

clam:[英 [klæm] 美 [klæm] ]


过去式:clammed;   过去分词:clammed;   现在分词:clamming;   复数形式:clams;

clam 基本解释


名词蚌,蛤; 〈美口〉沉默寡言的人; 钳子; 〈美俚〉银币

动词(在沙滩上)挖蛤; 〈美俚〉嘴紧; 奏出(唱出)错音

clam 相关词组

1. clam up : 拒不开口;

clam 相关例句


1. They go clamming every weekend in the summer.


2. They often go clamming.


3. She clammed up whenever I mentioned her husband.



1. clam

1. Everybody shuts up like a clam as soon as you mention it.


2. clam

2. The movie star is a clam about her age.


clam 网络解释


1. 蚌:严重者可致命. 温哥华岛芬妮湾(Fanny Bay)鲜蚝公司总裁哈顿说,该公司经营21 年来,因红潮威胁才关闭过三至四次,并非经常发生. 受影响的贝类包括蚝(oyster)、蚌(clam)、贻贝(mussel)、象拔蚌(geoduck)、扇贝(scallop)等.

2. 蛤蜊:回家后上网查了一下,这家赌场居然是华盛顿州最大的赌场. 我索性第二天又去了第二大的赌场 (Emerald Queen Casino)吃. 这里海鲜更多:有3种蟹,包括阿拉斯加蟹,虾,小龙虾,青口(Mussel),蛤蜊(Clam). 价钱都是$19.95.

3. 蛤:这里有大约1500种鱼类,400种软硬珊蝴虫(coral),约4000种软体动物(蛤(clam),海螺(snail)和类似物种),数以千计的海绵(Sponge),蠕虫(Worm),贝壳类(crustaceans)(螃蟹(crab),虾(Shrimp)和类似物种),棘皮类动物(海星(Starfish),

4. 蛤蚌:有的海滩明确规定禁止在沙滩上捡贝壳,违者将承担法律责任. 而有的海滩即使允许捡拾一些海产品,但是也会做出一些详细的规定,例如在捡拾蛤蚌(clam)、贝壳(shell)、龙虾(lobster)、螃蟹(crab)等上也会做出规定.

5. clam:cleared level adherence monitoring; 放行高度保持监视

clam 双语例句

1. DISCUSSION Using both propofol and fentanyl together for induced abortion opration has kinds of excellencis, such as quick rising effects, clam inducement and convalescence, expeditious vivification, and that is safety and effective measure for anaesthesia.


2. clam的翻译

2. This small town boasts the best clam chowder in the world.


3. clam的翻译

3. The quahog clam when small and suitable for eating raw.


4. clam在线翻译

4. Your small clam flea!


5. Oyster ── oysters call li the clam, the oysters.


6. He can always stay clam in face of disasters, and head off danger.


7. The idea of this work is showing the unique character and attitude of the person, no matter how little or common are the clam and the toy soldier.


8. Scientists set up a glass box with water and beads and stuck a living razor clam inside.


9. Preliminary studies on the chemical properties of razor clam during storage at different temperatures and with the addition of complex biological preservatives were conducted using sensory, chemical, microbiological methods. The optimum hydrolytic conditions of razor clam with the addition of proteases were determined so as to provide some theoretical references for the preservation and advanced processing of razor clam.


10. clam的近义词

10. The TVB-N and total bacterial counts of razor clam with the addition of complex biological preservatives consisting of lysozyme and/or nisin increased more slowly during storage than; hat.


11. The EPN change was closely associated with the denaturation of proteins, and also with the freshness of razor clam. Different storage temperatures showed a significant impact on the chemical properties of razor clam.


12. The K of Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, As are more in the sediment than in the organisms. The K of Cd, Zn, Hg are more in the mullet than in razor clam.


13. We investigated the influence of soft-shell clam burial depth on red rock crab foraging behaviour.


14. One of the earliest forms of money, borrowed from the Indians, was wampum, black and white polished beads made from clam shells.


15. In the American colonies one of the earliest forms of money, borrowed from the Indians, was wampum, black and white polished beads made from clam shells.


16. It is not anyone that being able to stay clam at critical time.


17. The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay clam.


18. Betty shouted and started to run, but her dad told her to stay clam.


19. The police appeal the people in conflict to stay clam.


20. Stay clam when you face the dangerous.


clam 词典解释

1. 蛤;蚌;蛤蜊

Clams are a kind of shellfish which can be eaten.

相关词组:clam up

clam 单语例句

1. The clam used is called the king of clam because of its size.

2. While they may remember some of the grammar points drilled into their heads decades ago, they tend to clam up in real conversation.

3. The quahog clam was dredged from the waters in 2006 and its age assessed by counting the growth lines in the shell.

4. We also chose something called mango clams, a very pretty clam with an attractive orange lip.

5. Or how about the duck cubes served with scallop on clam shell.

6. It gently induces a state of clam, creating an oasis for skin to focus on repair.

7. Tomato with beef is a red soup that whets the appetite, and those looking at healthy options can choose mushroom with clam.

8. Lau explained that these bold actions were necessary as enterprises faced serious cash flow problems and banks closed like clam shells in their lending practices.

clam 英英释义


1. burrowing marine mollusk living on sand or mud

the shell closes with viselike firmness

2. flesh of either hard-shell or soft-shell clams

3. a piece of paper money worth one dollar

Synonym: dollardollar billone dollar billbuck


1. gather clams, by digging in the sand by the ocean