



  现在分词:shocking;   复数形式:shocks;

shocked 基本解释


惊愕的,受震惊的;使…震惊( shock的过去式和过去分词 );使受电击;使…感到厌恶[恐惧];

shocked 网络解释

1. 震惊的:worthy#值得的 | shocked#震惊的 | simple#简单的

2. 震憾:12 Especially for you 特别为你 | 13 Shocked 震憾 | 14 Word is out 苍白的语言

3. 惊讶:Sigh 叹气、难过 | Shocked 惊讶 | Nod 点头

shocked 双语例句

1. It is like what we always said. Buddha wants the gold plated cloth, Human want cloth. So what did Xiao Yu Er saw that shocked him? ??

正所为 佛要金装人要衣装,到底从小渝儿眼里看到了些啥如此振撼的画面????


2. What shocked me was the discourteousness and ignorance of the professor.


3. Horan said: I was shocked when they mentioned it but willing to try anything.


4. shocked的反义词

4. My friends and family are all impressed by its good looks and spacious interior. Some were even shocked.


5. shocked

5. Although she has already left the drama crew, she still missed it a lot. When she first received the script of the drama, she was so shocked. The favourites and the character of the leading actress is so similar to her in real life.


6. A bereft Liu, looking pained and shocked walked back into the undercroft of the Bird's Nest stadium passing astonished Chinese volunteers and officials before sinking to the ground in front of the giant athletics backdrop.


7. A few years later, the photos of small children working in factories by Lewis Hine shocked the public.


8. shocked的近义词

8. Qingdao, Jinan people who allegedly seen washing apples am shocked, they said that the use of a Apple Jinan people wash water can wash basket Apple Qingdao.


9. shocked的解释

9. There was once a king named Shahryar who was so shocked by his wife's infidelity that he had her killed.


10. In 1957 the Russians impressed and shocked the world by launching Sputnik 1, the first satellite to orbit the Earth.

1957年苏联发射了第一颗人造卫星 Sputnik 1号,Sputnik 1号也是进入地球轨道的第一颗人造卫星。Sputnik 1号的发射,震惊了整个世界。

11. The results showed that the XRD data of shocked HA powder are more similar to the data of hone crystals than unshocked HA powder's.


12. Estimated value of the strain is 4.87×10^(-3). The energy stored in shocked powders was released during sintering process. The temperature of maximum shrink rate of shocked sample was about 70℃ lower than that of unshocked one. The strength and density of HA ceramics from the shocked sample can be enhanced obviously.


13. Working from outside the basin in to the Mare Basalts, they find the surface composition changes from Feldspathic breccias (Feldspar is a rock that crystallizes from magma) to shocked Anorthosite (a type of feldspar that makes up the light areas of the moon), to unshocked crystalline anorthosite, to high Calcium pyroxene (a rock made of silicate minerals) and pyroclastic rocks in the center.


14. Recently, my machines are frequently out of love, the reason is unknown, the name of the host to open a bolder look, shocked fans do not switch to the host, re-buy the idea of a fan just from the brain immediately 里钻 out by their own 掐灭 Now it has been comparatively SLOT1 difficult to find the fan, and I have decided to upgrade a few months later P4, now the fans can invest in waste; not to mention the current Intel Original fan or fans do!

最近我的爱机经常出现故障,原因不详,打着胆子打开主机一看,吓了一跳,主机风扇根本不转,重新去买一个风扇的念头刚刚从脑子里钻出来就立即被自己掐灭了,现在 SLOT1的风扇已经比较难找了,而且我已经决定几个月后升级 P4,现在的这个风扇投资可就浪费了;何况现在这个风扇还是 Intel 原装风扇呢!

15. You know, it's been sweeping the continent of North America and shocked the western people.


16. Don't be shocked if a couple of ambivalent feelings sneak in there, too.


17. Based on this result, it is concluded that the change of acetylation level at the loci of hsp, mediated by histone deacetylase inhibitors, exertsimportant functions in hsp gene transcription.3, After immunolabeling with anti acelated-lysine monoclonal antibody on the polytene chromosomes of heat shocked flies, fluorescence signals were detected at the hsp loci.


18. shocked

18. Lin pointed out that 121 people shocked smooth after the reversion, the short-term changes brought about by the developers is a long-term rational thinking.


19. I have no intention of the article to see the old fish, I am shocked that the dog did not upper limb, let everyone think that no dog can not live in the upper limb, but it still survive, and would like to walk, so I am very impressed Yaoku faster, the dog really Taiburongyi.


20. I was shocked by the terrible thunder.


shocked 单语例句

1. Kong Quan said China was shocked by the tragedy and vehemently condemned this barbarous act targeted against civilians.

2. The price tag may have shocked some applicants, but the decision was in line with the general trend in the nation's business schools.

3. She met the anonymous homeless man by accident when she was touring Mount Qinling in May and was greatly shocked by his condition.

4. I was shocked by this amount and wanted to see how they'd calculated the duties.

5. But Campion said some men are " shocked " by that female perspective.

6. The chaos shocked many Baghdad residents, and crime remains a problem in the capital.

7. The case shocked Australians and followed a state ombudsman's report on Wednesday pointing to chaos in Victoria's child protection system.

8. Officials at the blood center and the provincial health department were shocked when news of the ring broke.

9. Shocked by the miserable living conditions he saw no tap water, no central heating system and no paved roads Li promised to make some changes.

10. Shocked by the diagnosis of cerebral palsy resulting from inborn hypoplasia, the couple was informed that there was slim hope that Tianyi would ever recover.

shocked 英英释义



1. struck with fear, dread, or consternation

Synonym: aghast(p)appalleddismayed