

cipher:[英 ['saɪfə(r)] 美 [ˈsaɪfɚ] ]



cipher 基本解释

名词密码; 零; 不重要的人; 无价值的东西



cipher 相关例句


1. I couldn't cipher out his motives.



1. The army uses a special cipher so that military messages are kept secret.


2. He's a mere cipher in the company.


cipher 网络解释

1. 零:在英语里,零(cipher)、计算法(algorithm)、代数学(algebra)、对数(logarithm)、不尽根(surd)、正弦(sine)等词汇都是从阿拉伯语音译过去的. 天文学:在天文学领域,穆斯林天文学家最先提出了地球绕太阳运转的学说,

2. cipher的近义词

2. 密文:XTEA是Roger Needham和David Wheeler于1997年开发的公用分组密码算法,使用128位密钥,具有64位密文(cipher),以紧凑、简洁而著称. XTEA非常适合于主要使用汇编语言的处理器. 类似图2所示的简单解码电路是嵌入式系统安全方案的良好起点.

3. 加密算法:明文(Plaintext)通过加密算法(Cipher)处理后的结果. 一种允许在web服务器和外部程序之间使用外部程序响应请求的接口的标准定义. 此接口最早由(美国)国家计算机安全协会(NCSA)制定,另外还有一个RFC项目.

cipher 双语例句

1. In this paper we survey the new advances in the research on computer cipher, focusing on block cipher, sequence cipher, public key cipher and chaos cipher.


2. LFSR is a kind of word-oriented LFSR with high efficiency and good cryptographic properties, especially suitable for modern processors. It can be used in stream cipher for fast software implementation.


3. He's a figment. A cipher. A jabberwocky.


4. -various cipher algorithm source code and you are welcome to download reading.


5. A Caesar cipher source code to achieve the file encryption and decryption process is suitable for students.


6. A symbol used in secret writing; a cipher or code.


7. A symbol used in secret writ in g; a cipher or code.


8. Cipher key: A code used in conjunction with a security algorithm to encode and decode user and/or signalling data.



9. To convert from a code or cipher to plain text; decode.


10. This paper makes an analysis on structure features of the common and cipher fully-closed magnetic lock, and studies on technical problems needing solving in research and development of the product such as processing teachnology of lock, selection of locking spring and magnetic marble, distribution of magnetic boby, assemble technology and so on.


11. Two CCD number mutual vertically puts camera to go up in graph, at the same time known to coordinate mark drop has two watch for an opportunity photography, the angle observation that uses graph and mark dot integratedly to form measures information of library of as tall as what be in area Cheng, solve the high accuracy coordinate of cipher out graph.


12. Cipher, you're almost in lock-on range!


13. This is a short, convergent launching to MATLAB, a panoptic cipher grouping for mathematical and theoretical computing.


14. This algorithm founds two sets of cipher codes completely independent of each other.


15. cipher是什么意思

15. Let's have a meeting, a meeting I know a quiet place where we can talk Girl, relax and let me do my thing Baby I don't wanna to break your heart I just want to make you say my name Come in my cipher put that blunt in the air Let me seduce you, let me play in your hair I see that you're hyper, let's take it upstairs Hey girl!


16. I'm a fan of chest Role play you the best, you supply the sex Yes, I'm a feind of your hole One hit of you, when I lose control I look in your eyes, I can see yo soul Bankroll in the hole for you to cause and go Come in my cipher put that blunt in the air Let me seduce you, let me play in your hair I see that you're hyper, let's take it upstairs Hey girl!


17. cipher的解释

17. The results are useful to the study of the randomness of periodic sequences and the analysis and design of stream cipher.


18. More information on hello extensions can be found in RFC 3546.* Client cipher suites on re-handshakes - Clients will now resend the full list of supported cipher suites on server-initiated re-handshakes.


19. cipher的翻译

19. Logical cipher contactless IC card chip is the most current in the entire world and our country, so this design direction is it, and the algorithm of cipher adopt stream cipher corresponding and compatible with Philips Mifare card.


20. This thesis discussed and analyzed the related theory and logical structure of Logical cipher contactless IC card chip, and goes deep into research the lgorithm of cipher and identify, the work principle, and the work process. On the base of studying and researching, we finished the design of Logical cipher contactless IC card chip based stream cipher.


cipher 词典解释

1. 密码;暗号

A cipher is a secret system of writing that you use to send messages.

e.g. ...converting their messages into ciphers.


e.g. ...a cipher clerk.


2. 无足轻重的人;走狗;小兵小卒

If you describe someone as a cipher, you mean that they have no power and are used by other people to achieve a particular purpose.


e.g. He was little more than a cipher who faithfully carried out the Fuehrer's commands.


cipher 英英释义


1. a message written in a secret code

Synonym: cypher

2. a secret method of writing

Synonym: cyphercryptographsecret code

3. a person of no influence

Synonym: cyphernobodynonentity

4. a quantity of no importance

e.g. it looked like nothing I had ever seen before

reduced to nil all the work we had done

we racked up a pathetic goose egg

it was all for naught

I didn't hear zilch about it

Synonym: nothingnilnixnadanullaughtcyphergoose eggnaughtzerozilchzipzippo

5. a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number

Synonym: zero0noughtcypher


1. make a mathematical calculation or computation

Synonym: calculatecyphercomputework outreckonfigure

2. convert ordinary language into code

e.g. We should encode the message for security reasons

Synonym: codeenciphercypherencryptinscribewrite in code