

mural:[英 [ˈmjʊərəl] 美 [ˈmjʊrəl] ]



mural 基本解释



形容词墙壁的,墙的; 画在或者挂在墙上的


mural 网络解释

1. 墙壁:再走到洗衣机附近会看到一件DHARMA的制服(Dharma jumpsuit),也拍下来,走到沙发附近,一旁的小几上有放一盏lava lamp,从lava lamp左侧看出去,有一面涂鸦的墙壁(mural),可能是Desmond死守研究站重复地输入那不明所以的数字,

2. 大景片:moviola 摩维拉剪接机 | mural 大景片 | narrator 叙述者

3. 壁的:munitions 军需品 | mural 壁的 | muralist 壁画家

mural 双语例句


1. Of the 88 or more square metres of the mural, the section accounts for only 20 to 30 square centimetres, yet with differing expressions on their faces, so that the complicated plot is vividly and life-likely depicted, comparable exactly to the then small scrolls of figures prevalent at the time.


2. In which a small number of murals using new materials and new techniques, such as the painter had to learn from Europe murals陆鸿years in 1938 for the western suburbs of Beijing by the North River普照寺mural伎乐days, that is painted on the plywood, and coated tung oil as a protective layer.


3. Chapter 6, by comparing and studying the techniques of Indian murals and Dunhuang Grottoes murals, demonstrated that, ancient Indian mural techniques was introduced from India and Central Asia along with Buddhist art. These techniques mixed with the traditional Chinese painting techniques gradually, and finally gave birth to the glue-tempera and secco technique, witch continued for more than 1000 years in Dunhuang Grottoes.


4. A comparative study on the mural techniques and materials for Dunhuang murals and Indian murals showed that ancient Indian mural techniques, which were introduced into China along with Indian Buddhist art, had greatly influenced Chinese mural techniques. This paper also discussed the origin of the secco technique in China and India.Ⅱ.


5. New-style analyse palace produces conclusion not to oversew mural layer peritonaeum can make celiac straight flesh and uterus compact adhesion, bring about when the operation enters an abdomen, depart again adhesion time is long, loss of celiac straight flesh is big, adhesion is more traditional the uterus issues paragraph of analyse to produce art serious, to again the operation increased difficulty, what through new-style analyse palace peritonaeum of layer of wall yield art oversews is improved, not only the advantage that retained new-style analyse palace to produce, and the adhesion that block stopped celiac straight flesh and uterine cut, do not disturb especially and injure bladder, do not give again analyse palace is produced bring difficulty, it is a kind of very good new-style analyse palace produces improved art.


6. mural的解释

6. They provide precious firsthand datum for us to research mural s history and development, to study and use for reference of the excellent tradition among them.



7. In the mural one can see Dhritarastra guarding the east, wearing a kingly crown and gold armour, and bearing a bow and arrows.

四 大天王是佛教传说中居住在须弥山腰,把守东西南北四方的神,亦称护世天王。

8. This is the mural that will feature on the wall of ModusVelo


9. On the base of these research, I collected vast amount of official's names from Dunhuang manuscripts and inscriptions of mural in Mogao and Yulin grottoes, and grasped the system of the Tang Dynasty. The paper studies the official system of Guiyijun regime(851-1036), the case of military governors in the Tang dynasty.


10. If you want a really messy project that makes a cute mural for fall, combine up finger paint in fall colors.


11. mural在线翻译

11. Cytoplasmic expression of smoothelin was present in all 24 (100%) benign smooth muscle tumors (mural leiomyomas and leiomyomas of the muscularis mucosae).



12. The mural paintings on this are all drawing artificially, is our general reception in the back of this, go through the accommodation, affiliation formalities in here, here to come crane to be high, tea lounge, can watch on the opposite side aquatic performance of stage in here, sample tea than see performance, how's pleasure it is.



13. Flying apsaras as a exotic flower in the art of the Dunhuang mural isdistinctive in numerous subjects on the art of Buddhism.



14. Call for photos of their kids reading, the mural should make a dynamic statement of our kids'love


15. Figure 2: Axial FLAIR demonstrates a cyst isointense to CSF with a mural nodule representing an eccentric scolex.


16. The other day I had a mural painting workshop.



17. Mural Painting is the oldest art in the history of human being s painting.


18. Researching mural painting s history and status in quo, finding its develop...


19. It can be said that wall surface coating quality quality direct relation mural painting success or failure.


20. Chinese contemporary mural painting, as one part of the public art, has been developing most flourishingly than ever before.


mural 词典解释

1. 壁画

A mural is a picture painted on a wall.


e.g. ...a mural of Tangier bay.


mural 单语例句mural的近义词

1. An epic Venezuelan touch is the massive mural coating the cupola in the Elliptical Salon.

2. Liana is conspicuous among the surrounding unassuming structures lining by the traditionally styled, massive mural depicting multicolored cod splashing in the sea that spans its exterior.

3. There's a bar counter, a handrail and a mural of Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones.

4. Mural paintings have a long history in dynastic China, senior researcher and the museum's former dean Zhou Tianyou says.

5. Every time he came to Beijing he would check whether the mural was there.

6. Fo Guang Temple in Wutai Mountain has the only temple mural of the Tang Dynasty.

7. On the front wall is a huge ceramic mural painting of a white cloud and a yellow crane.

8. Fok was familiar with the debate on the nude woman in Yuan's mural.

9. Visitors must make reservations and pay 300 yuan to see the mural paintings.

10. " The Judgment Day " is Miao's short animation, inspired by Michelangelo's original mural.

mural的反义词mural 英英释义


1. a painting that is applied to a wall surface

Synonym: wall painting


1. of or relating to walls

e.g. mural painting