

aggressive:[英 [əˈgresɪv] 美 [əˈɡrɛsɪv] ]


aggressive 基本解释


形容词侵略的,侵犯的,攻势的; (美)有进取心的,积极行动的; 有进取心的,有闯劲的; 好争斗的,借故生端的,爱打架的,要打架的

aggressive 相关例句


1. Tom thought of the war as an aggressive one.


2. aggressive

2. An aggressive young man can go far in our firm.


3. Martin is too aggressive .


4. He is very aggressive.


aggressive 情景对话


A:Have you heard the news about Michael?


B:No, David, what happened?


A:Well, I heard that he was arrested.


B:What? Arrested? For what?


A:Apparently, he got in a fight at a bar.



B:I don’t believe it! He wouldn’t hurt a fly!


A:I agree with you. He’s usually so calm.


B:Maybe he was just trying to be a good Samaritan.


A:That’s possible. I can’t picture him trying to start a fight with someone.


B:Now that I think about it, though, I do remember him being a bit aggressive once.


A:Maybe he’s one of those people whose personality changes a lot when he drinks.


B:Does he often drink?



A:No, in fact I’ve only seen him drink once… and that was when I saw him behaving oddly.


B:Some people are not what they seem.


A:However, in all fairness, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.


B:You’re right. We don’t even know if he was actually arrested or not?


A:Shall we call him?


B:Ok, let me just get my phone… “Hello, Michael? It’s Samantha… I’m fine. Are you alright?... Your brother was mugged?...”


aggressive 网络解释


1. 有进取心的:无论遇到什么困难,都能够发现问题,Ability)相结合,成为有能力的(Capable)、有才干的(Able)、活跃的有进取心的(Aggressive)、适应性强的(Adaptable)的复合型人才,是进入500强的核心竞争力.

2. 积极的:正如在第一季度财政报表的脚注中,RSA-Security公司声明它转为使用更为积极的(aggressive)会计记帐方式. 这 种方式允许RSA公司在把软件交付给发行商的同时,将销售收入记入帐面--为什么要等到消费者真正付钱的时候呢?另一些时候,

3. 好斗的:再加上南非人特有的好斗的(Aggressive) 性格,又在医学院校工作多年,非常的老资格. 别说是助手和接待了,就是许多的牙医都惧怕她. 有幸我还能排在她工作过的所有牙医中的前五名,我还能被她接受,对我说的话也多是恭维(我还不能说那是大实话,

aggressive 双语例句

1. Like the Z51 performance-suspension package it displaces, the Grand Sport will upgrade the base Corvette chassis with more-aggressive shocks, springs, and anti-roll bars.


2. aggressive

2. But there was something aggressive about this appropriation of the highway.


3. Maybe I talk too much, or maybe I should have been more aggressive sexually.


4. The presence of dynamic and aggressive Mars in fixed and fiery Leo suggests you`ve got plenty of gusto and oomph to push ahead and get things done, especially when it comes to love and merrymaking.


5. aggressive

5. Her sharp, aggressive tone set in motion the events that led to her defeat.


6. Metal bands are sometimes distinguishable by their usage of solos, and aggressive, and sometimes melodic riffs, raw throated vocals, and being too heavy and agressive to be considering rock.



7. Wow! Long blond hair like a waterfall on her shoulder, a shining necklace around her white neck, a golden bracelet on her slim wrist, a neatly cut fringe over a pair of big, bright, beautiful eyes, surrounded by long eyelashes painted in black, a little mouth under an impressive but not aggressive nose, a svelte and graceful body timidly hidden in a shining gold skirt, small feet well fitted into a pair of black high-heeled shoes decorated with gold ornaments, a sunny smile on her face, she looked elegant, graceful, but a little bit shy.


8. Surgical treatment included en bloc removal of the infected graft and surrounding infected tissue, drainage and local irrigation with antibiotic solution, graft en bloc removal and primary amputation; Graft en bloc removal, drainage and revascularization with a saphenous vein or a new prosthetic graft; Aggressive debridement and local irrigation with antibiotic solution.


9. The aggressive influence mainly includes:Have holiday the system will biggest help the short way domestic to swim, view area, cabaret near the essential customer market and take short line product as the development of main travel agency, total to the cabaret, travel agency...etc. which takes business guest as main target object influence with just to is lord.


10. Jacen was far more serene, and took a measured, pacifistic stance, believing any aggressive use of the Force to be a step towards the dark side.


11. aggressive

11. In my recent Huddles, I`ve found it necessary to focus on some aggressive actions to reduce our costs.


12. In our point of view, the traits of Chinese income sources are: firstly it is mainly from the brokerage commission and the margin interests; secondly the focus on some special businesses can also make big profit; thirdly the previously main income—aggressive investment; fourthly the consulting business has become new gaining point.



13. The historical background of IOE founding is an aggressive trying by the Second Emperor at the original time of North Song Dynasty. Aim to changing chaos of official system from political chaos at the end of Tang Dynasty, he acceded, and then reformed this system.


14. At nearly four feet tall, it`s the largest, most aggressive vulture on the Serengeti.



15. A modern hard-core sociobiologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct evolved as anadvantageoustrait, having been ofsurvival valueto our ancestors in their struggle against the hardships of life on the plains and in the caves.

与此题相对应的原文段落在语义衔接上是通过近义词和平行的及物性结构来实现,即:predict/ felt that/ anticipated that/ thought that。其形成的连贯语义(即普遍认为试验的主体不会使用高电压)为答案的引出作了重要的铺陈。

16. In addition to the passive aggressive underminer, who delivers barbs鱼钩 dressed up as friendly inquiries, there is the naysayer反对者, 老爱唱反调的人, who undermines you more obviously, the plan-breaker, who ditches 摆脱, 抛开 you at the last minute, and peer同辈人 pressurers who won`t let you go home when you want to.



17. Inaddition to the passive aggressive underminer, who delivers barbs 鱼钩 dressed up as friendlyinquiries, there is the naysayer 反对者, 老爱唱反调的人, who undermines you moreobviously, the plan-breaker, who ditches 摆脱, 抛开 you at the last minute, andpeer 同辈人 pressurers who won`t let you go home when you want to.


18. I have appointed a proven and aggressive inspector general to ferret out any and all cases of waste and fraud.


19. Aggressive discipline will result in aggressive behavior in children toward other children and even the parent.


20. Initial stage of employee training, Wang2 Yu4 already operation of with the wind with the current; The outlet wholesaled to retail, the whole world the great uncle of the wine shop seem to than oneself more aggressive; The advertisement publicity, Wang2 Yu4, magpie, Cui son, the shell cloud elder brother play more happy than oneself.


aggressive 词典解释

1. 好斗的;挑衅的

An aggressive person or animal has a quality of anger and determination that makes them ready to attack other people.


e.g. Some children are much more aggressive than others...


e.g. These fish are very aggressive...



They'll react aggressively.


Her aggressiveness made it difficult for him to explain his own feelings.


2. 有闯劲的;积极进取的

People who are aggressive in their work or other activities behave in a forceful way because they are very eager to succeed.


e.g. He is respected as a very aggressive and competitive executive...


e.g. The Zambian game is much more aggressive than European soccer.



...countries noted for aggressively pursuing energy efficiency.

以积极追求能源效率而著称的国家aggressive 单语例句

1. Compared with a group who had played a nonviolent video game, those who had played " Mortal Kombat " were more aggressive across the board.

2. It is not just a gentleman's contest among themselves, but also against aggressive domestic competitors.

3. This could favor technical drivers like Britain's defending world champion Jenson Button against the more aggressive men like his teammate and compatriot Lewis Hamilton.

4. The nagging problems at home are acting as brakes for Obama's aggressive diplomatic ambitions, making America's pursuit of the strategic targets of hegemony a turbulent affair.

5. China and Russia have been calling for further talks rather than aggressive UN action against Iran.

6. Wenger was infuriated by the way United set out to disrupt Arsenal's smooth passing game by flying into tackles with aggressive intent.

7. Now UK politicians are calling for more aggressive policing and more vigorous Internet monitoring as part of a campaign of zero tolerance for unrest.

8. Zhou admitted that the recent aggressive rate cuts in the United States are restricting his agency's ability in raising the cost of capital.

9. As it becomes easier to cash in winning receipts, consumers will play a more aggressive role in scrutinizing the businesses'tax payments.

10. The Fish Castle Restaurant Bar had its water and electricity switched off by force earlier this month by aggressive developers with government clearance.
