

reign:[英 [reɪn] 美 [ren] ]


过去式:reigned;   过去分词:reigned;   现在分词:reigning;   复数形式:reigns;

reign 基本解释

不及物动词当政,统治; 占主导地位


名词君主的统治; 君主统治时期; 任期; 当政期

reign 相关例句


1. Silence reigned everywhere.


2. reign什么意思

2. The Queen reigns but does not rule.


3. He reigned over the country for ten years.



1. reign的解释

1. Night resumes her reign.



2. The reign of a wise ruler benefits his country.


reign 网络解释

1. 统治:弟弟全部在闲荡(dally),专家全部变碎片(spall)小花生病变小河(rill),哥哥河边来烤肉(grill),妹妹河边在尖叫(shrill),弟弟河边钻孔忙(drill)外国人(foreign)或者假装(feign)低头屈服(deign)于雨的统治(reign)色缺就退隐(sequester),

2. reign

2. 执政:redemptive赎回的 | reign执政 | rein缰绳

3. reign的反义词

3. 在位:collapse崩溃 | reign在位 | ignorance无知

reign 双语例句

1. Histories recorded in the Qing imperial history, that women generally have only to mention names, such as the Queen Nala Shi Yung-cheng, the most favorite concubine's year of Qing emperor Qianlong's mother Niohuru, and even the Queen's reign of Emperor Kangxi hoshoo Richter, although the Sony granddaughter, and gave birth to Crown Prince Yin Reng Kangxi can not name.


2. At the beginning of his reign the First Emperor launched large-scale construction projects all over the country and built huge Epang Palace and cemetery.


3. In general, from the beginning of Qing Dynasty, until the reign of Xianfeng, the Qing Government practiced the blockade policy to...


4. In 1885 (11th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu), the government formally made Taiwan a full province covering three prefectures and one subprefecture and incorporating 11 counties and 5 cantons.


5. reign的解释

5. In my opinion the Chinese people have it better now than under the reign of various dynasties of Emperors.


6. During the reign of Pekah, king of Israel, Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, came and took Ijon, Abel-beth-maacah, Janoah, Kedesh, Hazor, all the territory of Naphtali, Gilead, and Galilee, deporting the inhabitants to Assyria.


7. In the case of fish and aquatic plants, the specific combination of fish seen on the current Yuan dynasty jar was not only copied in the Xuande reign, but also in the 16th century.


8. David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years.


9. A group of professional thugs were secretly assigned to investigate a series of gangs in drug trafficking operations and disposal of stolen goods, does not know that their brutal faces hidden behind a soul that needs salvation, in this action, they will face the biggest struggle in life They rescued an orphan from the reign of terror in this poor girls life experience so that they played a sense of pity, but it runs counter to professional thugs faith, they will do?


10. The companies that they would have to battle had already reeled off a refrain of praisefor their own enviromental acts in other places. And their regiment of company paid news reporters who had already reined over the issue on TV and in the nespaper. They were determined not to let this reign end as well.


11. Pelagius I's reign lasted less than three years.


12. reign的反义词

12. But, during the period of emperor Jiaqing's reign, the hunting at Mulan Weichang was held only eleven times, which fell far short of his forefathers.


13. This reputation began centuries ago during the long reign of Rudolph II in the 16th century.


14. At twenty years of age, the will reign; at thirty, the wit; at forty, the judment.


15. Critics, thanks not least to her successful ten-year reign as pr esident of the University of Pennsylvania.


16. During the reign of the Yuan Dynasty China was the most powerful country in the world.


17. Around 1950 BC, in the reign of Mentuhotep III, an officer named Hennu made one or more voyages to Punt.


18. Throughout the entire history of Manchu dynasty, the *'literary persecution'started with individual isolated cases in Shunjhi and Kangxi times, then evolved into a were 53 cases of literary persecutions during Qianlong's reign.


19. reign是什么意思

19. He was thirty-two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem.

8:17 约兰登基的时候年三十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王八年。

20. reign在线翻译

20. People will remember the tyrannies of his reign.


reign 词典解释

1. 占优势;盛行

If you say, for example, that silence reigns in a place or confusion reigns in a situation, you mean that the place is silent or the situation is confused.

e.g. Confusion reigned about how the debate would end...


e.g. A relative calm reigned over the city.


2. (国王或女王)统治,治理

When a king or queen reigns, he or she rules a country.

e.g. ...Henry II, who reigned from 1154 to 1189.


e.g. ...Queen Victoria, Britain's longest reigning monarch.


3. 称王;支配;主宰

If you say that a person reigns in a situation or area, you mean that they are very powerful or successful.

e.g. Connors reigned as the world No. 1 for 159 consecutive weeks...


e.g. Coco Chanel reigned over fashion for half a century.


4. 占首要位置;占主导地位

Someone or something that reigns supreme is the most important or powerful element in a situation or period of time.

e.g. The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain's most popular mode of transport...


e.g. Senator Sam Nunn reigns supreme over the Senate Armed Services Committee.


5. (尤指统治集团制造的)恐怖统治时期

A reign of terror is a period during which there is a lot of violence and killing, especially by people who are in a position of power.


e.g. The commanders accused him of carrying out a reign of terror.


reign 单语例句

1. Diocletian's reign marked the transition from the Roman to the Byzantine era in Egypt, when a great number of Egyptian Christians were persecuted.

2. Helping a foundation with links to Suharto during his reign was seen as a civic duty.

3. We must all hold our breaths and hope that this pitiful presentation of the Reign of Terror will come to an end.

4. Taliban fighters who had banned education for girls and confined women to houses during their reign collapsed in late 2001 have yet to make comment.

5. Making great achievements during his reign, he is also plagued by the conundrum which has perplexed men and women throughout history.

6. Rainier's reign added to the legendary curse of the Grimaldi dynasty that has haunted his family during its seven centuries of rule over Monaco.

7. His term in Medellin coincided with the reign of drug king Pablo Escobar, and Uribe has been dogged by allegations he was tied to drug traffickers.

8. Mourinho's reign at Madrid has been a tumultuous one this season, with a series of dressing room disputes between the Portuguese coach and his players.

9. The Drum Tower was built in 1272 during the reign of Kublai Khan, at which time it stood at eh very heart of the Yuan capital Dadu.

10. He was also deposed as world No 1 by Britain's Lee Westwood on Nov 1, ending a reign of more than five years at the top.

reign 英英释义


1. royal authority

the dominion of a monarch

Synonym: sovereignty

2. the period during which a monarch is sovereign

e.g. during the reign of Henry VIII

3. a period during which something or somebody is dominant or powerful

e.g. he was helpless under the reign of his egotism


1. have sovereign power

e.g. Henry VIII reigned for a long time

2. be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance

e.g. Money reigns supreme here

Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood

Synonym: predominatedominateruleprevail