

indent:[英 [ɪnˈdent] 美 [ɪnˈdent] ]


过去式:indented;   过去分词:indented;   现在分词:indenting;

indent 基本解释


及物动词切割…使呈锯齿状; 缩进排版

名词(印刷中的)缩进; 订单,订购

indent 相关例句


1. The mountains indent the horizon.



1. Please make an indent at the beginning of each paragraph.



2. The fallen tree limb left a big indent on his car.


3. You must indent the first line of a new paragraph.


4. The company is not short of indents.


indent 网络解释

1. 缩进:下列哪些选项可以在字符调板中设定在字符(Charactor)挑板中包含多种文字规格的设定,写列哪些选项可以在字符调板中设定A:字符大小(Size)B:字符行距(Leading)C:缩进(Indent)D:字间距(Tracking)下列关于段落样式(Paragraph Style)说法,


2. 委托订购单:定单(order)是指由进口商或实际买主拟制的货物订购单;委托订购单(indent)是指由代理商或佣金商拟制的代客购买货物的订购单. 业务中,国外客户往往将定单或委托订购单寄来一式两份,要求我方签署后退回一份. 这种经磋商成交后寄来的订单或委托订购单,

3. 订单:选港费optional charges | 订单 indent | 订货;订购 book; booking

indent 双语例句

1. indent

1. By default, trailing white space is stripped. Use'''|+'''to keep trailing whitespace. Leading whitespace is trimmed to first line's indent. Use'''|8'''to add a leading whitespace indent (where 8 is any number).


2. Indents: To help your reader find information quickly, you can indent paragraphs from the margins.

indents :帮助您的读者快速查找信息,您可以缩进的段落,从利润率。

3. Many settings such as word wrap, line numbering and auto indent can be made for each file type individually.


4. You could activate word wrap but not auto indent when editing a plain text file, and just the other way around when editing source code.


5. Write source code more easily with EditPad Pro's syntax coloring, search and replace with regular expressions, DOS/Windows/UNIX and ANSI/Unicode conversions, running external applications or scripts, persistent and rectangular selections, hexadecimal mode, integrated diff to clearly compare files, auto and block indent, line numbers etc.


6. WORD PROCESSOR: allows full control of fonts, background+highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, left/right margins, bullets, hyperlinks, table color/shading/border/resize, text-sort, line-select, zoom, 100-level undo/redo, etc. IMAGES: clone, copy, paste, import, export, resize, compress.


7. indent

7. WORD PROCESSOR: allows full control of fonts, background color, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, left/right margins, bullets, hyperlinks, table color/shading/border/resize, text-sort, line-select, zoom, 100-level undo/redo, line numbers, etc. IMAGES: clone, copy, paste, import, export, resize, compress.



8. WORD PROCESSOR Spell Checker (20+ langs., check block/all), Thesaurus, full control of fonts, colors, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, page margins, bullets, table color/shading/border/resize, format painter, text-sort, block-move, line/word-select, char. map, 100-level undo/redo, second editor pane etc. ATTACHMENTS: include files of any type and reasonable size; TREE FEATURES copy/paste, expand/collapse, sort, number tree, order tree-nodes through drag-drop, copy subtree directly to another database.

字处理器的拼写检查( 20 + langs ,检查座/所有),词库,完全控制字体,颜色,突出的颜色,左/右/中心/理由/缩进文字,页边距,子弹,表颜色/阴影/边界/大小,格式的画家,文本排序,分块移动,线/字选择,char.map ,100级别的撤销/重做,第二编辑窗格等附件:包括文件的任何类型的和合理的规模;树的特点复制/粘贴,展开/折叠,排序,有多少树,为了树节点通过拖放,复制子树直接向另一个数据库。

9. WORD PROCESSOR: full control of fonts, colors, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, page margins, bullets, table color/shading/border/resize, spell check block/all, format painter, text-sort, line/word-select, char. map, draft-pad, line numbers, etc. TREE FEATURES: multiple sorting options + control of node font/color/style/numbering/checkbox/marking/icon.

布尔搜索,正则表达式,结果排序等文字处理器:完全控制的字体,颜色,突出的颜色,左/右/中心/理由/缩进文字,页边距,子弹,表颜色/阴影/边境/大小,拼字检查座/所有,格式画家,文本排序,线/字选择,char.map ,草案垫,行号,等树的特点:多个排序选项+控制节点的字体/颜色/风格/号码/复选框/标记/图标。


10. Set tab = 8 spaces we indent by 4 spaces per indention level, and our tabs are 8 spaces long

设定tab = 8 spaces (每缩进层次缩进4个空格长度,我们的tabs就是8个空格的长度


11. How much do we indent a subblock?


12. indent的反义词

12. Your letter of 10 July, with indent and sight draft for ¥680, 000 on Messrs.



13. The text-indent indents the first line of text in an element.


14. Also the text-indent attribute is not often used but is quite useful when you want to ensure just text is padded away from the borders padding can also be used, but does not always work in some cases.


15. Even Bennett admits that he has _disibledevent=text-indent: 2em


16. Iused to just set the text to display:hidden, but a kind commenter on aprevious tutorial pointed out that this is a bad practice and it'sbetter to use text-indent.


17. He spoke too fast and I couldn`t get down all he sai; TEXT-INDENT: 21pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 18pt; mso-char-indend.


18. indent

18. Always remember to indent the first line of each paragraph, leaving a space of four or five letters.


19. These results are same as the nano-indent results of self-assembled monolayer.


20. indent

20. Given that it's also useful to have the icons align with each other in each column, the ideal would seem to be for icons to align to the left or right of left or right aligned cells and automatically indent the cell contents to make space.


indent 词典解释

1. 缩格书写;行首留空格

When you indent a line of writing, you start it further away from the edge of the paper than all the other lines.


e.g. Indent the second line.


indent 英英释义


1. the space left between the margin and the start of an indented line

Synonym: indentationindentionindenture

2. an order for goods to be exported or imported


1. bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant

e.g. an indentured servant

Synonym: indenture

2. notch the edge of or make jagged

3. make a depression into

e.g. The bicycle dented my car

Synonym: dent

4. cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication

e.g. indent the documents

5. set in from the margin

e.g. Indent the paragraphs of a letter