

checklist:[英 [ˈtʃeklɪst] 美 [ˈtʃɛkˌlɪst] ]



checklist 基本解释

名词清单; 检查表; 备忘录; 目录册

checklist 网络解释

1. 备忘录:要根据招生人数和类型决定. 如果我愿意去,他可以想研究生院推荐,保证我录取,收offer. 只是要尽快给他回信告诉他我的决定. 下一步备忘录(Checklist)目前就这么多吧. 说多不多,可是却很麻烦. 祝我好运!


2. 检查单:以一个接一个的模板,一个接一个的案例,围绕产品开发流程和研发项目管理过程主轴而逐级展开,通过规程(Procedure)、模板(Template)、表单(Form)、工具(Tool)、指南(Guideline)、检查单(Checklist)全面系统地介绍研发管理体系的架构和实施过程,

3. checklist的翻译

3. 清单:(2) 清单 (checklist)法(2) 描写的经验--包括音乐、小说、诗、各种叙述(narrative)在内的所有文学体裁大分类:漫画、动画片、游戏、花样(fancy)商品等,相互之间都有着密切的联系,制作时应考虑到各种体裁的特点(2)小分类:?

checklist 双语例句

1. Demonstrator should work according to the planned demonstration checklist. Handle the time spend for each function, features or topics is very important.


2. checklist的翻译

2. Demonstrator should work according to the planned demonstration checklist.


3. During demonstration, Project Leader should write a lot of notes for reviewing purposes. Notes should include who have been attended the demonstration? What is their position and responsible area in customer`s company? What is the response during the demonstration? What question they have asked? Do they satisfy the answer to their question? Does the demonstrator work according to the demonstration checklist? Any missed presentation issue happened?


4. I.2 Technique on recording during demonstration During demonstration, Project Leader should write a lot of notes for reviewing purposes. Notes should include who have been attended the demonstration? What is their position and responsible area in customer`s company? What is the response during the demonstration? What question they have asked? Do they satisfy the answer to their question? Does the demonstrator work according to the demonstration checklist? Any missed presentation issue happened?


5. Before turning on your computer or dictating machine, pull out a yellow pad and jot down the main points for your letter. List what you want the letter to say. Write the points in any order; write them as they come into your mind. You can rearrange them when you write the letter. Right now you're just making a checklist for writing the letter.


6. Before turning on your computer or dictating machine, pull out a yellow pad and jot down the main points for your letter. List what you want the letter to say. Write the points in any order; write them as they come into your mind. You can rearrange them when you write the letter. Right now youre just making a checklist for writing the letter.


7. checklist

7. Reviewing the checklist should be a formal step of every project closing procedure.


8. Reviewing the checklist should be a formalstep of every project closing procedure.


9. All Internet-Drafts that are submitted to the IESG for consideration as RFCs must conform to the requirements specified in the I-D Checklist.

所有Internet -草稿是提交给IESG ,以供审议RFCs必须符合规定的要求的编号清单

10. checklist什么意思

10. The current study used a subset of the 45 items of the behavioral checklist included in Spector et al.


11. checklist的解释

11. Use this checklist to ensure that your application is complete, and include it with your application.


12. Objective:Investigate of the subjective somnus quality and physical and symptom checklist|90 in the patients with hypertension preliminary diagnosed.


13. Team Advisory Session Resource Pack includes team member invites, sample agenda, session checklist, facilitator guide and report template



14. Advisory Session Resource Pack includes sample invitation, CAS checklist, sample session agenda, CAS Facilitator Guide, CAS Feedback Form, CAS thank-you letters, survey template and survey letter from business owner/ Managing Director or CEO, letter from the consultant, survey thank-you letter, and


15. He plucked a sprig of wild greenbrier and ate it. Then he strode off the path through a shaded stand of pitch pine and oak, in pursuit of the yellow-eyed grass, golden ragwort and dwarf dogwood still on his checklist of first flowers.


16. We also have a checklist for the auxiliary equipment used, which is a part of the work order.


17. checklist是什么意思

17. What follows is a handy checklist which can make sure that all the baby supplies are ready in time for the new arrival.


18. checklist在线翻译

18. Here's a handy checklist of the things that you really ought to do before you go out and spend any of your hard-earned cash on wireless networking equipment.


19. There were 1611 po licemen com pleted the survey. Male was 91.5%, female was 8.5%. Mean age was 28.8±17.5.2. The mean score of General Health Questionnaire was 1.50±2.31. The prevalen ce of possible mental disorders was 15.3%, possible severe mental disorders was 2.9%. 3. The proportion of total score of the Symptom Checklist-90(SCL-90) ov er 160 was 17.2%. The most frequent primary symptom dimensions over 2 points were r espectively obsessive -compulsive(19.5%), somatization(12.6%), sleep and eating(12.8%) and hostility (12.4%). 4. Health changing, general health perceptions, mental health and vitalit y of SF-36 were relative low score subscales.



20. Please remove this Checklist and attach it with all the documents before sealing the envelop.


checklist 词典解释

1. 清单;检查单

A checklist is a list of all the things that you need to do, information that you want to find out, or things that you need to take somewhere, which you make in order to ensure that you do not forget anything.

e.g. Make a checklist of the tools and materials you will need.


checklist 单语例句

1. In case you need help reading the checklist or taking the radio.

2. The checklist of birds used in the race is based on Williams Beidaihe list.

3. Officers have hours in which to monitor a long checklist of technical factors and conditions before deciding whether to proceed with the missile launch.

4. If you have gone through this entire checklist and ticked one or more scenarios, it could be time for you to move on.

5. A checklist will also be compiled for the committee to decide on appropriate actions toward staff concerned.

6. Jack and his colleagues tested a new checklist that nurses used when they sent patients home.

7. Every trip out of the office for an interview requires a checklist of considerations, including escape routes.

8. The Golden State Warriors hit all the items of their checklist and got a little bonus to beat the Houston Rockets on Wednesday night.

9. David Shoemaker created a checklist of things he wanted to accomplish in China when he embarked for Beijing last year.

10. The first thing on most art lovers'checklist is Crme de la Crme from May 19 to July 22.

checklist的意思checklist 英英释义


1. a list of items (names or tasks etc.) to be checked or consulted