

supernova:[英 [ˌsu:pəˈnəʊvə] 美 [ˌsu:pərˈnoʊvə] ]


  复数形式:supernovae; supernovas;

supernova 基本解释



supernova 网络解释


1. 超时空危机:在科幻电影(Supernova)中,蓝巨星是主要背景. 影片大部分情节在一颗蓝巨星神秘光芒中展开,那恰如冥府般的蓝光与精神变态的杀人行为极好地配合在一起,吹出死的气息. 肮啊拜中国科幻镑巴傍梆拌

2. 超星体:超星体(Supernova) 想象一下天文学家们会怎样标记超新星或者一颗恒星的爆炸. 多年来我们看到的一些标识都给我们留下了这样的印象-利用条纹或糊化来体现一种速度感.

3. supernova的意思

3. 超新星 (客星):新星,大星, 新大星 (客星) nova | 超新星 (客星) supernova | 星官,宫,舍,宿,常宿 Constellation

supernova 双语例句

1. supernova

1. Officially known as NGC 2736, the Pencil Nebula is part of the huge Vela supernova

这个铅笔星云,官方名称是NGC 2736,是巨大的Vela超新星的残留物,她位于Vela星座的南部。

2. It was the closest supernova since SN 1604, which occurred in the Milky Way itself.



3. Supernova 1604, the most recent supernova to be observed in the Milky Way.


4. Observations from each telescope highlight distinct features of the supernova remnant, a fast-moving shell of iron-rich material from the exploded star, surrounded by an expanding shock wave that is sweeping up interstellar gas and dust.


5. Language can create its own loveliness, of course, but it cannot deliver to us the radiance we apprehend in the world, any more than a photograph can capture the stunning swiftness of a hawk or the withering power of a supernova.


6. A supernova exploded in this system in 1999 and astronomers believe that a vigorous burst of star formation may have just started.


7. Caption:: In 1994, astronomers discovered the supernova SN1994D in the galaxy NGC 4526, the picture shown is obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope and the High Z-Supernova Search Team.

1994年,天文学家於星系NGC 4526中发现一颗超新星,编号为SN1994D,图中相片为哈勃太空望远镜的相片,并由高红移超新星寻找小组参与。

8. Since that first sighting, the doomed star, called Supernova 1987A, has continued to fascinate astronomers with its spectacular light show.


9. Because of its great quality and the location of the life stages, Eta Carinae is expected in the near future astronomy supernova explosion occurred.


10. Astronomers using NASA`s Chandra x-rayobservatory and the Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico have discover ed the remains of supernova, known as G1.9 which must have lit up our gallaxy with the bright flash of light about one hundred and forty years ago.

天文学家使用美国国家航空和宇宙航天局 Chandra 在新墨西哥的 X 光天文台和超大阵势的无线电望远镜已经发现了超新星 G1.9的遗迹,该超新星在大约140年前一定通过很亮的光点亮了我们的银河系。

11. About 7, 500 years ago that star exploded in a supernova leaving the Veil Nebula, also known as the Cygnus Loop.


12. supernova的翻译

12. The Veil Nebula itself is a large supernova remnant, the expanding debris cloud from the death explosion of a massive star.


13. Caption:: The Crab Nebula is a six-light-year-wide expanding remnant of a star's supernova explosion.


14. According to Chang, the electron excess cannot be explained by the standard model of cosmic ray origin, in which electrons are accelerated in sources such as supernova remnants and then propagate through the galaxy.


15. Tycho's supernova remnant presents several interesting contrasts with the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant.

与仙后座 A相比,第谷超新星遗迹有着几个有趣的不同之处。

16. In addition, some issues about GRBs have not been settled, such as the origin of the energetic gamma-ray emissions, the energy source of the GRB-supernova connection, etc.


17. supernova的翻译

17. Deprived of gas, the cluster at the center of NGC 4214 will be unable to form further new stars, and its luminous stars will continue to go supernova and disappear.

在NGC 4214中心的星团,由于没有了气体,不能再形成新的恒星,这些明亮的星星会继续向超新星演化,继而消失无踪。

18. Plasma Theory radio source, structure supernova remnants, ionizing hydrogen pulsar magnetosphere, planets, interplanetary matter, galaxies and interstellar material, material.


19. This is a 1997 Hubble archival visible-light image of the region of the galaxy where the supernova exploded.


20. You've come back a supernova.


supernova 词典解释

1. 超新星

A supernova is an exploding star.

e.g. At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy.

在我们的星系中每 10 年至少有一颗超新星出现。

supernova 单语例句

1. The researchers think they may have formed from stars much more massive than the sun but not quite massive enough to explode as a supernova.

2. The research also indicates that a massive star explodes as a supernova in the Milky Way every 50 years on average.

3. Scientists have known the light came from a supernova, a huge star explosion.

4. The new software also promises users the ability to see planets in motion and witness a supernova.

supernova 英英释义


1. a star that explodes and becomes extremely luminous in the process