

meadow:[英 [ˈmedəʊ] 美 [ˈmedoʊ] ]



meadow 基本解释


名词草地; 牧场

meadow 相关例句



1. Flocks of sheep are grazing in the meadow.


meadow 网络解释

1. meadow在线翻译

1. 草地:正如十一年前,我又怎能料想今后会去爱丁堡生活与学习,那一年的二月在大草地(Meadow)的西头,华人聚居区Tollcross的艺术电影院Cameo全球首映.

2. 草原:已被欧美广为认可的乔治亚(Georgian)、都铎(Tudor)、草原(Meadow)、工匠(Craftsman)四种精心挑选的建筑风格的和谐统一,在显示个性、艺术和优雅的同时,又赋予整个社区以文化感和历史厚重感.

3. 原:还记得曾经流行于18世纪的乔治亚(Georgian)风格;19世纪的都铎(Tudor)风格;20世纪回归田园的草原(Meadow)风格、工匠(Craftsman)风格--2004年,一部国际水准的风格经典、一个足以传世的建筑群落、一场旷世传奇的财富质询,

meadow 双语例句

1. meadow的翻译

1. As we approached the eastern park entrance, we were surprised with the littered tree trunks in a nearby meadow.


2. It is easier to understand everything when I am not by your side; I stayed beneath the big tree in the meadow across from your home, as you turned the house lights off and passed from room to room. I stayed as the roads grew invisible and silent and wide.


3. When the ground was partially bare of snow, and a few warm days had dried its surface somewhat, it was pleasant to compare the first tender signs of the infant year just peeping forth with the stately beauty of the withered vegetation which had withstood the winter —— life-everlasting, goldenrods, pinweeds, and graceful wild grasses, more obvious and interesting frequently than in summer even, as if their beauty was not ripe till then; even cotton-grass, cat-tails, mulleins, johnswort, hard-hack, meadow-sweet, and other strong-stemmed plants, those unexhausted granaries which entertain the earliest birds —— decent weeds, at least, which widowed Nature wears.


4. The swan flew further, away over the bright green meadow, where the little shepherd-boy, only seven years old, had lain down in the shadow of the old and only tree there was.


5. Microhabitat variety shows significant effects on plant morphological performances. To understand adaptation strategy of alpine species to resources heterogeneity, response of biomass allocation and morphological characteristics to nutrient and light heterogeneity were studied for three component species (Saussurea macrota, Salvia przewalskii and Senecio scandens) in alpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.


6. A total of 19, 781 insect individuals belonging to 959 morphospecies, 145 families and 15 orders were collected. The most abundant orders were Diptera (69.68%), Homoptera (11.19%) and Hymenoptera (10.10%). At the family level, Chironomidae (17.67%), Mycetophilidae (12.32%), Cicadellidae (8.32%), Ceratopogonidae (7.56%), Sciaridae (7.39%) and Cecidomyiidae (5.81%) were the most abundant taxa. Although there were little differences in similarity among the three sampling plots, the dominant orders and families in theses plots differed. The meadow had the highest diversity while the spruce forest had the lowest diversity.


7. meadow

7. Then he followed her out into the country and hid himself in a thicket in the meadow.


8. By the method of random tenuiflora population on the alkalized meadow in the Songnen Plains of China were collected at early heading, heading, flowering, and milky stages, respectively, and the plasticity of their quantitative characters was analyzed.


9. They set up camp without saying much, picketed the horses in the meadow.


10. meadow在线翻译

10. What we called the market, was just a village build by past laird in the meadow, sited in middle of scree and grit at the foot of the mountain, there were rare splendid achnatherum around the village.


11. I also know when to lay the tools of my trade aside, grab my kite and head for the meadow where I can run with the wind.



12. Upon a river meadow in haying time, only here thefrom a summer meadow. There is the broad



13. Meadow Lane is a happy memory for Liverpool who won the League Championship under Joe Fagan here in 1984 during the glorious treble season, and with Director of Football Sven-Goran Eriksson watching on from the stands there was a real buzz in the air.


14. Important cool summer grasses include species of Agrostis, Festuca, Lolium (ryegrass; the most important sports grass), and Poa (meadow-grass or bluegrass).

重要的凉夏草,包括种agrostis,( Festuca ,花黑麦草(黑麦草;最重要的体育草),早熟禾。

15. The photos are shown without any additional details from their case files, so the horror of the New Year's Day rape which lies behind the discarded stilettos, or the murder of a girl whose body was dumped in a meadow, is only hinted at.


16. Livestock resources: Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province is the main animal husbandry base, has a sub-alpine meadow pasture 4084 mu, the total area of the state total 70.28 percent, lawn area of 3848 mu of land can be used, accounting for 94.22% of the grassland area. Is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and natural grassland in Gansu Province in a higher carrying capacity, are highly resistant to grazing pasture, stocking rate theory of 6.21 million sheep units.


17. meadow的近义词

17. It is the corporeal base that expands meadow stock raising not only, also be northward zoology protective screen.


18. Shijiazhuang City, land resources, a total of brown, cinnamon, rocky soil, soil thick bone, the new soil, sand wind, tidal land, swamp land, paddy soil, saline soil, mountain meadow soil, and other 11 types of soil, with Rattus Chao soil and the soil most widely distributed.


19. Changes and mechanism of soil respiration in subalpine meadow of Xinjiang were analyzed.


20. meadow的翻译

20. Take me home to the meadow - we`ve been too long apart


meadow 词典解释

1. 草地;牧场

A meadow is a field which has grass and flowers growing in it.


meadow 单语例句meadow的翻译

1. This cold plateau meadow at the altitude of four or five thousand meters is the home of the Chinese caterpillar fungus.

2. In one meadow, cattle stare back at him as he rides a path littered with cow dung.

3. Strolling across Sheep Meadow you hear a pastoral piano theme with an undercurrent of electronic arpeggios.

4. Bashang generally refers to the vast plain area stretching from north Zhangjiakou to north Chengde, where the grassland ascends and then forms an enormous meadow.

5. On this meadow, the scientists cultivated more than 40 species of forage grass.

6. Flocks of sheep and goats leisurely graze on the meadow slopes in Guizhou province.

7. Burdick's lease was with the Meadow Creek Apartments and the AIMCO corporation, which owns and operates apartment communities.

8. In March 1997 an Ajax fan died after an organised fight between hundreds of Feyenoord and Ajax hooligans in a meadow near Beverwijk.

9. At night tourists may camp on the soft meadow enjoying a sweet sleep rarely seen in the hot summer.

10. When Grayson heard a helicopter overhead, he ran into a meadow and waved the last piece of his jacket.

meadow 英英释义



1. a field where grass or alfalfa are grown to be made into hay

Synonym: hayfield