

flourish:[英 [ˈflʌrɪʃ] 美 [ˈflɜ:rɪʃ] ]


过去式:flourished;   过去分词:flourished;   现在分词:flourishing;

flourish 基本解释

不及物动词挥舞; 茂盛,繁荣; 活跃,蓬勃


名词挥舞,挥动; 花样,华丽的辞藻; 夸张的行为或手势; 花式吹奏


flourish 同义词




flourish 反义词



flourish 相关例句


1. The students flourished flags on the campus.



1. flourish

1. His business is flourishing.


2. flourish的反义词

2. Plants flourish in this earth.



1. flourish的翻译

1. Her speech was full of flourish.


flourish 网络解释

1. 繁荣:在外国专家眼中,明王朝是中国历史上对外贸易最繁荣(flourish)的朝代.他们所说的明后期保守主义倾向,是明王朝后期放弃了海上的霸权和军事扩张.指的是军事上的保守,与对外贸易无关.

2. 花式:clic 魔術發生的時機 | flourish 花式 | illusion 幻覺

3. 繁荣兴旺:. falter 动摇不定,踌躇不前 | 8. flourish 繁荣兴旺 | 9. allure 诱惑

flourish 双语例句

1. flourish的翻译

1. Let its fruit flourish like Lebanon; let it thrive like the grass of the field.


2. Let grain abound throughout the land; on the tops of the hills may it sway. Let its fruit flourish like Lebanon; let it thrive like the grass of the field.


3. Begin from 1986, professor of division of bright red flourish is below the guidance that distinguished economist severe teachs with coulding there be the research that pursues socialistic welfare economics.


4. Transfix the flourish set on youth: remove the embellishment on the face of the youth.


5. However, there is no doubt that the mixed type of the theoretical approach has undermined its theoretical consistency and distinctiveness. Whether neoclassical realism will flourish as a fully developed theory or theoretical work will depend on its applicability to foreign policy analysis during the post-Cold War period and the ability to generate a middle-range theory.


6. The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish.


7. The origination pattern of Nanhu Ecological Town will surely promote the flourish development of the economy.


8. In both cases, plants and animals flourish.


9. How, how do you get them to flourish like this?


10. Che Bi crystal lake looks very shallow lake, the unknown wanton grass grow, flourish and unassuming, this season, the whole meaning of no convergence, the flow from a cold, which conform to a slowly rocking to the side, the companion touch the body, his still sleeping, was awakened by it, only its to cast a glance at a glance and continue to sleep, no longer ignore it, it will be reported to the deceitful cunning smile.



11. But I hope our love will flourish beyond what it is right now.


12. flourish是什么意思

12. Others argue that the conflict is good for the relationship and will help it to flourish.


13. We have lived in a broad and abundant land, and we have made it flourish.


14. This is why it can flourish continuously.


15. It may grow and flourish in mutual maturity.



16. It is one thing to flourish and another to fight.


17. Every form of life has its proper element: the environment in which it can flourish.


18. It must be the weather and soil here that make the plants flourish.


19. flourish

19. Yeah, here is a good fresh air, the trees really flourish here.


20. And people do grow here, they do flourish..


flourish 词典解释

1. 繁荣;兴盛;兴旺

If something flourishes, it is successful, active, or common, and developing quickly and strongly.

e.g. Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day...

生意红火起来,不出6 个月他们就可以每天赚 18,000 卢布了。

e.g. Racism and crime still flourish in the ghetto.



London quickly became a flourishing port.


2. (植物或动物)长势好,茁壮成长

If a plant or animal flourishes, it grows well or is healthy because the conditions are right for it.

e.g. The plant flourishes particularly well in slightly harsher climes.



Britain has the largest and most flourishing fox population in Europe.


3. 挥动,挥舞(以引起注意)

If you flourish an object, you wave it about in a way that makes people notice it.


e.g. He flourished the glass to emphasize the point.


4. (为引人注意的)夸张动作

If you do something with a flourish, you do in a showy way so that people notice it.

e.g. She tended to finish dancing with a flourish.


5. 装饰曲线;装饰图案

A flourish is a curly line or piece of decoration.


e.g. He scrawled his name across the bill, underlining it with a showy flourish.


flourish 单语例句

1. The man appeared satisfied and presumably asked how much it cost, for the vendor pulled out her calculator with a flourish and punched in 800.

2. They believe that regulators must address the issue to allow the country's capital market to flourish.

3. By conducting exchanges at both state leader and political levels as well as citizen levels, the culture of confidence between the two countries will grow and flourish.

4. But it is bulk exports of high quality and reasonably priced products that have helped Yiwu flourish and become a major trading center for commodities.

5. The lawlessness has allowed piracy to flourish off the coast, and kidnappings for ransom on land have also become increasingly common.

6. They are about freeing people from endless materialistic consumerism and providing them with creative opportunities to flourish.

7. Services concerning consumption, production and finance are what he thinks will flourish in the future.

8. But without a greater degree of mutual understanding the relationship will not be able to flourish and benefit both the parties as it could.

9. Keeping diverse restaurants afloat means more will open, and Beijing's standing as an international city will continue to flourish.

10. That once again means social and economic transition is not only desirable but essential if we are to flourish in this new millennium.

flourish 英英释义


1. (music) a short lively tune played on brass instruments

e.g. he entered to a flourish of trumpets

her arrival was greeted with a rousing fanfare

Synonym: fanfaretucket

2. the act of waving

Synonym: brandish

3. a display of ornamental speech or language

4. a showy gesture

e.g. she entered with a great flourish

5. an ornamental embellishment in writing


1. grow vigorously

e.g. The deer population in this town is thriving

business is booming

Synonym: boomthriveexpand

2. move or swing back and forth

e.g. She waved her gun

Synonym: brandishwave

3. make steady progress

be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance

e.g. The new student is thriving

Synonym: thriveprosperfly high