

fistula:[英 [ˈfɪstjʊlə] 美 [ˈfɪstʃələ] ]


  复数形式:fistulas; fistulae;

fistula 基本解释



fistula 网络解释

1. fistula的翻译

1. 瘘:窦道(sinus)和瘘(fistula)都是狭窄不易愈合的病理性管道,其表面被覆上皮或肉芽组织. 窦道和瘘不同的地方是前者可发生于机体的任何部位,借助于管道使深在组织(结缔组织、骨或肌肉组织)的脓窦与体表相通,其管道一般呈盲管状;

2. 瘘管:如果脓肿穿破骨膜及耳后皮肤则形成耳后瘘管(fistula),且长期不易愈合. 近年来因人民生活水平改善,医疗水平提高,这种病少见,但落后地区、山区仍多见,特别是儿童. 迷路炎(labyrinthitis)是化脓性中耳乳突炎常见的在颞骨内引起内耳炎症的并发症.

3. 廔管:而传统容积循环式呼吸器 (Ventilator) 的模式也有许多的改良,以致于新呼吸治疗模式,如体外膜氧化器 (Extracorporeal membrane oxygenator,ECMO) 应用于多种呼吸与循环衰竭, 与高频率通气 (High frequency ventilation,HFV) 使用于气道廔管(fistula) 的状况,将呼吸衰

4. 窦道:现在已经将近两个半月了,专科医生说再过一个月,如果还不能完全自己愈合,里面有窦道(fistula)的可能性就很大了, 需要做手术修补,这个手术是全麻. 窦道不修补,以后会经常引起外部炎症,有可能成为第二个排便的出口.

fistula 双语例句

1. fistula什么意思

1. The fistula was characteristically found medial to the concha of the ear and parallel to...


2. Results The 28 pationts has been pulled out the urethral catheter and fistula after 3 to 4 weeks, undergone urethral; so unding on time, and followed up for 6 months to1year.


3. Objective To study the kinetic changes of the anorectum before and after anal fistula operation.

目的 研究直肠肛门瘘手术前后肛肠动力学的变化。


4. Results] No operative mortality and no bronchial and pulmonary arterial fistula occurred in this group.

结果] 全组病例无手术死亡及吻合口瘘发生。

5. BACKGROUND: Traditional treatment includes conservative therapy and surgical treatment on bronchial pleural fistula.


6. fistula在线翻译

6. Early recognization and treatment of bronchial stump fistula by microinvasive technique, could achieve a satisfactory clinical efficacy.


7. fistula

7. The surgical complications included one bronchial fistula, who was recovered after adequate drainage.


8. Background and objective Although Bronchial stump fistula after pneumonectomy is a rare, but has serious complications. The main reason is that encapsulated fluid or blood around bronchial stump forms and infects.


9. Methods Between October 2003 and July 2008, 12 patients with early bronchial stump fistula were recognized, and underwent CT localization chest drainage and direct vision-assisted thoracoscopic chest drainage techniques.


10. Type I Mirizzi syndrome treated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy and type Ⅱ with choledochotomy and T? ?tube drainage, suturing fistula and retaining partial gallbladder wall is safe and feasible.



11. Recently, two radiation techniques have been applied to inhibit stenoses of arterio-venous fistula, endovascular irradiation and external irradiation. Advantage of external beam irradiation is a quick dose delivery time.


12. Platysma flap is a viable and reliable method for lower facial reconstruction not only after malignancy ablation surgery but also for other lesions, including scar contracture after corrosive injury, post-irradiation fistula, and noma.



13. Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect of high negative pressure drainage for chylous fistula after neck dissection.


14. Results 83.3% chylous fistula occured from 1 to 3 postoperative days.

结果 83.3 %(15/18)的乳糜瘘发生于手术后前3天。

15. fistula的近义词

15. RESULTS: The morbidity of this kind fistula was 1.83%(4/219) in our hospital. All the 5 patients suffered fistula 1-13 days after esophagogastrostomy; bronchopleural fistula occurred in 2 patients.


16. The tumor positions, clinical stages and operation styles are the main causes of anastomotic fistula after esophagogastrostomy in patients with esophageal carcinoma.


17. fistula的翻译

17. Of them, 1 case developed acute rejection in the first seven days after operation, but renal function restored with the hormones impact; 1 case had postoperative acute rejection of transplanted duodenum as well as intestinal fistula, eventually, transplanted pancreas was ectomized, but transplanted kidney was preserved; two cases succeeded in restoring and no complications occurred; 1 had postoperative gastrointestinal bleeding and died from multiple organ failure.


18. For inestigation of this question, a prospectie ascular access database was queried retrospectiely to compare the outcomes of 59 fistulas and 51 grafts that were placed in the upper arm after primary failure of an initial forearm fistula.


19. Objective To explore the clinical value of different MR sequences in the diagnosis of perianal fistula.

目的 比较不同磁共振成像序列对肛瘘病变的显示,探讨其在临床诊治中的应用价值。

20. fistula的反义词

20. The diagnosis and treatment of high complex fistula-in-ano is world problem.


fistula 英英释义


1. an abnormal passage leading from a suppurating cavity to the body surface

Synonym: sinus

2. a chronic inflammation of the withers of a horse

Synonym: fistulous withers