

guerrilla:[英 [gəˈrɪlə] 美 [ɡəˈrɪlə] ]



guerrilla 基本解释

名词游击队; 游击战; 游击队员

guerrilla 网络解释

1. 游击:描写切.格瓦拉人生的传记片(Che,斯蒂文.索德伯格执导)获得正反两极评价:狂热的支持者认为(The Argentine)是典型的好莱坞式传记佳作,(Guerrilla)则更具独立系的文艺气质,如此多姿多彩的电影委实不可多得;

2. 游击战:同时,已凭本片斩获戛纳影帝的本尼西奥.德.托罗的附体演技也赢得热烈的掌声--考虑到(Guerrilla)与(The Argentine)上下部合体发行的优势,迄今尚无呼声的德.托罗也许仍有机会反败为胜.

3. 游击队员:guard 警戒;警戒部队;值守频率;警卫;卫兵;看守 | guerrilla 游击队员 | guerrilla force 游击部队

guerrilla 双语例句

1. In this regard, consider范睿to second-tier developer of urban development can be basically divided into two categories, one category is the guerrilla-style, such as the introduction was a piece of land go, they just look at opportunities; the other is completely out of strategic needs, such as identifying an inter-regional development Vanke, Sunshine 100, Olympic Gardens.

在这方面,考虑范睿二线开发城市发展基本上可以分为两类,一类是游击式的,如采用了一块土地去,他们只是看看机会;其他是完全失控的战略需要,如确定一个跨区域发展的万科,阳光100 ,奥林匹克花园。

2. According to the order of chief commander Zhu, the railroad guerrilla sent the


3. The scond is a country total guerrilla war strategic comparison of two battlefield of parties at Anhui, put forth effort to analyze the development, similarities and differences of bushfighting strategies between Communist Party and Kuomintang during different phases of the Anti-Japanese War.


4. guerrilla

4. One reason for this is because the Viet Cong were using guerrilla tactics.


5. guerrilla的近义词

5. While Lenin never believed in guerrilla fighting, Mao formulated the classic doctrine to show how to seize power


6. Represented by Mao Zedong's Chinese communists, and creatively developed the theory and principles of guerrilla warfare, mainly:(1) the enemy advances, withdraw, the enemy in I interference, the enemy tires, we attack the enemy retreats, we pursue, is the basic principles of guerrilla warfare; (2) to attack the main attack is a basic operational form of guerrilla warfare; (3) revolutionary base area, is the survival and development of guerrilla warfare Relying on; (4) under certain conditions, can be used as a strategy of guerrilla warfare phase of major combat form; (5) strategy to focus on the battles on the command and decentralized command and combined command is the principle of guerrilla warfare; (6) guerrilla warfare to the development of regular warfare.


7. guerrilla的意思

7. February 5, 1938, Japanese troops entered the town try to cover up, after January, when the county party committee Ye Xian Yu Huangding launch of the intifada, to capture Ye county, Shandong set up the third guerrilla detachment in Yexian carried out a series of anti-Japanese base building: The first is the expansion of the army, growing anti-Japanese armed, in a two-month period, three people三千七八百detachment to the development of the gun, becoming the largest Jiaodong an anti-Japanese armed.


8. Zheng Yaonan comrades, to join the Communist Party of China in 1928, 1930, was elected the first Chinese Yexian county party committee secretary of the County Committee will, command Yu Huangding uprising in 1938, founded the Jiaodong guerrilla detachment in the third, on many occasions to the Japanese puppet with a heavy blow, 1939 Reached the Yanan-year report on the work and to participate in Yan`an learn and work, as a result of spinal tuberculosis, drug-free treatment to the death in 1946, only 38 years old; Comrade Wang Zhai, Yu Huangding took part in an armed uprising, to assist the special committee uncovered as a result of the case, Together with leading authorities to evacuate, alone in Huangxian rushed, and Liu hit seven robbers, was arrested unfortunately killed, as young as 28 years old; Comrade Wang Dingchen Ye Xian is the first party member, has introduced Zhengyao Nan, Baoxian Zhou, Li Xun Chen, Chen Shang And others to join the party, in Yexian spark ignited a revolution.


9. He says Iraqi guerrilla forces get detailed reports on what is going on inside the palace grounds occupied by Paul Bremer, the chief U. S.


10. guerrilla的意思

10. In the guerrilla areas, that was Communism.



11. This was particularly so of the guerrilla areas where you could find the most libertarian spirits in the world.


12. Many regions will remain guerrilla zones for a long time.


13. But they realize that the country depends on them to maintain contact with Chinese people living in the guerrilla areas.



14. In guerrilla warfare behind the enemy lines, there is a difference between guerrilla zones and base areas.


15. But first of all let us see in what other ways the peasants had been inflamed in the guerrilla areas.



16. With the exception of the guerrilla areas and newly recaptured places, I found few villages without them.


17. guerrilla的反义词

17. That's it, classic guerrilla tactics, that's what we like!



18. He is a guerrilla fighting for his people.


19. guerrilla

19. This is the day of the guerrilla.


20. guerrilla的翻译

20. But in guerrilla war it is both important and necessary to note this difference.


guerrilla 词典解释

1. 游击队员

A guerrilla is someone who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police force.

e.g. The guerrillas threatened to kill their hostages.


e.g. ...a guerrilla war.


guerrilla 单语例句

1. The prime minister described the riots in the Sicilian city of Catania as a " guerrilla war ".

2. But the Catholic guerrilla group failed to make clear whether it planned to comply with demands that it scrap all its weapons for good.

3. Officials announced finding no communications equipment, maps or other evidence of a guerrilla command center at Saddam's hiding place.

4. She presided over a period of increasing political violence by leftist guerrilla groups and rightist death squads while the economy slid into chaos.

5. Some call the series an insult to Colombia, which is trying to end four decades of guerrilla war driven by the drug trade.

6. Communist guerrilla spokesman Gregorio Rosal speaks in telephone interviews aired almost daily by the country's top two television networks.

7. Dempsey added though that the offensive had uncovered evidence of fairly well structured guerrilla cells able to coordinate their operations.

8. But Islamic leaders have repeatedly threatened a guerrilla war as long as Ethiopian troops remain in Somalia to support the government.

9. One guerrilla who faked that his leg was wounded ran to a fence above the highway on a quick reconnaissance mission.

10. Unit members told the newspaper that they faced frequent sniper fire and guerrilla attacks, with dozens of soldiers wounded and some killed.

guerrilla 英英释义


1. a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment

Synonym: guerillairregularinsurgent