

transcend:[英 [trænˈsend] 美 [trænˈsɛnd] ]


过去式:transcended;   过去分词:transcended;   现在分词:transcending;

transcend 基本解释


及物动词超越,超出…的限度; 优于或胜过…; 高于或独立于(宇宙)而生存


transcend 网络解释

1. 超越:艾琪(HATCH)之光取意:贯穿诚信(Honest)、专业(Adept)、超越(Transcend)、坚持不懈(Constancy)、 快乐(Happy). 每一个墨缘人坚信:诚信是企业的生存之本,专业是企业发展的命脉,不断超越自我才能使企业地位提升,坚持不懈才能构建出产品的精益求精,

2. 创见:最好升级继续选用原来牌子的内存 不过考虑到现在现代多为水货的关系也可以 购买国内1线内存厂家生产的内存 兼容方面一般是不会出问题的 你可以选 黑金刚(KingBox)金邦(GEIL) Kingmax 宇瞻(Apacer) 威刚 南亚elixir) 创见(Transcend) Leadram(

3. 創見資訊:创见 JetRAM 2GB DDR2-667 记忆体 最超值的创见记忆体创 见资讯(Transcend)针对高阶的电脑特性而设计,研发制造出512MB/1GB DDR2-667高速记忆体模组,适用於搭配高阶晶片组的桌上型电脑和工作站.

4. transcend

4. 超越,胜过:Surpass超越, 胜过 | Transcend超越, 胜过 | Robust健康运行的

transcend 双语例句

1. One day they will transcend themselves and become united in a universal religion of love.


2. Want the website that knows a lot of stationmaster were done one year, looked numerous optimized article and experience, maintain update the plane with rich and colorful everyday, comprehensive function, the discharge of 10 thousand IP or Yao cannot reach one sky, dan Qiushi is amounted to depend on a page merely can base oneself upon and Baidu transcend the rank with discharge very good keyword, it may be said is to have very strong technical with sound SEO technology.


3. I believe there is a large high able to transcend the limits of things in life to dominate our world.


4. Besides website map, we can be in only transcend link fluctuation time.


5. transcend什么意思

5. But how many people can transcend Jackson's dancing?


6. transcend的意思

6. But the smiles of the people transcend language, she said through an interpreter.


7. People should transcend themselves'limits on and on.


8. transcend是什么意思

8. They are people who manage to transcend celebrity, who are legendary, who somehow manage to become mythic.


9. Transformational leaders get people to transcend their personal interests for the sake of the larger community.


10. Advanced electronic networks are allowing people to transcend the barriers of time and distance and take advantage of business opportunities never before imagined.



11. As one utilizes the mirrors to address such patterning, dismantling the original cause, one may transcend such unconscious and energetic abusiveness.


12. transcend

12. Every Nation, whichsoever it be, has its own vile face, for they can never transcend their nature as being human and son of Nature.


13. The consequences for those on the receiving end often transcend the virtual world and can include loss of employment, public shaming, even imprisonment.



14. You can take it free if you buy a Transcend usb.


15. Ji Kang, Man is not a branch of the lotus does not transcend the earthly world, interpretation of the lofty character.



16. Today the Crosley name lives on with superbly detailed replicas that truly transcend time.


17. transcend

17. Only such a mind can transcend the limitations of knowledge and discover if there is something sacred that is beyond all human thoughts and belief.


18. The poet attempted to transcend reality and reconstruct the order of time by returning to the primal chaos before time, underlying with which he alleviated the anxiety and perplexity of life.


19. transcend

19. The sense of velocity in such a surreal world - one that is in slow-motion - exists in the mind's eye of Chi Chia-Hwa. Yet, his perception of decelerated time does not conflict with his quick expressionistic markings. After all, beyond the coolness and complexity of his modernistic style, Chi's paintings radiate an underlying richness of layers and sense of serenity that transcend time.



20. And its serials borrowed the former achievements and transcend the classical novels in its thought, content, pattern, strategy of narration.


transcend 词典解释

1. 超越;超出

Something that transcends normal limits or boundaries goes beyond them, because it is more significant than them.

e.g. ...issues like European union that transcend party loyalty.


transcend 单语例句

1. This exhibition attempts to transcend the representation of real images or conventional symbols with definite meanings.

2. Although religious adherents aren't always eager to explain their personal beliefs, they all have a similar desire to discover greater meaning and transcend their Earthbound existence.

3. The council also said reconstruction must transcend political divisions in a country where a fragile political truce inspired by the disaster has already collapsed.

4. That is because very few can transcend the imprint of their times.

5. Telling the truth about flawed products and keeping customers well informed should transcend any other concern whenever a quality problem occurs.

6. The benefits of studying Art transcend far the general mediums of learning how to draw and paint.

7. The third strategy is to transcend obsolete social management pattern and continue to build a socialist harmonious society.

8. Despite never having set foot in China before, they are confident that their music will transcend countries.

9. Both Spielberg and Zhang agreed that films are fundamentally about human emotions, which transcend languages and cultures.

10. But Shaolin has a few things working in its favor that help transcend their complaints.

transcend 英英释义



1. be superior or better than some standard

e.g. She exceeded our expectations

She topped her performance of last year

Synonym: exceedoversteppassgo pasttop

2. be greater in scope or size than some standard

e.g. Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds

Synonym: exceedsurpass