

derive:[英 [dɪˈraɪv] 美 [dɪˈraɪv] ]


过去式:derived;   过去分词:derived;   现在分词:deriving;

derive 基本解释

及物/不及物动词得到,导出; 源于,来自; (从…中)提取

derive 相关例句


1. Many English words are derived from Latin.


2. She derives great pleasure from her stamp collection.




1. This English word derives from French.


derive 网络解释

1. 派生:然而,我听到这个问题后,首先在大脑里出现的是派生(derive)这个单词不记得了,然后是多态(polymorphism)也不会说,最后,连如何绕开这两个单词阐述我对virtual destructor也忘得一干二净,一句话:思维直接短路.


2. 推导:定标器具有其参考值,该参考值作为推导(derive)或计算出患者检测结果的基础. 器械的定标器可以(a)与预期使用的器械分别生产和销售,(b)作为器械部件之一进行生产和销售,如试剂盒(kit of reagents)内的,或者(c)作为器械的一部分内置(build-in).

derive 双语例句

1. His paintings are also for his friends, because he hopes that they may derive from his work a sense of delight.


2. You're highly empathetic to the needs of others and derive a sense of self from how well you fulfill those needs.


3. derive在线翻译

3. If I am emotionally interdependent, I derive a great sense of worth within myself, but I also recognize the need for love, for giving, and for receiving love from others.


4. derive的翻译

4. Black boxes appeal to beginners who derive a false sense of security from them.



5. From then on, he began eating on their own desire to have their own hands - like their own milk bottle holding, grasping to eat biscuits and so on, and derive satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.


6. With the former, you can derive a deep sense of satisfaction from being a member of a well-known organization such as General Motors, or the Bell Telephone System.


7. We now derive, based on the above results, sufficient conditions for a Cartesian product network


8. We derive and analyze sensitivity densities for two quantities derived from rotational ground-motion measurements: the rms (root-mean-square) amplitude A of the rotation seismogram and the apparent shear-wave speed, where Av denotes the rms amplitude of the velocity seismogram.


9. derive的意思

9. The study mainly employs an inductive approach to derive a set of determinants using in depth case analysis.


10. derive的解释

10. Where did embonpoint derive from?


11. The successful incorporation of FACTS controllers in the power systems requires a clear understanding of all possible approaches and their operating characteristics. In this paper, first, a systematic study is performed to derive operating areas of the shunt current injection and power injection of STATCOM.


12. Company casio - large amateur to regularly derive for the market new ultra-compacts camera.


13. In 2000, T. Dietl utilized theoretical simulation to be contrasted with the experimental, and he found the manganese doped gallium arsenide were identical, and derive other magnetic characteristics in its relevant semiconductor materials.

在2000年T。Dietl 等人利用理论的模拟计算和实验的对照,发现在砷化镓参杂锰元素的吻合,并推导其他相关的半导体材料在其磁性方面的特性。

14. We derive the put-call parity equation by the concept of profit and

本文以损益概念,重新推导Put-Call Parity公式,发现新的平衡

15. To derive the put-call parity relationship, the assumption is that the options are not exercised before expiration day, which necessarily applies to European options.


16. I decided to try to derive my own version of this and



17. Secondly, we derive the complete decomposition of U(1) and SO(2) gaugepotential using the unit vector of the wave function, through which we show thatthere exists a topological invariant number in quantum mechanics, which iscorresponding to the winding number.


18. derive

18. Should you derive from it, when you want to use it.



19. Most of his ideas derive from those of his parents.


20. Now, we have to derive our class from this interface.


derive 词典解释

1. 获得;取得;得到

If you derive something such as pleasure or benefit from a person or from something, you get it from them.

e.g. Mr Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.


2. (使)起源于;(使)来自

If you say that something such as a word or feeling derives or is derived from something else, you mean that it comes from that thing.

e.g. Anna's strength is derived from her parents and her sisters...


e.g. The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.

Easter (复活节)一词由Eostre(多神教的春天女神)衍生而来。

derive 单语例句

1. We might derive economic benefits from overgrazing, but what will be left for future generations?

2. The net revenue was divided by the actor's total compensation to derive gross income.

3. Maybe his adaptability has become the source from where his inspiration for words derive.

4. In a laboratory, they used genetic and chemical techniques to derive cells that resembled precursors to sperm.

5. But spiralling prices show that such an approach is not sufficient to address market problems that derive from a confluence of several factors.

6. Those cells derive from stem cells with high potential in reproductive fission.

7. It would act as a platform for bureaus and departments to make joint assessments about benefits likely to derive from proposed projects.

8. The soup is said to derive its nutritious qualities from a fusion of secret imperial recipes and herbs.

9. Pakistan will derive early tariff concessions from China and Malaysia as it conducts free trade negotiations with them and other Asian economies.

10. The World Health Organization said in a 2005 report that it was possible to derive a quantitative relationship between pollution levels and specific health complaints.

derive 英英释义


1. develop or evolve from a latent or potential state

Synonym: educe

2. come from

e.g. The present name derives from an older form

3. reason by deduction

establish by deduction

Synonym: deduceinferdeduct

4. obtain

e.g. derive pleasure from one's garden

Synonym: gain

5. come from

be connected by a relationship of blood, for example

e.g. She was descended from an old Italian noble family

he comes from humble origins

Synonym: comedescend