

retain:[英 [rɪˈteɪn] 美 [rɪˈten] ]


过去式:retained;   过去分词:retained;   现在分词:retaining;

retain 基本解释

及物动词保持; 留在心中,记住; 雇用; 付定金保留

retain 同义词


retain 反义词



retain 相关例句


1. She retains a clear memory of her school days.


2. retain的反义词

2. He retained the best lawyer in the state.


3. retain什么意思

3. This vessel won't retain water.


4. retain的解释

4. Concentrated study will help you to retain knowledge.


retain 网络解释

1. 保留:但是如果你不能使用垃圾收集,你需要释放(release)旧对象,保留(retain)新对象. 事实上有两种方法可以解除一个对象的引用:释放(release)和自动释放(autorelease). 标准的release方法会立刻删除引用. autorelease方法则是尽快的释放引用,

2. 保持:真正的问题在于西方政府继续坚持要求(insist)保持(retain)对全球(global)重大金融机构(institution)的控制,尽管他们正在游离(drift)全球自由贸易体系.


3. 保:另外,Dyer(1988)提出三种人力资源策略的型态:即利诱策略(inducementWhite和Lam(1996)提出人力资源管理导向的观念,认为人力资源管理导向为组织内投入吸引(attract)、确保(retain)、及发展(develop)有才能、有承诺之人力资源的系

4. retain

4. retain:remote technical assistance and information network; 远程技术援助与信息网络(IBM研制)

5. retain

5. retain:remote terminal assistance and information network; 远程终端辅助设备与信息网络

retain 双语例句

1. It was also found that because of the formation of nanophase Ti film a relative high He flux for bubble formation is needed and the amount of the retain He in sputtering Ti films is much higher than that in the coarse-grain Ti films.


2. retain

2. How can we retain hope or have any chance of true fulfillment in our lives with all this going on?


3. In order to recruit and retain the best mechanics and to discourage the growth of labor unions.


4. In the ordinary way a lien gives a creditor a right to retain possession of a thing until his account is paid.



5. In dealing with the form and structure, I have give much attention to the flowing interaction between the inner and outer spaces in order to leave viewers a space for their imagination. As for the textures and surface effects, I have tried my best to retain and present the marks of clay and fire to express my complicated feelings and experiences in an abstract form of space full of great vicissitudes and profundity. In the contemporary civilized society, I have cherished such complicated feelings towards the Chinese culture, being yearning, but perplexed, sweet and bitter, intimate and remote.


6. Fabrics finished by controlled-release perfume microcapsules can retain the essence from about five months up to two years depending upon the kind of perfume encapsulated.


7. Admire the hanging in the branches of the Kun-yellow leaves, I think, is to retain a tree in the deep feelings do?


8. retain是什么意思

8. Reducing workers'annual pay increase could also jeopardize employers'ability to retain talent, says Robert Trumble, professor of management at Virginia Commonwealth University and director of the Virginia Labor Studies Center in Richmond.

弗吉尼亚联邦大学(Virginia Commonwealth University)管理学院教授、弗吉尼亚劳工研究中心主任罗伯特?特朗伯说,降低员工年度加薪幅度还可能会有损雇主留住优秀员工的能力。

9. He would stop at nothing to retain his position of power.



10. A USD100.00 fee will be deducted from each presentation of discrepant documents under this documentary credit this charge shall be for the account of the beneficiary +in accordance with the provisions of article 16C III B of UCP600, if we give notice of refusal of documents presented under this credit we shall however retain the right to accept a waiver of discrepancies from the applicant and, subject to such waiver being acceptable to us, to release documents against that waiver without reference to the presenter provided that no written instructions to the contrary have been received by us from the presenter before the release of the documents. any such release prior to receipt of contrary instructions shall not constitute a failure on our part to hold the documents at the presenter's risk and disposal, and we will have no liability to the presenter in respect of any such release.

登录后回答可以获得经验值奖励,并可以查看和管理所有的回答。登录|+ 1 USD100.00费将被扣除根据本信用证从每本收费不符单据应为受益人的帐户根据第16C条+与第三期UCP600 B的规定,如果我们发出通知的文件拒绝本信用证下提交但我们会保留权利,接受了来自申请人放弃和差异,但这种放弃被接受的我们反对,放弃要求释放文件没有提及主持人只要没有相反的书面指示,已收到来自各主办单位在我们面前的文件释放。任何这类释放之前,收到相反的指示,不得构成失败我们的一部分举行的主持人的风险和处置的文件,我们将在任何方面不释放这些演示责任简单说就是每个不符点是USD100,且从受益人账户支付。对方客户如果接受不符点(你们修改单据比客户接受不符点晩),对方银行有权直接放单给你客户让他们去提货。

11. retain什么意思

11. Many researches have been made on how to reduce the employees`perception of job burnout to retain talents.


12. Do not sell fish that also retain his job.


13. retain在线翻译

13. In transitional and fast duty field, have professional technology for nothing not likely can retain the job.


14. 50 Am: Buffett says our job is not to choose great managers, our job is to retain them.


15. In an effort to retain your job and to provide all management levels with an effective indicator, you decide to focus on the to complete performance index.



16. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will retain its own government, its own society, its own economy and its own way of life.


17. My agency does not reduce the attractions in the circumstances, to retain the basis of flights, trains them to re-route the right time, resulting in single or three guests while meeting room poor.


18. Seeking to retain relations and trade with their cousins, the dwarves of Ironforge constructed two massive arches, the Thandol Span, to bridge the gap between Khaz Modan and Lordaeron. Bolstered by mutual trade, the two kingdoms prospered.

为了能继续和同胞之间保持关系和贸易,Ironforge的矮人造了两个大拱门:Thandol Span建立起了Khaz Modan和Lordaeron的桥梁,在贸易中,两个国家都得到繁荣。

19. Disclaimer: unscrupulous traders do not defy the law, fraudulent use of our brand, I Division will retain the power of prosecution.


20. In case of bedding or equipment damaged or lost, in addition to compensation for the price when the item purchased, Genkihome is entitled to retain the right to legal recourse.


retain 词典解释

1. 保留;保持;保存

To retain something means to continue to have that thing.

e.g. The interior of the shop still retains a nineteenth-century atmosphere...


e.g. He retains a deep respect for the profession...


2. 预聘,付定金聘请(律师)

If you retain a lawyer, you pay him or her a fee to make sure that he or she will represent you when your case comes before the court.

e.g. He decided to retain him for the trial.


retain 单语例句retain

1. Liang said Haier wanted to retain the technical and operational expertise and business development capabilities of the New Zealand firm's employees.

2. He is expected to reshuffle his cabinet soon but retain Yoshihiko Noda as finance minister.

3. ElBaradei has called for a negotiated solution to Iran's nuclear issue, proposing that Iran be allowed to retain a limited enrichment program.

4. People are no longer surprised by news of a Chinese movie winning at Cannes or Venice but retain an unusual enthusiasm for the Oscars.

5. Swift recovery is vital to support the economic policies of the White House and retain Obama's political capital.

6. If governments that retain strong credit ratings are to spend scarce resources effectively, the most effective approach is to catalyze debt workouts and reductions.

7. The officials revealed that the city will continue to retain its growth rate of more than 10 per cent in terms of actual investment.

8. Both the share offer and the mixed offer are exclusive of the final dividend which CCP shareholders are entitled to retain.

9. Fermentation in tanks means that Italian sparkling wines can be sold at slightly lower prices than champagne yet still retain similar levels of quality.

10. Wong said the management team and employees of Taifook will retain their positions, yet he declined to comment whether Taifook will change its name after the transaction.

retainretain 英英释义


1. keep in one's mind

e.g. I cannot retain so much information

2. secure and keep for possible future use or application

e.g. The landlord retained the security deposit

I reserve the right to disagree

Synonym: holdkeep backhold back

3. allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature

e.g. We cannot continue several servants any longer

She retains a lawyer

The family's fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff

Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on

We kept the work going as long as we could

She retained her composure

this garment retains its shape even after many washings

Synonym: continuekeepkeep on

4. hold back within

e.g. This soil retains water

I retain this drug for a long time

the dam retains the water