

musket:[英 [ˈmʌskɪt] 美 [ˈmʌskɪt] ]



musket 基本解释


musket 网络解释

1. 步枪:1575年6月,他在长筱之战中率领3000名毛瑟步枪(musket)兵协助击败武田胜赖(1546~1582). 这是日本人在战争中首次大量使用火器,并显示信长机敏地实现了欧洲人带来的武器的潜能.

2. 旧式步枪:通过电影的视觉效果(Visualeffect),可使学生对独立战争的历史背景以及美国殖民者(colonists)能战胜英国军队有更深地、更生动形象地了解,对于民兵(militia)有了更直观地了解,对当时使用的旧式步枪(musket)等都有深刻地了解.

3. musket的意思

3. 火枪:发明火枪(musket)前,兵器为以刀枪棍剑鞭镖锤矛钯等冷兵器为主,另有不常见之奇兵;发明火枪后,冷兵器逐渐被淘汰. 火枪的发明,间接导致以冷兵器与肉体为武器的攻击技术在战场上势微,而仅存于警察、公安、保全业与军中特种部队.

musket 双语例句

1. Musket soldiers will be good for teams to begin the enemy base, the first target is the enemy of the external cluster region of the beast.


2. Soldier, soldier, won't you marry me with your musket, fife and drum?


3. Solider, soldier, won't you marry me with your musket, fife and drum?


4. Those Scotch Grays, those Horse Guards, those regiments of Maitland and of Mitchell, that infantry of Pack and Kempt, that cavalry of Ponsonby and Somerset, those Highlanders playing the pibroch under the shower of grape-shot, those battalions of Rylandt, those utterly raw recruits, who hardly knew how to handle a musket holding their own against Essling's and Rivoli's old troops, --that is what was grand.


5. This is a mod based in the musket era of time.



6. I had a musket tangled in my girlfriend's hair.


7. While quarrel, the difference between man and woman is like that of machine gun and musket


8. Don't laugh, that's three times the rate of a traditional musket.


9. The choreography of musket fire is important, so that gets a lot of attention.


10. musket的翻译

10. I got a musket tangled in my girlfriend's hair, for Christ's sake.


11. musket的翻译

11. In the gunfight game, it can be used as musket, has the good compatibility.


12. musket的解释

12. Or that a musket may be shot off as well upon the arm, as upon a rest


13. We add musket with millet, defeated Japanese devil, crumple up Kuomintang beautiful type equips, what is those who lean?


14. A trademark used for a repeating rifle or pistol. Or that a man in anger, is as wise as he that hath said over the four and twenty letters; or that a musket may be shot off as well upon the arm, as upon a rest; and such other fond and high imaginations, to think himself all in all.


15. I gave each of them a Musket with a Firelock on it, and about eight Charges of Powder and Ball, charging them to be very good Husbands of both, and not to use either of them but upon urgent Occasion.


16. They had bound a musket beside her, with the barrel beneath her breast!



17. During this period will not stop making musket soldiers must be good in the fortress before the upgrade, the formation pressure.


18. musket

18. The fire of cannon and musketry thundered in unison on the right and in the centre, and the French tunics of Lannes's sharpshooters had already passed over the milldam, and were forming on this side of it hardly out of musket-shot range.


19. A tintype, with your musket and your courage on display.


20. Within the space of a few years, the infantryman had been given a musket, a bayonet, a better bayonet (so he could shoot as well as stab his enemies), a completely new drill book.


musket 词典解释

1. 滑膛枪;火枪

A musket was an early type of gun with a long barrel, which was used before rifles were invented.


musket 单语例句

1. Most men go about their days with a musket slung over some part of their bodies.

2. What you may be surprised to know is that the musket is a working gun.

3. A man in black points his musket skyward and pulls the trigger.

musket 英英释义


1. a muzzle-loading shoulder gun with a long barrel

formerly used by infantrymen