

coke:[英 [kəʊk] 美 [koʊk] ]


过去式:coked;   过去分词:coked;   现在分词:coking;   复数形式:cokes;

coke 基本解释



coke 情景对话


B:Ugh. Another advertisement. They’ve added two hours of advertisements to a two hours movie.


A:Yeah. We’re never going to get to the end of this one.


B:Why are we watching it anyway?


A:Well, it does have a lot of girls in it.



B:True. True.



A:Do you think Bruce Willis just drank a Coke for his health?


B:Really? Did Coke pay him for that?


A:Of course.


B:You want something to drink?


A:Yeah, Got a Coke?






A:Hurry, the movie is coming back on.


Car Crash-(车祸)

A:That looks like a bad accident.


B:Yeah, should we get out and help?


A:No, there’s a police car behind us. He’ll stop.


B:Looks like the one guy lost control in all this rain, and the other one hit him.


A:Yeah. It’s pretty bad, that car looks like a coke can.


B:These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days.


A:Yeah, it looks like we’re in for a long drive.


B:Ah, well. Put on the news. I got up late and missed it.



A:All right.


coke 网络解释


1. 焦炭:主要产品: 海绵钛(T_HMt)焦炭(Coke)煤焦油(MJY)工业萘(NAI)蒽油酚油洗油硫酸铵(EFX)...主要产品: 生铁(SST)生铁(TST)钒渣(T_FZ)...主要产品: 焦炭(Coke)煤焦油(MJY)钢材(TGC)钒矿(T_Fk)铁合金(TQT)铁矿石(SST)...主要产品:

2. 可乐:可口可乐(可乐)(COKE)一名女职员涉嫌偷取可乐新产品的秘方及样品,转售予竞敌百事可乐(百事)(PEP),揭发被捕,6日上庭受审.

3. 可口可乐:可口可乐(COKE)光临球馆NBA中国赛媒体见面会:NBA总裁大卫-斯特恩 地点:君悦酒店(Grand Hyatt Hotel)保罗-弗尔曼和姚明在君悦酒店(Grand Hyatt Hotel)会面锐步在君悦酒店(Grand Hyatt Hotel)举办媒体见面会 姚明出席下午3:30-4:30 可口可乐(COKE)光临球馆

4. 焦碳:生产过程将矽砂、焦碳(Coke)、煤(Coal)及木屑等原料混合置於一石墨电弧沈浸(Submerged)之加热还原炉中於1500~2000℃高温加热,将氧化矽还原成矽,此时矽之纯度约98%左右,此一冶金提炼之矽,即称为冶金级矽(Metallurgical-grade Si),

coke 双语例句


1. The deactivated catalyst was regenerated at 550℃ by coke-burning, and its majority of activity could recover.


2. The results showed that the coke-burning rate is in first order with respect to both carbon content and oxygen partial pressure. Because of the internal diffusion, the coke-burning rate for large particle catalyst is only about 60% of that for the small one.


3. Factors affecting catalyst regeneration were discussed based on the coke-burning kinetics of cracking catalyst and the chemical reaction engineering principles.



4. At a temperature of 500 ℃ and an oxygen flow rate of 200 mL/min, adding 0.125% combustion promotor into the coke sample, the coke-burning rate was enhanced and the combustion time was shortened from 150min to 30min.


5. coke

5. Also the influences of regeneration temperature, process heat effect, catalytic internal recycling and regenerator configuration were emphatically discussed via coke-burning calculation, supplying a reference to design and practical operation.


6. This is the remix to ignition hot and fresh out the kitchen mama rollin that body got evey man in her wishin sippin on coke and rum im like so what im drunk its the freakin weekend baby im about to have me some fun crystall poppin in the stretch navigator we got food every where as if the party was catored we got fellas to my left honnies on my right we bring em both together we got drinkin all night then after the show its the and after the party its the and round about 4 you gotta then head take it to the room and freak somebody can i get a toot toot can i get a beep beep runnin her hands through my'fro bouncin on 24's while they say on the radio...

这是再混合到点火热的和新鲜的外面的厨房妈妈rollin那身体得到evey男人在她的wishin sippin在可乐和甜酒 im象因而什么im喝醉了的它的freakin周末婴孩 im关于到有我一些娱乐 crystall poppin在伸展航海家我们得到食物每一的什么地方好象党是catored 我们得到fellas到我的左边的 honnies在我的正义我们拿来全身两者共同我们得到drinkin全部的夜然后之后表示它的和之后党它的和周围4你必须然后头拿它到房间和怪诞重要人物能我获得嘟嘟声嘟嘟声能我获得哔哔声哔哔声 runnin她的手穿过我的'往 bouncin在24's 当他们说下去无线电通信。。。


7. Chorus this is the remix to ignition hot and fresh out the kitchen mama rollin that body got evey man in her wishin sippin on coke and rum im like so what im drunk its the freakin weekend baby im about to have me some fun Bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce Bounce-bounce-bounce- c'mon now its like murder she wrote once i get you out them clothes privacy is on the door still they can hear you screamin more girl im feelin what you feelin no more hopin and wishin im bout to take my key and stick it in the ignition so gimme that toot toot lemme give you that beep beep runnin her hands through my'fro bouncin on 24's while they say on the radio...

合唱 这是再混合到点火热的和新鲜的外面的厨房妈妈rollin那身体得到evey男人在她的wishin sippin在可乐和甜酒 im象因而什么im喝醉了的它的freakin周末婴孩 im关于到有我一些娱乐 Bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce Bounce-bounce-bounce-现在它的象谋杀她书写一次我获得你外面的他们衣服保密是在门寂静他们能听到你screamin更多的女孩im feelin什么你feelin 不再hopin和wishin im一回到拿我的钥匙和棍它在点火因而gimme那嘟嘟声嘟嘟声 lemme弹性你那哔哔声哔哔声 runnin她的手穿过我的'往 bouncin在24's 当他们说下去无线电通信。。。


8. This paper put forward the reasonable mathematical formula which simulate refered physics phenoma, develop mathematical model and develop computer program, show the burden flow trajectory, the formation process of burden layer, the ratio of ore to coke, radial distribution of size, radial distribution of gas flow velocity and establish the burden distribution mathematical model of bell top blast furnace on the basis of analyzing the basic factors and combine the real condition of bell-movable armor blast furnace.


9. The results showed that the suitable holding temperature was the peak temperature (350~500℃) at which more free radicals was produced rapidly, so more oil was formed and the hydrogen utilization efficiency was increased. The cleavage of organic functional groups of semi-coke from HyPy was mostly affected by the pyrolysis temperature, the effect of retention is changing the product distribution through stabilization of the free radicals and hydrogenation of the heavier products. In the holding process at the low temperature, the hydrogen preferred to be combined with oxygen-contained group to form phenols, avoiding the water formation reaction at high temperature.


10. Billy: I'm going to go to the concession stand and get some popcorn and Coke.

比 利︰我要去小卖部买些爆米花和可乐。


11. At present, the county is actively Zhengyuan Group and Hebei and Shanxi Yangquan Coal Industry Group are jointly yuan coal chemical industry, the city of coke chemical removal of major projects such as negotiations for the project set up as soon as possible.


12. During bricklaying of the coke oven, several means can be applied in controlling the dimensions and elevations.


13. We have to grind the coke into powder.


14. They don`t want to admit they have no ability to actually pay off the debt they`ve incurred by pursuing a flamboyoant lifestyle, blowing wads of cash on high-priced wines, luxury vehicles, and an occassional line of coke — they desperately want to imagine they can keep living on money that appears from nowhere, regardless of how much they owe to everybody else and the fact that their incomes don`t even come close to matching their expenditures.


15. Organizations, technical experts research, he changed the production process of traditional barbecue rough, cause serious pollution, the use of materials simple and shortcomings of a single taste, not only highlights the delicious fish and meat, but also has a unique flavor and rich materials Coke flavor, aftertaste after eating Yuan poor, articulate health incense, 100 eating tire, let them go, to eat and you still want to eat.


16. A detailed analysis has been made about the combustion property of coke in a cupola in this paper.


17. A detailed analysis has be made about the combustion property of coke in a cupola in this paper.


18. Can I get a three-piece, coleslaw, beans and a Coke?


19. coke的意思

19. We found lactose. The coke was cut with milk powder.


20. Fire the ball of coke powder production methods; 2. With open-style fast-carbonized charcoal kiln production process.


coke 词典解释

1. 焦炭;焦煤

Coke is a solid black substance that is produced from coal and is burned as a fuel.

e.g. ...a coke-burning stove.


2. 同 cocaine

Coke is the same as cocaine .

coke 单语例句coke

1. Coke oven gas is a byproduct of the manufacture of iron and steel.

2. Several years ago, low prices of coal and coke resulted in lower economic efficiency in the coal industry.

3. The plan says that some scarce and special coal like coke will be developed with protection and lignite will be developed in intensified efforts.

4. Sharp price growth in coking coal, the raw material for coke production.

5. Currently coal prices in most regions remain stable, while coke and power coal in some regions witnessed price hikes.

6. Major export goods were coke and coal, accounting for 60% of the province's total.

7. It has the largest specialized coke terminal and the most professional coal terminal in the world.

8. Coco Chanel once said that she only drank from a Lalique glass, even when drinking coke.

9. Different kinds of drugs produce different kinds of behaviours - like coke makes you hyper and heroin kind of zombies you out.

10. Coke's statement came a day after two leading Indian industry bodies criticised the bans as potentially tarnishing India's investment image abroad.

coke的意思coke 英英释义


1. street names for cocaine

Synonym: blownose candysnowC

2. carbon fuel produced by distillation of coal


1. become coke

e.g. petroleum oils coke after distillation