

slumber:[英 [ˈslʌmbə(r)] 美 [ˈslʌmbɚ] ]


过去式:slumbered;   过去分词:slumbered;   现在分词:slumbering;   复数形式:slumbers;

slumber 基本解释

动词微睡,睡眠; 蛰伏,处于静止状态; (用睡眠)消磨(时间)

名词微睡,安眠,熟睡; 蛰伏

slumber 相关例句


1. He slumbered away a hot afternoon.



1. She gazed with affection at his slumbering form.


2. That volcano is slumbering.


3. The baby slumbered in his cradle.



1. He awoke from a deep slumber.


slumber 网络解释

1. 睡眠:安东妮(Janine Antoni) 的(slumber)为代表. 白天,艺术家坐在一个很原始的织布机前,把记录着她前一天夜里睡眠状况的脑电图改编成简单的图案,编织在由睡衣撕成的布条上. 夜里,她再把白天织好的布当作毯子盖到自己身上,

2. 睡眠 睡眠:symptome 症状 | slumber 睡眠 睡眠 | mechanistic theory 机械论(指语言演变基于人类生理构造尤指神经系统)

3. 水面:sloven不修边幅的人 | slumber水面 | slumberous昏昏欲睡的

4. 睡眠;沉睡状态:lumber 木材;木料;制材 | slumber 睡眠;沉睡状态 | adder 蝰蛇

slumber 双语例句

1. With the last plume of sunlight, Lounging fall into a slumber.


2. After he had slumber'd, rather than slept, about half an Hour, he wak'd again, and comes out of the Cave to me; for I had been milking my Goats, which I had in the Enclosure just by: When he espy'd me, he came running to me, laying himself down again upon the Ground, with all the possible Signs of an humble thankful Disposition, making a many antick Gestures show it: At last he lays his Head flat upon the Ground, close to my Foot, and sets my other Foot upon his Head, as he had done before; and after this, made all the Signs to me of Subjection, Servitude, and Submission imaginable, to let me know, how he would serve me as long as he liv'd; I understood him in many Things, and let him know, I was very well pleas'd with him; in a little Time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and first, I made him know his Name should be Friday, which was the Day I sav'd his Life; I call'd him so for the Memory of the Time; I likewise taught him to say Master, and then let him know, that was to be my Name; I likewise taught him to say, YES, and No, and to know the Meaning of them; I gave him some Milk, in an earthen Pot, and let him see me Drink it before him, and sop my Bread in it; and I gave him a Cake of Bread, to do the like, which he quickly comply'd with, and made Signs that it was very good for him.


3. Well I do this in my slumber summer I ain't none of these half-assed newcomers, you know how I do summer I drop heat, when you bring the sun up The combo make niggaz act up, I pick the gun up Niggaz back up; they know I'm not no fronter I don't talk shit, I just flip it +Un+ ya Sorry Lance, I'm just trying to advance my quotes I ain't making you the butt of my jokes But let's not stray from what I came to say To my beloved, think we need some time away They say if you love it, you should let it out its cage And fuck it, if it comes back you know it's there to stay It's tugging, at my heart, but this time apart is needed From the public, who should've gave me the pulitz'Instead gave me they ass to kiss But you know me, thugging'til the casket dips But still shine light down on all my peers I know they weird... some queer, I still want them to share And all the success I received, I know you can't believe I still love'em but they don't love me They like the drunk uncle in your family You know they lame, you feel ashamed, but you love'em the same It's like when niggaz make subliminal records If it ain't directed directly at me, I don't respect it You don't really want it with Hov, for the record I put a couple careers on hold, you could be next kid Keep entering the danger zone You gon'make that boy Hov put your name in a song If you that hungry for fame, motherfucker c'mon Say when, take ten paces and spin But on another note, 'bout to take another vaca'On another boat, goddamn a motherfucker rode His way out the hood, and I pray that I stay out for good But any day you know a nigga could Try and play like he Suge, then I gotta play like Dutch Schultz You pass the dutchie, I blast you, trust me Niggaz can't fuck with me I'm in a good mood, you lucky, I got a good groove And I ain't trying to fuck my thing up But I will lay down a couple green bucks, get you cleaned up Now I'm +Pulp Fiction+, Colt four-fifth and Young niggaz that blast for me/blasphemy, no religion Listen here summer baby, I just believe it's the right thing to do I got a brand new bitch, corporate America She showing me a lot of action right now And I know you put me on my feet and all, but I mean, it's time for me to grow You gotta let me go baby, you gotta let me go I'm done for now, so one for now Possibly forever, we had fun together But like all good things, we must come to an end Please show the same love to my friends Dear summer

好,我做这个,我沉睡的夏天,我不是这些半assed新人你知道我怎么做我夏季降热,当你把在太阳升起的二合一作出niggaz法,我拣了枪niggaz后盾;他们知道我不是没有一线,我不说屁话,我只挑它++联合国娅对不起长矛,我只是试图推进我国引号,我是不会令你天大的笑话我,但让我们不要再流浪从我来告诉亲爱的,认为我们需要一些时间,他们说,如果你爱它,你应该让出它在笼中,他妈的,如果他回来了,你知道它的存在,以保持它的拉着,在我的心但这个时候,除了需要来自公众,谁已经给我的pulitz '反而给我的驴子,他们的亲吻,但你也知道我,thugging '胡麻的椟点头,但仍焕发轻,取缔所有同行我知道他们怪异……有些奇怪,我仍然希望他们能够分享和所有的成功,我刚收到我知道你不相信我还是爱'统,但他们不爱我,他们像喝醉了,在叔叔你的家人你知道他们跛了,你会感到羞愧,但你爱的电磁相同它就像niggaz潜意识作出记录,如果不是直接针对我,我不尊重它,你真的不希望它与hov ,根据纪录,我把一对夫妇的事业停摆,你可以在未来保持跑步进入危险地带,你健在',使男童hov把你的名字一首歌,如果你饿了,对名利,你娘c'mon时说,要花十年的腾飞和自旋,但在另一份说明,'布特采取另空泡的另一条船,福清一娘骑着出路的方巾,我祈求我留出好的,但有一天你知道了nigga可以试着玩像他素,然后推荐我喜欢扮演荷兰人舒尔茨递过dutchie ,我爆你,信任我niggaz不能他妈的,我用我的心情好,你运气好,我有一个好槽,我是不是他妈的我的事了,但我会打下夫妇绿钱,你得到清理,现在我纸浆+小说+,1485五分之四和年轻niggaz爆我/亵渎的,任何宗教听听这里夏季宝宝我只是认为这是正确的事情要做,我有一个全新的荡妇,企业界她展示了我许多行动,现在,我知道你把我站起来和所有的,但我的意思是,它的时候,我成长你推荐,让我去宝宝推荐你让我走我不行了,所以一人,现在可能永远我们玩在一起,但象所有的好东西,我们必须走到了尽头请你拿出同样的爱,我亲爱的朋友夏天

4. This is the latest in'slumber science, 'I'll have you know.


5. slumber的解释

5. Till the war-drum throbb'd no longer, and the battle-flags were furl'dIn the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world. There the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe, And the kindly earth shall slumber, lapped in universal law.


6. slumber的反义词

6. From his oppressed slumber, Young Jerry in his closet was awakened after daybreak and before


7. Like a cat I slumber, blissfully unencumbered, Through eighty per cent of my allotted span, Occasionally awoken, when dissent is spoken, And I invent another cunning five year plan, Lately it was pensions, that were being mentioned, So I borrowed from the French and Robespierre, Scrap all that went before, saved by tooth and claw, And let my all equal Citizens appear, Currently it is time, for me to be in my prime, For there is another election looming, I have to appear sincere, for part of this coming year, And assure everyone that everything is booming, Never mind strict quotas, Ive imported multitudes of voters, And told them which party let them stay, Though Ive rigged the postal vote, and defamed everyone of note, You never know what might happen on the day. So to be on the safe side, I swallow all my pride, And allow my people to hear my hallowed voice, And roll out the charade, put on the facade, And even make believe they have a choice, Next time around the crown, will be trampled underground, House of Lords and Lord Chancellor history, With the other Chancellor gone, I alone will soldier on, Yes, then there will only ever be me, Ill hold elections for you, as all dictators do, And fill positions with those that grease my palm, As for civil unrest, there is always house arrest, Or secret imprisonment for those that mean me harm.



8. And then slip by the light of the embers into my bed, where I luxuriate in such sound and healthful slumber as only such rattling window- frames, and country air, can supply.


9. He will not let your foot slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.

121:3 祂必不叫你的脚滑跌;保护你的必不打盹。

10. D its lonely hours and dreary, When we Close the aching sight, Musing sadly, lorn and weary, Trusting that tomorrow's light May reveal a day more cheery; Amid affliction's darker hour, When no hope beguiles our sadness, When Death's hurtling tempests lower, And forever shroud our gladness, While Grief's unrelenting power Goads our stricken hearts to madness; When from friends beloved we're parted, And from scenes our spirits love, And are driven, broken-hearted, O'er a heartless world to rove; When the woes by which we've smarted, Vainly seek to melt or move; When we trust and are deluded, When we love and are denied, When the schemes o'er which we brooded Burst like mist on mountain's side, And, from every hope excluded, We in dark despair abide; Then, and ever, God sustains us, He whose eye no slumber knows, Who controls each throb that pains us, And in mercy sends our woes, And by love severe constrains us To avoid eternal throes.

小时的孤独和凄凉,当我们关闭疼痛视觉,沉思可悲的是,洛恩和厌倦,相信明天的光线可能揭示出一个更愉快的一天;一片痛苦的黑暗时刻,当我们不希望翻滚的波涛上面悲伤,当死亡的飞驰暴风雨低,我们永远裹尸布高兴,虽然悲伤的不懈动力Goads我们灾区的心以疯狂;当从我们可爱的朋友分手,从场面我们的精神的爱,并驱动,伤心,O'er是无情世界的罗夫,当其中我们元气疾苦,妄想寻求融化或移动,当我们的信任和迷惑,当我们爱和被剥夺,当计划o'er 像我们反复思量山区一边薄雾破灭,从每一个希望排除,我们在黑暗的绝望遵守,那么,和以往任何时候都维持我们的上帝,他的眼睛没有沉睡知道,谁控制每一个跳动的痛苦我们,在我们的困境发出慈悲,爱和严重制约我们避免永恒的阵痛。

11. All ye generals, wakd from your stone slumber


12. XXIV The night is dark and your slumber is deep in the hush of my being.


13. All day the fire-steed flies over the country, stopping only that his master may rest, and I am awakened by his tramp and defiant snort at midnight, when in some remote glen in the woods he fronts the elements incased in ice and snow; and he will reach his stall only with the morning star, to start once more on his travels without rest or slumber.


14. Sitting up now, Langdon frowned at his bedside Guest Relations Handbook, whose cover boasted: SLEEP LIKE A BABY IN THE CITY OF LIGHTS. SLUMBER AT THE PARIS RITZ.


15. Languor is upon your heart and the slumber is still on your eyes.


16. The slumber shells come in a variety of styles, ranging from inflatable, to space age shaped pods equipped with dolby surround sound systems.


17. And you think you can use it to summon the Dragon Lords from a thousand years of slumber?


18. Give no sleep to your eyes, nor slumber to your eyelids


19. Slumber my darling, I'll wrap thee up warm


20. Doze off: dogsleep; doze off; nod; slumber; take a napHome, I seem to be busy catching up or just collapsing in a heap for.


slumber 词典解释

1. 睡眠

Slumber is sleep.

e.g. He had fallen into exhausted slumber...


e.g. He roused Charles from his slumbers.


slumber 单语例句

1. Experts say it is rare for frogs to awaken from their long winter slumber ahead of schedule.

2. The August slumber party is not the first time extracurricular activities on the Great Wall have enraged the public.

3. The public has shaken off its slumber and is aware that extreme climate events, pollution tragedies and animal extinctions are not just the stuff of science fiction anymore.

4. Most people dream while sleeping, but there are a growing number who can only fantasise about a good night's slumber.

5. Imagine that one early morning you wake up from a quiet slumber and look out of your window.

6. A warm rush of recollection washed over me when I thought about the video slumber parties I use to have.

7. Judging by this, it seems as though the bond vigilantes are finally awaking from their deep slumber.

8. She awoke suddenly from her slumber when she experienced a sharp pain.

9. Since the entire nation reached an agreement, the " sleeping lion " started coming out of its slumber.

10. The New Age greeting music playing from the television might otherwise induce slumber.

slumber 英英释义



1. a dormant or quiescent state

2. a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended

e.g. he didn't get enough sleep last night

calm as a child in dreamless slumber

Synonym: sleep


1. be asleep

Synonym: sleepkiplog Z'scatch some Z's