

lancet:[英 [ˈlɑ:nsɪt] 美 [ˈlænsɪt] ]


lancet 基本解释

名词柳叶刀; 刺血针; 口针

lancet 网络解释

1. 刺血针:不过,周三的(New Scientist)杂志报导说,一种经过了大规模国际测试的监视器或可起到作用,把手术时有「清醒」体验患者的数量减少80%. 这项研究的完整结果不久后将在医学期刊(Lancet)上发表.

lancet 双语例句

1. lancet的解释

1. The doctor held the lancet between his fore-finger, middle-finger and thumb and introduced it into the patient's eye towards the pupil, half a finger's breadth from the black of the eye and a quarter of a finger's breadth from the outer corner of the eye.


2. Instead of a vaccine, they wonder, as they write in the Lancet, whether the job might be done with drugs.

正如他们在 Lancet 中所写的,他们想知道没有疫苗这项工作在服药的情况下能够完成。

3. The findings, from Uganda, are in the medical journal, The Lancet.


4. Researchers study studied the bodies of two people killed by H5N1. The study appeared in a lencent the Lancet.

专家们研究了感染 H5N1致死的两位死者的尸体,结果出现在刺血针上。

5. Other widely read journals that published articles included Science, Nature and The Lancet.


6. A leading British medical publication, the Lancet, has formally retracted a study it published 12 years ago, suggesting a link between the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, MMR, and autism.


7. On the basis of his experience with retroviruses, Duesberg has challenged the virus-AIDS hypothesis in the pages of such journals as Cancer Research, Lancet, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Nature, Journal of AIDS, AIDS Forschung, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapeutics, New England Journal of Medicine and Research in Immunology.

在以他对逆转录酶病毒的研究为基础上,Duesberg在多个学术性杂志上挑战现有的爱滋病病毒假说,这些杂志包括《癌症研究》,《手术刀》,《国家科学院学报》,《科学》,《自然》,《爱滋病期刊》,《AIDS Forschung》,《生物医学与药物》,《新英格兰医学与免疫学研究期刊》。

8. The lancet device includes a drive spring (102) disposed within the housing for biasing the lancet structure toward the puncturing position, and a retaining hub (90) retaining the lancet structure in the retracted position against the bias of the drive spring.


9. lancet在线翻译

9. The lancet device includes a drive spring disposed within the housing for biasing the lancet toward the puncturing position, and a retraction or return spring for returning the lancet to a position within the housing where the puncturing element is disposed within the housing.


10. lancet是什么意思

10. July 15, 2002 -- Inhaled O-nitrosothanol gas, a form of ethyl nitrite gas, can relieve persistent pulmonary hypertension in the newborn, according to a research letter in the July 13 issue of The Lancet.

2002年7月15日报导─据The Lancet杂志7月13日报导的一项研究的结果显示,吸入O-nitrosothanol气体,一种亚硝酸盐乙酯气体,可以缓解新生儿顽固性肺动脉高压症的病情。

11. lancet在线翻译

11. Dr Kerr has joined Edanz Editing in 2005 and brings with him many years of experience as a biomedical copy editor, and as an abstracter and indexer for various drug companies and information services.

是一位富有经验的科学家,并为Lancet 杂志执笔,2005年成为理文编辑资深生物医学编辑,并且是很多医药公司及信息服务的文摘和索引编辑。

12. lancet在线翻译

12. Dr. Kerr is a widely experienced scientist and writer and has published as a reporter for the Lancet.


13. Their report appears in the June 21 issue of The Lancet.



14. The study is published in the January 6 issue of the Lancet.


15. The study is in the Lancet medical journal.


16. To doctors, lancet is a kind of useful tool.


17. This cocaine-induced enhancement of synaptic plasticity in the VTA may be important for the formation of drug-associated memory.

这是我翻译2005年 LANCET 的一篇文章,这个Alexopolous在老年抑郁方面的研究在国际上很有建树,在此愿意同大家分享。

18. Issue of The Lancet that used physiologic, microbiologic, and histologic criteria.


19. The Lancet aims to publish the best original primary research papers, and review articles of the highest standard.


20. A narrow window having a lancet arch and without tracery.


lancet 单语例句lancet

1. The findings were presented Monday at the cardiology college's conference in Florida and published online by the British medical journal Lancet.

2. The report in The Lancet Neurology medical journal today says the technique suppresses cells that cause damage and effectively'resets'the immune system.

3. Researchers from University of Alabama and other institutions around the world published their study in the British medical journal The Lancet.

4. The Lancet routinely publishes papers on the Web before they appear in print, particularly if it considers the findings of urgent public health interest.

5. The discovery was published on Friday in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal.

6. In a special energy and health series of the medical journal The Lancet, experts said people should eat fewer steaks and hamburgers.

7. It published its findings in The Lancet medical journal in September, saying the experimental vaccine was effective and well tolerated at low doses.

8. Papers prepared for a major conference in London next week and published in the Lancet on Friday reveal the scale of the failure.

9. The four reports are the second part in the a child survival campaign by The Lancet.

10. Professor Spector and colleagues in the US reported their findings in a research letter published online by the Lancet.

lancet的反义词lancet 英英释义


1. a surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade

used for punctures and small incisions

Synonym: lance

2. an acutely pointed Gothic arch, like a lance

Synonym: lancet arch