

flagrant:[英 [ˈfleɪgrənt] 美 [ˈfleɡrənt] ]


flagrant 基本解释


形容词明目张胆的; 臭名远扬的; 恶名昭著的

flagrant 相关例句


1. This is a flagrant violation of human rights.


flagrant 网络解释

1. 臭烘烘的,臭名昭著的:fragrant 芬芳的 | flagrant 臭烘烘的,臭名昭著的 | frail 虚弱的, 脆弱的

2. 臭烘烘的,臭名昭著的 l象粪匙:fragrant 芬芳的 | flagrant 臭烘烘的,臭名昭著的 l象粪匙 | frail 虚弱的, 脆弱的

3. flagrant是什么意思

3. 臭名昭著的:falsify篡改 | flagrant臭名昭著的 | flash point(战争等)爆发点

4. flagrant

4. 非常的:flagrancy 极恶昭彰 | flagrant 非常的 | flagrante delicto 现行犯的

flagrant 双语例句

1. flagrant的反义词

1. Now, for an unfortunate man in his position, this convent was both the safest and the most dangerous of places; the most dangerous, because, as no men might enter there, if he were discovered, it was a flagrant offence, and Jean Valjean would find but one step intervening between the convent and prison; the safest, because, if he could manage to get himself accepted there and remain there, who would ever seek him in such a place?


2. flagrant的翻译

2. In cases of flagrant offence, persistent offences or breach of Law 16.2, the umpire shall fault the offending side and report the offending side immediately to the Referee, who shall have the power to disqualify the offending side from the match.


3. But I think the horse will not be as flat as flagrant.


4. The most flagrant scofflaw of all in America is the redlight runner.


5. I was in China a powerful evil forces of persecution, they are officials, businessmen, farmers association, malicious destruction of their farmland, I cut my food production so as to the source; to occupy their malicious, I misappropriation of trees off to my source of the money; they set All kinds of traps vital away my life and I; in all aspects of malicious provoke, to cause trouble, I do live in total red line I want the opportunity to offenders guilty of anger against me, I took the opportunity to control, they are setting the central government of China is hostile organizations, Who was so persecuted me, I would like to control, they may want me to participate in anti-rebel push to the Chinese central government now; things to look after the various government departments to solve v. stretch, not only government departments do not help me solve it I drag and flagrant harm me; Internet in China stretch v. been chasing around for help to block the Internet in China so that stretch v. helplessness, and I still lead to further persecution, the situation is very bad not only a matter of life and the existence of life Worries; I hope you'll be able to cross-border help you tell the news media or the national government, so that they issued an international appeal for help to make high-level Chinese government and the international community so that they know anything saved!

Address:The Chinese Guangdong Province Fengkai County Ping Town should not be the village committee horse two villages,postal:526547; Telephone:0758-6418278; Handset:13822649890 }我是被中国境内一股强大的邪恶势力迫害,他们是官员、商人、农民联合,他们恶意破坏我农田生产以断我粮食来源;他们恶意霸占、侵吞我林木以断我钱来源;他们设下种种陷阱要害我和夺我命;他们在各方面恶意挑拨、滋事、尽住我底线冲总想让我犯怒犯事以借机打击我、借机控制我,凝他们就是中国中央政府的敌对组织人员,他们之所以这样迫害我、想控制我,可能他们是想要我参加造反以推反中国的现中央政府;事情发生后找政府各部门伸诉解决,政府各部门不但不帮我解决反而拖累我及明目张胆害我;在中国境内上网伸诉求助到处被追着封杀以致在中国境内上网伸诉求助无门、导致迫害我依然变本加厉,现情况非常恶劣不但一家生活成问题而且存在性命之忧;希望您能把我的跨国求助告诉您国家的新闻媒体或政府,好让他们发出国际求助呼吁以令中国政府高层及国际社会知道好让他们出手相救!

6. In cases decided under ss. 21 and 21.1 of the Law and Equity Act, the court has stated that relief from acceleration ought not to be granted where there has been a flagrant and contemptuous disregard of the parties'contractual obligations.


7. flagrant

7. To every netizen, a large number of self-invited rubbish email make a person flagrant.


8. flagrant

8. Whenever He De, right anybody, a large number of self-invited email make a person flagrant.


9. Whenever He De, right anybody, a large number of self-invited rubbish email make a person flagrant.


10. Do not send rubbish mail; please this is basic network ceremony, whenever He De, right anybody, a large number of self-invited email make a person flagrant.


11. He stared at her in the most flagrant manner.



12. He stared at her in the most flagrant manner until at last she said: What makes you stare at me so?


13. flagrant的解释

13. The aim of the research was to study the production technology of flagrant and crisp onion slice.


14. He NBA on Tuesday also downgraded Lakers center Andrew Bynum's flagrant foul in Game 4 to a personal foul.


15. We were drugged by the honey-sweet air, by the breeze from the tree tops flagrant with fresh leaves.


16. In the next three months this relationship took on a more flagrant form.


17. flagrant的翻译

17. Social movements that demand reform have become stronger because the people have started to feel the flagrant failure of their governments.


18. If the Female is wrong, it is because of a flagrant misunderstanding which was a direct result of something the Male did or said wrong.


19. Yet German Humanism had little, if anything, in common with the flagrant irreligion and immorality of the Italian school.


20. Article 255 Any leading member of a company, enterprise, institution, State organ or people's organization who retaliates against the accountants or statisticians who perform their functions and duties according to law and resist any acts violating the Accounting Law or the Statistics Law, if the circumstances are flagrant, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention.


flagrant 词典解释

1. 骇人听闻的;罪恶昭彰的;公然的

You can use flagrant to describe an action, situation, or someone's behaviour that you find extremely bad or shocking in a very obvious way.

e.g. The judge called the decision 'a flagrant violation of international law'...


e.g. His failure to turn his attention to flagrant wastes of public money is inexcusable.



It is a situation where basic human rights are being flagrantly abused.

这种情形是对基本人权的公然践踏。flagrant 单语例句flagrant的反义词

1. Finley also made both of his free throws after Anthony Carter was called for a flagrant foul for grabbing Finley's jersey on a break.

2. That's important because flagrant points can add up to a suspension.

3. Li describes the plan to rewrite Taiwanese history as the tip of the iceberg of flagrant advocacy of separatism through cultural measures.

4. Some young couples held hands in flagrant defiance of strict laws which prohibit physical contact in public between the sexes.

5. But US President Barack Obama called the plot a " flagrant violation of US and international law " and Saudi Arabia said it was " despicable ".

6. He was suspended five times for a total of 12 games last season and fined repeatedly for flagrant fouls and emotional outbursts.

7. Such flagrant attacks appear designed to cause panic among Iraqi officials and security forces and to provoke a sectarian conflict between Shiites and Sunnis.

8. The law was widely slammed abroad as a flagrant violation of religious freedom, both in the United States and Britain as well as across the Muslim world.

9. An early investigation of the theft showed " flagrant shortcomings " in security, with only seven out of 43 security cameras working properly.

10. But he also committed a flagrant foul that fired up James and the Cavs, who held the Nets to 36 percent shooting.

flagrantflagrant 英英释义


1. conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible

e.g. a crying shame

an egregious lie

flagrant violation of human rights

a glaring error

gross ineptitude

gross injustice

rank treachery

Synonym: crying(a)egregiousglaringgrossrank