

separation:[英 [ˌsepəˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌsɛpəˈreʃən] ]



separation 基本解释

名词分离,分开; 间隔,距离; [矿]分选; (夫妇)分居

separation 相关例句


1. They were pleased to meet after such a long separation.


2. Lengthy separation of the boy from his mother could lead to psychological problems.


separation 网络解释


1. 分隔:(3)分隔(Separation),也就是限制双方接触,保持两种文化的独立性. 在被购并企业员工希望保持原有文化,拒绝接受购并企业的文化时,为了避免强烈的冲突,可以采用这种模式. 与此同时,两个企业之间的职能部门以及其他来往都比较少,

2. 分离步:也可以在攻击步的后4拍用原地踏步(Sur Place)改变方向;舞池很大时可以等到切音分离步结束时自然改变方向. 继前60拍的穿越步、刺枪步、侧行并步和披肩追步之后,这节课的学习内容是突击步(Syncopated Coup de pique)、攻击步(Attack)和切音分离步(Separation).

3. 分居:(一)分居制度的沿革 分居(Separation)又译作别居,亦称桌床离异(divorce from bedand board),谓依判决或合意,免除夫妻同居义务之制度. (注:参见史尚宽:,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第522页. )该制度起源于欧洲中世纪.

separation 双语例句

1. separation的近义词

1. Objective To establish and optimize the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis separation of proteome in human pancreatic juice.


2. Methods By comparing several commonly used protein extraction methods, a method for the separation of proteome in human pancreatic juice was determined.



3. Then, this optimization algorithm was used to optimize the separation condition of mother liquid of xylitol with simulated moving bed chromatography.


4. separation的意思

4. Natasha, who had at first borne the separation from her betrothed so easily and even cheerfully, grew now more impatient and overstrung every day.


5. There is also no node separation or element removal involved in this method.


6. separation是什么意思

6. Thereafter, the application of high gradient magnetic field for the separation of chromium-containing residue from chromate leach liquor was also studied.


7. The separation properties of amino acids mixtures on the new products of strong acid ion exchange fiber PP-g-St-SO3H and amphoteric ion exchange fiber PP-g-4VP-SOH3 prepared by us were investigated and compared with that on relative ion exchange resin.


8. There are many factors affecting the phase separation, such as the type and concentration of solvent and salts.


9. Column chromatography, coupling between fermentation and foam separation, and expand bed adsorption were discussed.

摘 要:对纳豆激酶的生产和分离纯化技术进行了综述,重点讨论了柱层析、发酵与泡载分离耦合和膨胀床吸附等分离方法,提出了将反胶团和磁性高分子微球等新型分离技术应用于纳豆激酶的分离以提高其纯度和产率,指出了纳豆激酶有望开发成一种新一代理想的溶栓剂,具有广阔的应用前景。

10. The relationship is characterized by a balance between separation and communication, namely communication on the basis of separation.



11. The phase separation behavior between them is studied and the spinodal curve is calculated using these parameters in the framework of Sanchez-Lacombe lattice fluid theory.


12. The company's products include: Ingersoll-Rand, FS, SuIIair, Atlas copco, Hanshin, ANDEROL, AUGUST, WOYO, CompAir, LIUTECH, KAESER, SCREW, MATTEI, HANIBELL, PUMA, IWATA, KOBELCO, HITACHI, Linghein, GANEY, WOLF, ECOAIR, ASK, MITSUISEKI, Enric, RC, ROTORCOMP, BOGE air filters, oil filters, the smallest pressure valve, oil separation small, oil-concept, unloading valve, emptying valve, 精密过滤器, nose seal, Intake valve, solenoid valves, silencers, high and low voltage lines, automatic drainage, and cold-water-cooled, coolers, trap, the intake valve cylinder, patch, sensors, AB contact, Wen Kongfa, spiral valve, Compressors for oil, one-way valve, off oil valves, compressors carbon deposition cleaning agent, overhaul and other major brand bearing compressor accessories and after-processing equipment, while sales of general machinery, engineering machinery, tunneling machinery, power machinery, mining Machinery and spare parts.

公司的产品包括:Ingersoll-Rand、FS、SuIIair、Atlas copco、Hanshin、ANDEROL、AUGUST、WOYO、CompAir、LIUTECH、KAESER、SCREW、MATTEI、HANIBELL、PUMA、IWATA、KOBELCO、HITACHI、Linghein、GANEY、WOLF、ECOAIR、ASK、MITSUISEKI、Enric、RC、ROTORCOMP、BOGE空气过滤器、油过滤器、最小压力阀、油细分离器、观油镜、卸荷阀、放空阀、精密过滤器、机头轴封、进气阀、电磁阀、消音器、高低压油管、自动排水器、分冷及水冷,冷却器、疏水阀、进气阀气缸、膜片、传感器、AB接触器、温控阀、螺旋阀、压缩机专用油、单向阀、断油阀、压缩机积碳清洗剂、大修轴承等各大品牌压缩机配件及后处理设备,同时销售通用机械、工程机械、掘进机械、动力机械、矿山机械及零配件。

13. separation在线翻译

13. Extraction flavonoids from Hemerocillis citrina Baroni and the extracting technological conditions as well as the separation and purification of flavonoids extracted were studied in this paper.


14. It was also used for the rapid separation and purification of lysozyme from egg white in only one step.

将其应用于鸡蛋清中溶菌酶的快速分离纯化,纯化后的溶菌酶纯度高于96%,比活高达71184 U/mg。

15. separation的翻译

15. I want to go back to last winter when we loved each other, but I realize that too much time has gone by Time flows by so fast A world of separation will approach me now The pictures inside the memories that grow faint The hot tears that flow down both cheeks Even though they are memories that cannot come back, cherish them Our beautiful recollections that I gave you head towards towards another world oh oh oh

我希望回到我们深爱着彼此的去年冬天,但我意识到太多的时光已经远去;光阴似箭,现在分离的时刻即将临近;记忆中的一幕幕渐渐淡去,热泪从两颊流下;即使它们是无法恢复的回忆,它们仍然是我的珍爱;我给于你的美丽的回忆,将领着我走向另一个世界oh oh oh

16. separation在线翻译

16. Dawe B%Oswald T Reduced Adsorption and Separation of Blended Surfactants on Sand and Clay Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 1991, 02

朴玲钰%付晓%杨雅立%陶国宏%寇元离子液体的酸性测定及其催化的二苯醚/十二烯烷基化反应 10.3321/j.issn:0253-9837.2004.01.011 催化学报,2004,01

17. separation

17. We investigate the feasibility of coupling the quartz crystal microbalance with magnetic separation for on-line analysis.


18. Special structures for coherent FBG group and fiber MZI sensors are designed. For weak signals or strongly interferenced signals, winding method, flat layout method, special coated fiber method or spring separation method, solid separation method are proposed, and the recognition ability for object signals is improved. The physical features of the object signals are extracted from various aspects by the parameters analysis such as maximum amplitude, RMS, ringing count, pulse count, event count and duration, by the waveform transform analysis such as Fourier analysis, AR spectrum analysis and joint-time-frequency analysis, and by statistic analysis of the parameters analysis results or waveform transform analysis results. And the features of different object signals are extracted when the optical fiber sensing systems are applied for railway location, axel counter, fence destruction monitoring and pipe destruction monitoring. Auto-recognition of the railway location signals with coherent FBG sensing system is realized by a linear discrimination function based on Fisher criterion. And auto-recognition of the fence destruction signals with a MZI sensing system demodulated by a 3×3 coupler is realized by a LMBP neural network.


19. From the Ningbo Chemical Industry Zone was informed that a group of a total investment of about 28 billion yuan infrastructure and downstream series ethylene project officially started today, the project include: Akzo Nobel of ethylene amines and biological sewage pre-treatment projects, Ningbo Kim Hyde flag separation projects EPA Chemical Co., Ltd., Ningbo瑞福特Gas Storage and Transportation Co., Ltd.


20. separation的反义词

20. Objective Through analyzing the early separation of placenta, to explore its early diagnosis and treatment, in order to reduce the mortality of gravida and babies.

目的 通过对胎盘早剥的临床分析,探讨早期诊断及治疗方法,以降低孕产妇和围产儿死亡率。

separation 词典解释

1. 分离;分开;分散;隔离

The separation of two or more things or groups is the fact that they are separate or become separate, and are not linked.

e.g. He believes in the separation of the races.


e.g. ...a 'Christian republic' in which there was a clear separation between church and state.


2. 分离期;离别;分开

During a separation, people who usually live together are not together.

e.g. She wondered if Harry had been unfaithful to her during this long separation...


e.g. All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents and siblings.


3. 分居

If a couple who are married or living together have a separation, they decide to live apart.

e.g. They agreed to a trial separation.


e.g. ...loss of a loved one through death, separation or divorce.


separation 单语例句

1. Jackson and Buss said at the time that the separation was mutual.

2. The pair are " devastated " about their separation and are waiting for the situation to calm down before they discuss custody arrangements and divorce.

3. The schism between city and village under capitalism due to the separation of the masses from the soil is one manifestation of this metabolic rift.

4. The separation of the three powers is supposed to guarantee a system of check and balances.

5. In a society that is now morally wide open and full of pressure and temptations, constant separation will harm the chemistry between spouses.

6. Krishna will have a longer period of adjustment as the separation brought more changes to her body and brain's blood circulation.

7. There is a separation of powers and advisors to the president under that constitutional principle are not generally required to go and testify in Congress.

8. The separation has weakened control of the grid companies over the system, experts said.

9. Workers in the mission control room at the jet propulsion laboratory erupted in applause shortly after the separation.

10. The controller ordered a vertical separation when detecting a conflict of two aircraft at the same altitude.

separation 英英释义



1. the act of dividing or disconnecting

2. the social act of separating or parting company

e.g. the separation of church and state

3. (law) the cessation of cohabitation of man and wife (either by mutual agreement or under a court order)

Synonym: legal separation

4. sorting one thing from others

e.g. the separation of wheat from chaff

the separation of mail by postal zones

5. the distance between things

e.g. fragile items require separation and cushioning

Synonym: interval

6. the termination of employment (by resignation or dismissal)

7. coming apart

Synonym: breakupdetachment

8. the space where a division or parting occurs

e.g. he hid in the separation between walls

9. the state of lacking unity