

whip:[英 [wɪp] 美 [hwɪp, wɪp] ]


过去式:whipped;   过去分词:whipped;   现在分词:whipping;   复数形式:whips;

whip 基本解释

及物动词鞭打,抽打; 严厉地折磨、责打或责备,迫使; 把…打起泡沫

不及物动词烤,烘; 烘干

名词鞭子; 鞭伤,鞭痕; 鞭状物; 组织秘书,立法机构的一员

whip 相关词组

1. whip up : 鞭打; 激起/增强/促进(激情、兴趣等 催促;

whip 相关例句


1. The rain whipped the window.


2. whip的翻译

2. The robber whipped out a knife.


3. whip

3. Someone whipped my purse.



1. Then she whipped out a hairbrush and started to brush her long hair.


whip 网络解释

1. whip的近义词

1. 鞭子:在春夏两季,我们学习了解各种阵地:小南方(LITTLE SOUTHERN),鞭子(WHIP),腌菜头(PICKLEHEAD)以及小草地(LITTLE MEADOW). 在这段时间里,我们也化费相当多的时间来训练我们众多的后备军官. 第二天,我开始观察进入一个叫做松树把手的敌军阵地的可能性,


2. 鞭:亚拉巴马州) :众议院金融服务委员会 首席共和党委员 马克斯鲍库斯(MaxBaucus)参议员(民主党,蒙大拿州) :参议院金融委员会主席 罗伊布伦特(RoyBlunt)众议员(共和党,密苏里州) :众议院少数党党鞭(whip) 约翰伯纳(JohnBoehner)众议员(共和党,

3. whip的意思

3. 鞭法:法:( 基本鞭法:(whip) 基本锤法:(hammer) 基本针法:(nedle) 基本匕法:(dagger) 基本暗器:(throwing)基本笔法:(三):其他基本类: 基本招架:(parry) 基本轻功:(dodge) 基本心法:(force) 基本灵法:(spells)十一:门派功夫:十二:公共功夫:十三:绝密功夫:其他层次十四:功夫境界:(境界数值)初学乍练(10)略识有无(20)粗通皮毛(30)略知

4. 皮. 鞭:说明 皮鞭(Whip)是一件特殊的近战武器. 不同于其他近战武器,皮鞭的用处很广泛. 皮鞭可以多耗费1AP,做出类似格斗技中卸兵手和击退腿的技巧. 标准中程近战钝器. 击落武器(Disarm)让攻击AP+1,命中的话做力量对抗检定(DC:12

whip 双语例句

1. Push, got encircling go-between namely reputably, what the member that expanded quickly registers quantity and ring of person arteries and veins is ceaseless and duplicate, the whip Niu Shiliu that lets build beginning measures straight strong the sky.


2. I love it. Hey, should I whip up a fondue for Mom?


3. Dante: First I whip it out!


4. First I whip it out!


5. Then I whip it out anytime I have spare time, waiting at the doctor`s office, in line at the post office, driving in the Indy 500 … you know.

读书 我喜欢上哪儿都带上一本小说,一有时间就拿出来,在候诊室里,在邮局排队时。

6. Now I use the EEE PC on and off all day, it is constantly switched on and connected to my wireless LAN in my house, every time I leave the house it gets thrown into my bag along with my mobile phone, if I find myself with a few minutes to spare during the day, maybe drinking coffee in a cafe or waiting for a doctor in the hospital then I can whip it out and get some work done.


7. Mankind's history up to now helps a culture by torture Jun method to often see not fresh, like the Xing of fire Fen, commit by poison of Xing, behead, cut a waist, bury alive, boil Lao, car crack, Ling2 Chi2, disorderly the stick kill, execute by shooting, exterminate whole family, five horse cent corpses, dig to the prisoner's large intestine to bind while also having Sung Dynasty Bad is at the horsetail up, whip son a ring the horse drive fast and the prisoner immediately draws last breath an etc.


8. whip的反义词

8. Simultaneous measurements using high speed camera, pulling-force tranducer and remote myoelectric device were made to investigate the change of pulling force curve during back and whip-swing performance in rings.


9. Sputnik 1, the first satellite, shown with four whip antennas


10. whip在线翻译

10. Sputnik 1 was a 184 pound, 22 inch diameter sphere with four whip antennas connected to battery powered transmitters.


11. Simply stated, if I was Bruney, I`d retract my previous offer and just be grateful the Yankees are offering him more than a half a million dollars for a performance this past season that includes a dismal 1.620 WHIP, 4.68 ERA, and a couple of blown fuses.

说明白一点,如果我是 Bruney,我会撤销我提出的价码然后叩谢洋基,感激他们还愿意给我一年超过 50 万美金的薪水,因为我去年的表现实在有够令人沮丧:1.620 WHIP、4.68 ERA,外加好几次搞砸比赛。


12. The entire palace room executes octagonal stone column 16, in the palace 4 golden column relief grasps the oak to hold the whip the bearing broad warrior, lively You Long, the natural dance phoenix, floating wants the fresh flying apsaras, the huge perfectly round p'anlung sc gd and so on, these relief hard and soft fusion attracts attention.12 eave columns besides 4 for the solid colored, other 8 also decorated with reliefs, the picture has the lotus, the chrysanthemum, the volume grass, the flying apsaras, to sit Buddha, the lotus flower metaplasia, the phoenix play peony, the peacock to put on the flower as well as the group crane noisy lotus and so on.


13. Because you said that this mocha frapalicious would have whip on it.


14. On the third or fourth of May I saw a loon in the pond, and during the first week of the month I heard the whip-poor-will, the brown thrasher, the veery, the wood pewee, the chewink, and other birds.


15. I was not only nearer to some of those which commonly frequent the garden and the orchard, but to those smaller and more thrilling songsters of the forest which never, or rarely, serenade a villager — the wood thrush, the veery, the scarlet tanager, the field sparrow, the whip-poor-will, and many others.


16. I was not only nearer to some of those which commonly frequent the garden and the orchard, but to those smaller and more thrilling songsters of the forest which never, or rarely, serenade a villager—the wood thrush, the veery, the scarlet tanager, the field sparrow, the whip-poor-will, and many others.



17. The drayman whip ped on his horse.


18. The root causes of the death of Zhang Fei in his irascible temper, excessive alcohol, more deadly whip of his subordinates at every turn and unreasonableness.


19. whip的意思

19. In the center of NGC 6240, the two black holes in the cores will whip up a frenzy of radiation as they careen towards one another head-on, likely transforming the galaxy into a monster known as an ultra-luminous infrared galaxy, thousands of times as bright in infrared as our Milky Way.

在NGC 6240星系的中心,星系内核中的两个巨大黑洞将激发狂乱的辐射物,加剧两个星系内核的合并进程,很可能会使它们合并成为一个超明亮的红外星系,其红外线亮度是银河系的数千倍。

20. Produced wine, wine has been sold three whip Shenzhen, Fuzhou and other places, much the consumers favor.


whip 词典解释

1. 鞭子

A whip is a long thin piece of material such as leather or rope, fastened to a stiff handle. It is used for hitting people or animals.

2. 鞭打(人或动物)

If someone whips a person or animal, they beat them or hit them with a whip or something like a whip.

e.g. Eyewitnesses claimed Mr Melton whipped the horse up to 16 times...


e.g. He was whipped with a studded belt.



He threatened to give her a whipping.


3. (风等)猛烈地抽打

If something, for example the wind, whips something, it strikes it sharply.

e.g. A terrible wind whipped our faces...


e.g. A branch whipped her across the cheek.


4. (在外力作用下)猛然移动

If something flexible whips in a particular way, it moves sharply when it is affected by a force, for example by the wind.

e.g. Blond strands of hair whipped in the wind.


5. 快速移开;快速拿走

If someone whips something out or whips it off, they take it out or take it off very quickly and suddenly.

e.g. Bob whipped out his notebook...


e.g. Players were whipping their shirts off...


6. 迅速地移动

If something or someone whips somewhere, they move there or go there very quickly.

e.g. The wind out here is whipping along at about 30 miles an hour...


e.g. I whipped into a parking space.


7. 搅打(奶油或鸡蛋等)

When you whip something liquid such as cream or an egg, you stir it very fast until it is thick or stiff.

e.g. Whip the cream until thick...


e.g. Whip the eggs, oils and honey together.


8. (故意)激起(情绪)

If you whip people into an emotional state, you deliberately cause and encourage them to be in that state.

e.g. He could whip a crowd into hysteria...


e.g. Politicians and businessmen have whipped themselves into a panic.


9. 组织秘书,党鞭(维持党纪并督导该党议员出席议会重要议题的讨论和表决的人)

A whip is a member of a political party in a parliament or legislature who is responsible for making sure that party members are present to vote on important issues and that they vote in the appropriate way.

10. 控制权;主导地位

If you have the whip hand, you have power over someone else in a particular situation.


e.g. These days the shopper has the whip hand, and will not buy if stores fail to lower their prices.


11. a fair crack of the whip -> see crack

相关词组:whip up

whip 单语例句

1. But they also add to the pressure on the banking system and have done little good to whip up State companies'initiative in market competition.

2. Moss said the Chinese chefs whip up all kinds of dishes and have a particularly good grasp of Asian flavors.

3. When Pelosi lashed out in the name of justice in Dharamsala, did not she also feel the whip of her own conscience?

4. If they joined up, the flames would cut off escape routes and whip up the wind.

5. Whip the double cream and icing sugar to soft peaks and pile the whipped cream on top of the trifle.

6. All these show Pyongyang's satellite launch may whip up negative international opinion against it, which could in turn further estrange it from the international community.

7. Drivers often whip around corners even when pedestrians have the right of way, and few cyclists wear helmets.

8. It was a routine event that even a typhoon wouldn't be able to whip up into a storm.

9. Instead of examining their unrealistic political ambitions, the Taiwan authorities again criticized others and tried to whip up resentment among the public.

10. If you want a pretense to whip a dog, say he ate the frying pan.

whip 英英释义


1. a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object

e.g. the whip raised a red welt

Synonym: lashwhiplash

2. an instrument with a handle and a flexible lash that is used for whipping

3. (golf) the flexibility of the shaft of a golf club

4. a dessert made of sugar and stiffly beaten egg whites or cream and usually flavored with fruit

5. a legislator appointed by the party to enforce discipline

Synonym: party whip


1. subject to harsh criticism

e.g. The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday

the professor scaled the students

your invectives scorched the community

Synonym: blisterscald

2. defeat thoroughly

e.g. He mopped up the floor with his opponents

Synonym: worstpipmop uprack up

3. strike as if by whipping

e.g. The curtain whipped her face

Synonym: lash

4. beat severely with a whip or rod

e.g. The teacher often flogged the students

The children were severely trounced

Synonym: flogweltlatherlashslashstraptrounce

5. whip with or as if with a wire whisk

e.g. whisk the eggs

Synonym: whisk

6. thrash about flexibly in the manner of a whiplash

e.g. The tall grass whipped in the wind