on his work.


4. The object that that action acts on node, user, comment, system or custom types.


5. Needless to comment on this article, mainly for the use of some of the Jump cheating.



6. It is not my role to comment on refereeing decisions.


7. As long as I am League president I will not comment on any refereeing decisions.


8. Q. (Ian Parkes – The Press Association) Lewis, can I just get your opinion on Fernando's comment that he is willing to help Felipe get the title?


9. There was no immediate comment from Chinese officials about the reported beating. In 1989 in Beijing, Chinese troops and tanks killed hundreds and possibly thousands of demonstrators in the crack-down of the pro-democracy movement.


10. comment

10. It is absolutely pointless contacting phpBB Group in relation to any legal cease and desist, liable, defamatory comment, etc.

在相关法令下,完全没有向 phpBB Group 指示 cease and desist,liable,defamatory comment。。。

11. comment在线翻译

11. Well, for anyone that this little comment might help, this is for you!


12. The interview: Please use a comment Wang Dan and Renzhijiang President.


13. If they're job hunting while working, they worry that a stray comment by a hiring manager or human resources screener to the wrong person will make its way back to their own boss.


14. comment是什么意思

14. In a control condition, no comment was made.


15. Vote of no confidence, I hate to comment on this question.


16. The comment thinks, if Chen Shoufu loses a lawsuit, this open a court session is tried, QQ is hanged to will be faced with outside imply retreat in defeat in the round.



17. Tu vas en France comment?


18. Generac may not comment on the report.


19. Chandrayaan to enter tricky lunar orbit today 8 Nov 2008, 0352 hrs IST, Srinivas Laxman, TNN Print Email Discuss Share Save Comment Text: MUMBAI: Saturday evening would mark the D-day for India's prestigious Rs 386-crore moon mission, Chandrayaan-1, when the tricky lunar orbit insertion takes place — expectedly between 5 pm and 6 pm.

用Google翻译如下:月球进入月球轨道棘手的今天 2008年11月八日,0352至29日,Srinivas拉克斯曼,TNN 打印电邮讨论分享节省评论文字:孟买:星期六晚上将标志着D -日,印度著名的卢比386亿卢比月球任务,月球- 1 ,当棘手的月球轨道插入发生-果然下午五时至下午6时。

20. This is a subject of widespread comment.


comment 词典解释

1. 发表意见;作出评论

If you comment on something, you give your opinion about it or you give an explanation for it.

e.g. So far, Mr Cook has not commented on these reports...


e.g. Stratford police refuse to comment on whether anyone has been arrested...


2. 评论;意见

A comment is something that you say which expresses your opinion of something or which gives an explanation of it.

e.g. He made his comments at a news conference in Amsterdam...


e.g. I was wondering whether you had any comments about that?...


3. (通常是不好的事的)体现,写照

If an event or situation is a comment on something, it reveals something about that thing, usually something bad.

e.g. He argues that family problems are typically a comment on some unresolved issues in the family.


4. 无可奉告(通常用于回答记者的提问)

People say 'no comment' as a way of refusing to answer a question, usually when it is asked by a journalist.

e.g. No comment. I don't know anything.


If you comment on a situation, or make a comment about it, you give your opinion on it. Mr Cook has not commented on these reports... I was wondering whether you had any comments. If you mention something, you say it, but only briefly, especially when you have not talked about it before. He mentioned that he might go to New York. If you remark on something, or make a remark about it, you say what you think or what you have noticed, often in a casual way. Visitors remark on how well the children look... General Sutton's remarks about the conflict.

comment 表示发表评论或意见。例如:Mr Cook has not commented on these reports (库克先生并未就这些报道发表评论),I was wondering whether you had any comments (请问您对此有何见解)。mention 表示简要地说起某事,尤其是以前没有说过的内容。例如:He mentioned that he might go to New York (他提到过可能会去纽约)。remark 通常指随意地说出自己的想法或注意到的事情。例如,Visitors remark on how well the children look (前来探望的人说孩子们看上去很健康),General Sutton's remarks about the conflict (萨顿将军对这场冲突的看法)。comment 单语例句

1. JPMorgan could not be immediately reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

2. They could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

3. A spokesman for the New York Fed wasn't available for comment after regular business hours on Monday.

4. BP could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

5. An operator with Aramco said there was no one available at the company to comment after business hours.

6. Spokeswoman Jennifer Erickson didn't return a call seeking comment after business hours on Wednesday.

7. A spokesman for Harbinger wasn't available to comment outside of regular business hours.

8. Police would not comment on the information the man provided to the West Business News.

9. Lung said BEA wants to develop its wealth management business on the island, she declined to comment further.

10. It was the first public comment on the company's future in the Chinese mainland by the world's largest retailer since the new appointment was announced.

comment 英英释义


1. a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material

e.g. he wrote an extended comment on the proposal

Synonym: commentary

2. a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information

e.g. from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account

Synonym: remarkinput

3. a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people

e.g. the divorce caused much gossip

Synonym: gossipscuttlebutt



1. provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases

e.g. He annotated on what his teacher had written

Synonym: glossannotate

2. explain or interpret something

3. make or write a comment on

e.g. he commented the paper of his colleague

Synonym: noticeremarkpoint out