

representation:[英 [ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˌrɛprɪzɛnˈteʃən] ]



representation 基本解释

名词表现; 陈述; 表现…的事物; 有代理人


representation 相关例句


1. Our company has no representation in Africa.


representation 网络解释


1. 表示法:它揭示软件过程能力改善的重点领域,以及检讨企业软件过程能力的观点,并经由相关模型,亦即表示法(representation),亦即分阶表示法(staged representation)及连续表示法(continuousrepresentation)作为指示软件过程能力改善走向的指针,

2. 再现:艾蒂.贾克生(1964,p.19)从哈特曼处建立起来,把自恋说成是力比多对自体的"再现"(representation)的一种投注. 柯胡改变有关力比多的观念从而也改变了哈特曼的定义. 他说自恋不是由本能或力比多投注的"标的"(target)来界定,

representation 双语例句

1. In the horizontal direction it shows the magnetic characteristics of sediment trap, squeeze deformation and metamorphic zone, intruded rock, which is representation of diverse tectonic features mentioned above.


2. Secondly, a kind of multi-agent based combat model is proposed. A kind of framework of the multi-agent based combat model is proposed, which is composed of the combat environment model, combat agent, and combat model parameters. A kind of the combat environment model is proposed, in which the combat space and the combat environment parameters are defined to describe the spacial traits of the combat units and combat environment, and the influence of those combat environment factors on the action of the combat units. A kind of combat agent model is proposed, which is composed of properties and behaviour model. The spacial properties, physical properties and quality properties are defined to describe the abilities and state of combat units. The behaviour models of reconnaissance, maneuverability, attack, communication and adaption are established to describe the interaction between combat units. And several meta rules of those action are given. A kind of knowledge representation based method is proposed to give a formalization description to the combat enity model, which makes it more convenient to translate the combat agent from the concept model to the simulation model. The modeling process of the multi-agent based combat model is discussed, and the main task of every step is ascertained. A kind of simulation strategy is proposed, which gives the combat agents a random sequence at every simulation step, to dispose those concurrent events with single processor and single thread.


3. With representation of typical zeolites Y and ZSM-5, our energetic calculating results can well explain the results of Sreekumar et al about Thio-Claisen rearrangement with and without zeolite catalysts, which is that syn conformation is the main product without catalyst, while anti conformation is the only product with zeolite catalyst.


4. Including the concept, theoretical origins. Elicit the ecological value of ideological and political education from the value of ideological and political education. Apropos of the theory hail from the Chinese archaian zoology thinking of the Confucian and the Taoism, and Marxist zoology thinking and representation.



5. Lentic is a refreshing step in a new direction – electronic music meets folk – and is truly a sonic representation of two countries: China and Canada.


6. The main purpose of this research is to perform surrealistic methodology to create emotional picture book. The visual representation of urrealistic methodology may not only to prompt its art sake but also to fathom unspeakable emotional feeling and psychology.



7. Basing on the muti-threads parallel model on shered memory, we make some research and test of program parallelization on source code level and intermediate representation level.


8. Nevertheless, he sees no reason to quarrel with the general verdict of common sense that there is a world of reality outside us, as well as a world of representation within us, and that the latter corresponds in a measure to the former.


9. A novel fault judgment matrix, with the information from each Ring Main Unit, can judge the fault area on distribution network quickly, so the system can isolate the fault area and restructure the distribution network; switchgear cubicle status diagnosis adopt a condition-based diagnosis expert system, which knowledge representation combines the advantage of fault tree, frame and rule representation.


10. This new method uses a sequential intermediate representation used in a sequential language compiler to construct a high-speed portable compiler of a task-parallel language.


11. Translation, essentially, is the faithful representation, in one language, of what is written or said in another.


12. It advances an idea that transaction is the basic unit of product design activities, and sets up transaction model as an object-oriented representation for design goal, personnel, document objects, resources, constraints and statas.


13. B Representation is the necessary way to maintain the interior balance of human art.



14. A common representation of justice is a blind-folded woman holding a set of scales.


15. A common representation of Justice is a blind-folded woman holding a set of scales.


16. A radix numeration system in which the location of the decimal point is indicated by an exponent of the radix; the floating-point representation of 0.0012 is 0.l2-2 where -2 is the exponent.


17. We've just gone through in both the World Bank and the IMF a renegotiation of representation through the quota process, but I think there is a recognition that that needed to be an urgent priority going forward.

我们已经就世界银行和 IMF 成员国代表权配额问题进行了重新谈判,但我认为接下来非常紧迫的事是需要对此予以确认。

18. Time-selective channel signal model based on multipath-Doppler diversity representation is given in multi-path fast fading channel, and RLS space-time receiver algorithm based on time-varied constraint condition is presented and the computational complexity of this method is analyzed. Simulations show that the performance (including convergence and detection) is well.


19. In this dissertation, the late JING school literature is characterized by aesthetic utopianism. While pointing out that the late JING school literature shared in common with the early JING School literature the liberalist ideal, individualism of expression and the idea of literary representation, the dissertation is concerned primarily with the difference between the two. By clarifying the similarities and dissimilarities in the literary inclinations and the cultural stances of the two, it shows that there were two different patterns in the seemingly unified JING school, which came to form two innately different kinds of literary landscape.


20. Moreover, from the representation of the painting, he maintains the mechanical depiction in his creation (ordered and mechanical stipples).


representation 词典解释

1. 代表;代理

If a group or person has representation in a parliament or on a committee, someone in the parliament or on the committee supports them and makes decisions on their behalf.

e.g. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but they have no representation in Congress.


2. 描写;描绘;体现;象征

You can describe a picture, model, or statue of a person or thing as a representation of them.


e.g. ...a lifelike representation of Christ...


e.g. Historians looked to artists' representations of the lion to piece together a picture of how the lion once looked.


3. 投诉;交涉;要求

If you make representations to a government or other official group, you make formal complaints or requests to them.

e.g. We have made representations to ministers but they just don't seem to be listening.


representation 单语例句

1. The business sector worries that universal suffrage will lead to welfarism and populism, while the professional sector worries that they may lose their representation in LegCo.

2. Emerging economies have been calling for reforming the international economic and financial order to increase the representation of developing countries.

3. Carlyle also loses the board chairmanship to Xugong, but will have equal representation on the board.

4. " Representation of the PLO in Washington remains a useful channel of communication to President Abbas, " he said.

5. Most Sunni Muslim clerics and politicians have urged their followers to veto the charter, complaining they did not have adequate representation in drafting it.

6. He said raising the issue of Taiwan's representation in the United Nations constituted a violation of UN Charter and an interference in China's internal affairs.

7. He said that China's concern with its low level of representation in the IMF is justifiable.

8. Its consistent stance has been that developing countries should have extensive representation in all international bodies and their concerns addressed on the basis of equality.

9. Low had been a member of parliament for 20 years in a single member constituency, but the opposition has never won any group representation constituency before.

10. Last week Egyptian women protested in Cairo to demand more representation in the constitutional assembly.

representation 英英释义



1. an activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalent

2. the act of representing

standing in for someone or some group and speaking with authority in their behalf

3. a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something

4. the right of being represented by delegates who have a voice in some legislative body

5. a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image

Synonym: mental representationinternal representation

6. a statement of facts and reasons made in appealing or protesting

e.g. certain representations were made concerning police brutality

7. a performance of a play

Synonym: theatrical performancetheatricalhistrionics

8. a factual statement made by one party in order to induce another party to enter into a contract

e.g. the sales contract contains several representations by the vendor

9. a body of legislators that serve in behalf of some constituency

e.g. a Congressional vacancy occurred in the representation from California

10. the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agent

Synonym: delegacyagency