

nest:[英 [nest] 美 [nɛst] ]


过去式:nested;   过去分词:nested;   现在分词:nesting;   复数形式:nests;

nest 基本解释

名词(鸟)窝; 温床; (套叠在一起的)一套物件; 藏匿处

及物动词筑巢; 嵌套


nest 相关词组

1. feather ones nest : 营私;

nest 相关例句


1. nest的翻译

1. She nested the glass tumblers in a crate.



1. nest

1. The birds nested in the oak tree.



2. The swallows nested under the eaves.



1. A bird lays eggs in the nest it has built.


2. The husband and wife built themselves a comfortable nest.


3. The city was a nest of crime.


nest 网络解释

1. 嵌套:即一个表可以作为一个列值嵌套(nest)到另一个表中. Oracle 数据库将嵌套表(nested table)的数据存储在其父表(parent table)的数据行之外(out of line)的存储表(store table)内,并将其与对应的嵌套列(nested table column)相关联.

2. 巢状:所以上述的程式码经编译后的执行结果如下使用 Try...Catch...Finally 区块可以包住可能会发生错误的程式码,你可以利用巢状(nest)的方式在例外处理中再包例外处理,在每一个区块中宣告的变数属於该区块的区域变数.


3. nest:neurobehavioral evaluation system test; 神经行为功能

4. nest:neurobehavioral evaluation system testing; 神经行为功能测试

5. nest的反义词

5. nest:novell embedded system technology; “网威”公司的嵌入系统技术(1996年推出)

6. nest:native english teachers; 本族语英语教师

nest 双语例句

1. And alone and without his nest shall the eagle fly across the sun.



2. For example, to nest one loopwithin another loopthe nesting loop; to nest one subroutine (the nested subroutine within another subroutine the nesting subroutine.


3. This puffin was collecting twigs for his nest.


4. The complaint is basically saying that the bird nest industry is facing much difficulty where there is no set of standard by-law and regulation given by the local authorities and other department regarding the industry.


5. A bereft Liu, looking pained and shocked walked back into the undercroft of the Bird's Nest stadium passing astonished Chinese volunteers and officials before sinking to the ground in front of the giant athletics backdrop.


6. nest的反义词

6. Women can be hardnosed business vixens when they want, but they are also mothers, nurturers, nest-builders.


7. From the moment of nest, it is looking for a thorn tree, know fulfiled, not rest.


8. From the nest to leave the nest the moment, she is on to find tree thorns until do.


9. nest的反义词

9. To leave the nest from the nest the moment, it looking for the thorn tree, until the wish fulfilled, before a rest down.


10. Now I am more concerned about the Olympic Games, interest in China's Corps, looking forward to the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games beyond the history of each session, few expect China's gold medal first place, look forward to the Olympic flame at the national sports center of the nest ignited the moment.


11. nest的解释

11. Giving parents one bowl when self can buy two bowl gruels now, as if it be, wait for thick soup to let parents eat a snake one day unnecessarily edible bird's nest; Self can exchange for when making money mobile telephone new, change...


12. No less than 140 bird species have been registered here and around 50 of these nest in the area.


13. She may do something for you, but she'll be feathering her own nest at the same time.


14. Of hatchlings covered with down and having eyes open; capable of leaving the nest within a few days.


15. I think it's nothing but a mare's nest.


16. It proved that everything was a mare's nest....


17. This is such a space - a mare`s nest.


18. She spent her whole life looking for what was actually in a mare s nest.


19. In sleep the immortal may leave one's nest and go wherever one pleases.


20. Is a geologically Alxa - Mazongshan to Taiwan a part of the ridge from the Near East to the uplift and depression depressions arranged for flying geese, from north to south there are four major groups:(1) is a leap forward in the most northern mountain - qijiaojing sub - Hill, elevation 200 meters from top to bottom, the relative height of 100 meters from top to bottom, its wide and 40-50 km south of the Mustang spring - Lian-Quan depressions; (2) Mazongshan peak elevation of 2791 meters, the general ridge 200 meters above the relative height of up to 70 -900 m, but Kuanjin 10 km south of the tree nest well - in the beach spring low; (3) Small Mazongshan to the longest, reaching more than 500 kilometers, but the elevation is only 1, 500 meters from top to bottom, its south is an elevation of 1, 400 meters up and down the valley; (4) and the most southerly Daqingshan, the altitude of 1400 meters from top to bottom, the relative height of only a few tens of meters to Bai Yumi, mountains are not always continuous, namely, its south western section of the Hexi Corridor, Dunhuang - Anxi edge of depression.


nest 词典解释

1. (鸟)巢;(鸟)窝

A bird's nest is the home that it makes to lay its eggs in.

e.g. I can see an eagle's nest on the rocks.


2. (鸟类)筑巢,做窝

When a bird nests somewhere, it builds a nest and settles there to lay its eggs.

e.g. Some species may nest in close proximity to each other.


e.g. ...nesting sites.


3. (昆虫或动物的)巢,穴

A nest is a home that a group of insects or other creatures make in order to live in and give birth to their young in.


e.g. Some solitary bees make their nests in burrows in the soil.


e.g. ...a rat's nest.


4. 安乐窝;安适的地方

You can refer to a place as your nest when it is your home or where you feel comfortable and relaxed.

e.g. My wife seems to be building a nest of her own at Osborne House...


e.g. The baby had been asleep in her nest of pink and white blankets.


5. 老巢;窟;秘密窝点;(贼窟中的)一帮

You can use nest to refer to a place where something bad is being done or to the people there who are doing it.

e.g. ...Biarritz, notorious in those days as a nest of spies...


e.g. Are you telling me that you've got your own little nest of informers in the Police Department?


6. see also: crow's nest;love nest

7. 营私;自肥

If you say that someone is feathering their nest, you mean that they are getting a lot of money out of something, so that they can lead a comfortable life.

e.g. Mary's much more interested in doing things for other people than feathering her own nest.


8. 自立门户;独立生活

When children fly the nest, they leave their parents' home to live on their own.

e.g. When their children had flown the nest, he and his wife moved to a thatched cottage in Dorset.


9. a hornet's nest -> see hornet

nest 单语例句nest的解释

1. So were many fireworks companies, which see the Bird's Nest as a huge business opportunity.

2. The Bird's Nest and Water Cube are two of the 37 Olympics venues open for business year after the Games.

3. People line up to buy tickets to tour National Stadium, better known as the Bird's Nest.

4. But the buyer of the nest contested ownership and it was only recently that judicial authorities ruled that the fossils belonged to China.

5. Consumers have been whipsawed by home prices, the deteriorating job market and shrinking nest eggs.

6. And by the way I love your Bird's Nest and the Water Cube!

7. Also on Friday, jurors inspected the blue Chevrolet Caprice prosecutors maintain the suspects converted into a sniper's nest.

8. Some new ones are bird's nest, sweet potato and coarse grain stuffing.

9. Snow fungus is known as " vegetarian bird's nest " for its high collagen content.

10. Bird's nest is a traditional skin tonic, and this was long before the word " collagen " was even invented.

nestnest 英英释义


1. a kind of gun emplacement

e.g. a machine-gun nest

a nest of snipers

2. furniture pieces made to fit close together

3. a gang of people (criminals or spies or terrorists) assembled in one locality

e.g. a nest of thieves

4. a cosy or secluded retreat

5. a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young


1. gather nests

2. move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position

e.g. We cuddled against each other to keep warm

The children snuggled into their sleeping bags

Synonym: cuddlesnugglenestlenuzzledraw close

3. fit together or fit inside

e.g. nested bowls

4. inhabit a nest, usually after building

e.g. birds are nesting outside my window every Spring