

duly:[英 [ˈdju:li] 美 [ˈdu:li] ]


duly 基本解释


副词及时,按时; 适当地; 充分地

duly 相关例句


1. duly的反义词

1. The truck duly arrived.


2. Eggs were duly delivered .


3. They were duly sworn in.


4. I shall duly pay you back.


5. Your letter is duly to hand.


duly 网络解释

1. 按期地,按时的:19. call at 停泊 | 20. duly 按期地,按时的 | 1. Price terms 价格条件

2. 适时地:dulse 红皮藻 | duly 适时地 | Duma 杜马

3. duly的反义词

3. 及时,按时:由于,因为Due to | 及时,按时Duly | 值更驾驶员Duty Officer

4. 当然地:dull 迟钝的 | duly 当然地 | dumb 哑的

duly 双语例句

1. duly在线翻译

1. The shot fell and he was rewarded with an extra foul shot, which he duly converted.


2. We have made a footnote on the contract to that effect and are returning herein one copy of the contract after duly countersigning it.


3. But first from under shadie arborous roof, Soon as they forth were come to open sight Of day-spring, and the Sun, who scarce up risen With wheels yet hov'ring o're the Ocean brim, [140] Shot paralel to the earth his dewie ray, Discovering in wide Lantskip all the East Of Paradise and Edens happie Plains, Lowly they bow'd adoring, and began Thir Orisons, each Morning duly paid [145] In various style, for neither various style Nor holy rapture wanted they to praise Thir Maker, in fit strains pronounc't or sung Unmeditated, such prompt eloquence Flowd from thir lips, in Prose or numerous Verse, [150] More tuneable then needed Lute or Harp To add more sweetness, and they thus began.


4. After shipment, the buyer shall duly make the payment against documentary sight draft drawn on the buyer together with the documents stipulated in Article 4 hereof made out to the buyer by the seller.


5. Is a company duly incorporated and carries on business in the Province of Ontario.


6. REMARKS:The buyer is requested to sign and return one original of this Contract, duly signed to the seller for file immediately.

14附 注:买方应立即将本合同签署后退正本一份给卖方存查。

7. Any sum that, by terms of issue of a share, becomes payable on allotment or at a fixed date, whether on account of the nominal value of the shares or by way of the shares or by way of premium, shall for the purpose of the regulations be deemed to be a call duly made and payable on the date on which by the terms of issue the sum become payable, and, in case of non-payment, all the relevant provisions of these regulation as to payment of interest and expenses, forfeiture or otherwise apply as if the sum had become payable by virtue of a call duly made and notified.


8. duly的意思

8. 7 The Borrower shall effect and maintain insurance of the Property against loss or damage by fire or explosion or such other risks as the Lender may require in its full reinstatement value or to the full extent of the facilities granted or to be granted to the Borrower whichever is the higher in some reputable insurance company as the Lender shall first approve of in writing and if so required by the Lender in the joint names of the Borrower and the Lender and shall duly and punctually pay all premia or sums of money necessary for such purpose and will not do or cause or suffer anything to be done whereby such policy or policies may become void or voidable and shall at any time on demand made for that purpose on the Borrower as hereinafter provided endorse over to, produce to or leave with the Lender such policy of such insurance and the receipt for every such payment so that the Lender shall have a lien on the same and on all moneys thereby assured and in the event of any insurance policy being taken out by the Lender on behalf of the Borrower whether on the express or implied instructions of the Borrower or pursuant to any powers herein conferred the Borrower shall irrevocably grant permission to the Lender to receive any commission rebate or other advantage in relation to such policy or any subsequent renewals thereof; and if any of the obligations under this sub-clause is not performed by the Borrower, the Lender shall be at liberty to arrange for any of such obligations to be performed at the cost and expense of the Borrower and such cost and expense shall be included in and shall form part of the secured sum

9.7 借款人须为物业因火警、爆炸或贷款人要求包括的其他风险而可能引致的损失或损害,在事先获贷款人书面批核、具良好商誉的保险公司投保及维持保险有效,保额为全面修复物业的费用,或为已授予或将授予借款人的全部信贷额,两者以较高者为准;如贷款人有所要求,保险得以借款人与贷款人联名形式购买;借款人并须准时妥为缴交为上述目的需付的全部保金或款项。凡可导致保险单无效或可予作废的作为,借款人均不得作出,或促使或容许其发生。如贷款人在任何时间根据下文规定向借款人提出要求,借款人须将保险的保单和每次缴付保金的收据经批签后交予贷款人、向贷款人出示或留交贷款人,使贷款人对上述保单、收据及所有保险金享有留置权。如贷款人代借款人投保(不论是在借款人明示或默示的指示下,或是依据本契据授予的权力),则借款人须以不可撤销的方式准许贷款人收受任何关於该保单或其后续保的佣金、回佣或其他利益。如借款人未能履行此条款任何义务,则贷款人可自由作出安排,使该义务得以履行,而有关费用及开支须由借款人负责,并包括在有抵押款项内,成为其一部份

9. duly在线翻译

9. Because a minor difference between the L/C and the sales contract, if not discovered or duly amended, the negotiating bank will refuse negotiation of the documents according to the instruction given by the opening bank.


10. If a man disinherits his son, by a will duly executed, and leaves his estate to a stranger, there are many who consider this proceeding as contrary to natural justice: while others so scrupulously adhere to the supposed intention of the dead, that if a will of lands be attested by only two witnesses instead of three, which the law requires, they are apt to imagine that the heir is bound in conscience to relinquish his title to the devisee.


11. duly

11. The time of taking said acknowledgment, proof or affidavit, a Notary public in and for the City and County of San Francisco, duly commissioned and sworn in said City and County, and was such, an officer of said State, duly authorized by the laws thereof to take and certify the same, as well as to take and certify the proof and acknowledgment of deeds and other instruments in writing to be recorded in said State, and that full faith and credit are and ought to be given to his or her official acts; that the certificate of such office is required to be under seal; that the impression of his or her official seal is required by law to be on file in the office of the County Clerk.


12. Today we mailed back to you the original contract duly executed by our company.


13. An instrument in writing, duly executed and delivered, that conveys title or an interest in real property.



14. The legally binding version of this Contract shall be the duly executed English version which shall be exclusively used for the construction of this Contract.


15. duly

15. This Agreement may be modified only by a further writing that is duly executed by both parties.


16. It shall be duly executed by or on behalf of each mortgagor in the specified manner.


17. Each party represents and warrants to the other that this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed, and delivered by it.


18. The hungry and destitute situation of the infant orphan was duly reported by the workhouse authorities to the parish authorities.


19. duly

19. And conditions of this credit that the same shall be duly honoured on due presentation.


20. We, a manufacturer duly organized under the laws of and having its principle place of business at, hereby make, constitute and appoint, a company duly organised under the laws of (name of Eligible Source Country) and having its principle place of business at, to be our true and lawful attorney in fact to do the following


duly 词典解释

1. 正如预期地;正如要求地

If you say that something duly happened or was done, you mean that it was expected to happen or was requested, and it did happen or it was done.

e.g. It was the beginning of the end and Watson duly went on to win his fourth Open Golf Championship...


e.g. Westcott appealed to Waite for an apology, which he duly received.


2. 适当地;恰当地

If something is duly done, it is done in the correct way.

e.g. ...the duly elected president of the country.


duly 单语例句

1. It remains to be seen whether local leaders in Liuyang are duly punished for the cadmium pollution.

2. Winter has arrived and Beijing's central heating was duly fired up on Monday, bringing with it further concerns about pollution in the capital city.

3. These measures affect new activities and companies as well as companies'expansions and projects of rehabilitation for companies located and duly established in Congo.

4. Developing a risk management system for financial reforms and duly defining and dividing the local government's responsibilities for maintaining financial stability.

5. The freedom and rights of people in Hong Kong are duly protected.

6. While one of Hilton's publicists had ordered and paid for two burgers, a mineral water and a frappe were also requested and duly provided.

7. The FCC argued Tuesday that CBS was duly warned that its 2004 halftime performers might add some shock value to the act.

8. Bush has implemented massive tax cuts and US consumers have duly increased spending by almost exactly the amount of those cuts.

9. The Japanese ambassador has said the right thing and duly performed his duty as an efficient diplomat to strengthen China - Japan ties.

10. Nixon's political crimes had been duly done and dealt with and therefore merit no further attention here.

duly的解释duly 英英释义


1. at the proper time

e.g. she was duly apprised of the raise

Synonym: punctually