

defiance:[英 [dɪˈfaɪəns] 美 [dɪˈfaɪəns] ]


defiance 基本解释

名词蔑视; 反抗; 挑战

defiance 相关词组

1. in defiance of : 无视;


defiance 相关例句


1. They declared open defiance to the government.


2. His defiance of the law cost him dearly.


defiance 网络解释

1. 挑战:克雷格是新一代007的扮演者,最近在动作电影(Defiance)中担纲主演,与杰米.贝尔演对手戏. 此外,戴着圆顶礼帽的无能私家侦探组合由西蒙.佩吉与尼克.福斯特扮演. 安迪.瑟基斯出演阿道克船长 (Captain Haddock),

2. 藐视:4.藐视(DEFIANCE)MAX,这些点数其实行的意思可以算做多余地点数,行的意思可以加天堂之拳(FIST OF THE HEAVENS)、冲锋(CHARGE)等,但是新人很好的朋友们练KCD地SMITER,俺就这样强烈建议MAX藐视,每一级行的意思可以给圣盾加15%地防御,

3. 蔑视:狂热(Fanaticism)、圣冰(Holy Freeze)、荆棘(Thorn)、蔑视(Defiance)、活力(Vigor)、权力(Might)和庇佑(Prayer)--七位骑士同时施展了七种不同的神圣光环,只见不同的光环互相融合,瞬间这七位圣骑士全部都进入了完美的战斗状态,

defiance 双语例句


1. She also promoted many talented people in defiance of protocol, especially members of her own clan.


2. defiance的翻译

2. All does very well till one flash of defiance.


3. defiance

3. He hasn't in him to stand out in defiance of public opinion.


4. One can see how her style evolved out of necessity and 9defiance.


5. There existed in his victory a remnant of defiance and of combat.


6. It was a masterpiece of its kind, and bid defiance to all the projectiles in the world.


7. The poorest man in his cottage, may bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown.


8. defiance的近义词

8. I felt an inclination to cast care away, and bid defiance to danger


9. With such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion.


10. Those who bid defiance to the law will get into trouble.


11. Bid defiance To refuse to submit; offer resistance to.


12. Facing problems between the Strait, China has adopted both peace and war strategies simultaneously and never give up its intention to invade Taiwan. Frankly, it is undoubtedly best to solve political conundrum under peaceful diplomatic progress, but facing the threat of China`s invasion, we still need to grasp the status of its development of navy, to forecast the pattern of its navy expanding, and to mull best way to defiance, to ensure the national security of Taiwan.


13. It may be that we are doomed, that there is no hope for us, any of us, but if that is so then let us set up a last agonizing, bloodcurdling howl, a screech of defiance, a war whoop!



14. Caution should be employed before using this category, especially with older children, because clinically significant conduct disorder will usually be accompanied by dissocial or aggressive behaviour that goes beyond mere defiance, disobedience, or disruptiveness.


15. Be cynical; a hippy; disdain worldly affairs; live in defiance of conventions; take a cynical attitude towards life; throw restraint to the winds and lead a licentious life; treat all things indecorously


16. Their story is a truly moving tale of defiance and resilience.


17. In past years, North Korea has used the occasion to show defiance or superiority toward the South.


18. But this Usurper his encroachment proud Stayes not on Man; to God his Tower intends Siege and defiance: Wretched man!


19. defiance的解释

19. If, in defiance of their protestations, war was appealed to, they should be themselves compelled by this violence to seek friends in quarters where they had no desire to seek them, and to make even old ties give way to the necessity of assistance.


20. defiance

20. This defiance is over how you are right and I am wrong or I am right and you are wrong.


defiance 词典解释

1. 违抗;蔑视;挑战

Defiance is behaviour or an attitude which shows that you are not willing to obey someone.

e.g. ...his courageous defiance of the government.


2. 违抗(某人);无视,不顾(规定、法律等)

If you do something in defiance of a person, rule, or law, you do it even though you know that you are not allowed to do it.

e.g. Thousands of people have taken to the streets in defiance of the curfew.


defiance 单语例句

1. Kids are by nature rebellious, and too much pressure will only intensify their defiance.

2. Demonstrators shout their defiance after militiamen acting as police fire in the air in an attempt to disperse the protest in front of Libya's parliament.

3. Their action garnered national attention, seen by some as a symbol of defiance for workers laid off nationwide.

4. And Irvine hopes a streak of defiance will carry them to victory and a profitable run in the tournament.

5. While that evoked cheers of defiance from her most fervent backers, other Democrats wished she had been a more gracious loser.

6. But there is something unsettling beneath the thin layer of defiance - a new code of conformity that comes from a simplistic worldview.

7. Perpetrators and officials held responsible should pay a much heavier price for their open defiance of law and social conscience.

8. Michigan and Florida were stripped of their convention delegates for moving up their primaries before February 5 in defiance of party rules.

9. The project have been halted since November 18 when protesters set up six camps at the project site in defiance of curfew order.

10. The US seems to be unhappy about China's defiance, too.

defiance的反义词defiance 英英释义


1. a defiant act

2. intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude

Synonym: rebelliousness

3. a hostile challenge