

monumental:[英 [ˌmɒnjuˈmentl] 美 [ˌmɑ:njuˈmentl] ]


monumental 基本解释

形容词不朽的; 纪念碑的; 非常的

monumental 相关例句


1. monumental

1. This monumental pillar was built in memory of a great navy victory.


2. The artist spent years on his monumental painting, which covered all the walls of the exhibition hall.


monumental 网络解释

1. 纪念碑的,即不朽的:12.This is a monumental moment for both of us. 这是我们的重要时刻 | monumental=纪念碑的,即不朽的 | 13.im not kidding around.我没有开玩笑

2. monumental

2. 纪念碑的:monument 纪念碑 | monumental 纪念碑的 | monumentalize 纪念

3. 极为庞大:monument 纪念碑 | monumental 极为庞大 | mood 心情

4. 非常规的:Louver 天窗 | Monumental 非常规的 | metal spacer 金属隔片

monumental 双语例句

1. It is the oldest known monumental sculpture, and is commonly believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians of Old Kingdom in 2555 BC to 2532 BC.


2. monumental的解释

2. Things have changed today, however, with color returning to the streets of Chinese streets, people gaining a GRE ater degree of self-determination and reform yielding monumental changes in traditional practices.


3. The monumental project opens up a new means of art appreciation.


4. I blend element of elite architectureinto cubes, so every earthy﹑jerkwater cube has the character of elite architecture which is exclusive﹑monumental.


5. monumental的解释

5. Historians that Mircea Eliade perhaps the greatest ever epic world, the war has been the myth of Western culture has become one of the most monumental works.


6. The area of the market, towards the end of that period, acquires its final monumental form and the extensive paved pathway.


7. It is a position that must be projected as a general polemic about the future inevitability of a new monumental urban form and its appearance in the post-urban world.


8. The two entrances to the holy grottoreceived their present monumental form.


9. monumental的意思

9. A monumental gateway in the form of a pair of truncated pyramids serving as the entrance to an ancient Egyptian''.


10. The General scanned the dirt-walled room, looking for what'it'might be; and there at the end of the chamber he saw a monumental form, covered with a threadbare tapestry obviously brought down from the floor above.


11. Whichever way you cut it, North America is still a monumental drag. In 2008 it accounted for 78 per cent of total global impairment charges in personal financial services; in 2009 the share was 72 per cent.


12. The immediate outcome of this hi-directional alienation is the absence of professional responsibility and facts on the part of the news media as well as a loss of humanistic spirit in literary works. Consequently, we now have historic works but not epic poems. Neither do we haw great masters or monumental works.


13. monumental

13. On both sides of the head, bo palletizer gables and jump out after all, coping with brick and WaiHu bolts into the curve, delicate and elegant, In front of the hall YanXia is WangZhuan grinding and Chuan bent with very precise porch corridor, look up, its monumental made by artificial and materials that, And the bridge of short column and column, is not a simple shu to use a few short wood, but installation high-relief curving flowers. the curving flowers and leaves, Lu carved into a cloud, LiangYun fog, not only can satisfy the structural component of the requirements, and the proper decoration, try and do not provide craftsmanship.



14. As a result, he wrote the monumental work, book on miscellaneous diseases of enteric fever.


15. Monumental edifices line the city centre, world-class museums burst with treasures, white stallions strut their way down mirrored halls, and renowned orchestras and angelic choirboys perform in lavish concert halls.


16. Our employees live along the Colonial-era streets of Annapolis and Georgetown; in the suburban surroundings of Columbia; near the excitement of Baltimore's Inner Harbor; along rolling hills adjacent to working farms; near the shores of the Chesapeake Bay; and amid the monumental history of Washington, DC.


17. After a short break, some faster and stronger riders organized a group with the coach Tim Ti to cycle to Tiansiang and returned. The other riders cycled to Changchu Shrine and returned back to the Taroko Monumental Archway.


18. Wang Jia`nan`s landscapes have echoes –and sometimes more than echoes – of the monumental compositions of the Northern Song masters; while his figure paintings recall those of the Southern Song Chan painters Muqi and Liang Kai.


19. It is a fact of life that every monumental work will likely be surpassed.



20. In a monumental and influential work on Chinese agriculture from 1368 to 1968, the economist Dwight H.

在有着重要影响的关于1368—1968年中国农业的研究中,经济学家德怀特·H·波金斯Dwight H。

monumental 词典解释

1. 巨大的;极大的

You can use monumental to emphasize the size or extent of something.

e.g. It had been a monumental blunder to give him the assignment.


e.g. ...a series of monumental disappointments.



Suddenly it was monumentally successful.


...the most monumentally hideous night of my life.


2. (书或音乐)丰碑式的,意义深远的,不朽的

If you describe a book or musical work as monumental, you are emphasizing that it is very large and impressive, and is likely to be important for a long time.


e.g. ...his monumental work on Chinese astronomy.


3. 高大的;威严的

A monumental building or sculpture is very large and impressive.


e.g. I take no real interest in monumental sculpture.


monumental 单语例句

1. The ambassador said he hoped his successors will also have the opportunity to meet with the counselor's office at the monumental building in the future.

2. But disregarding the monumental progress that China has made in human rights, some Western people still criticize it for the human rights condition in the country.

3. Athens was a monumental success because organizers played down expectation and delighted the world with simplicity and tradition.

4. He said if China's influence was not heard in the next round of talks, it would be " a failure of political will of monumental dimensions ".

5. The ultimate removal of obstacles to direct flights, shipping and postal services across the Straits is monumental.

6. This was a monumental moment for the teacher because little Li lost one of her legs in the Sichuan earthquake.

7. Lincoln is a monumental figure who fought to preserve the union, presided over the enormously costly Civil War and signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

8. It is against this backdrop that his victory and bravery - Ali came out swinging - are seen as such monumental achievements.

9. As far as the eye can see in every direction, monumental construction dominates the skyline.

10. Some were monumental - one looked like a giant Mayan pyramid with a waterfall - others appalling.

monumental 英英释义


1. imposing in size or bulk or solidity

e.g. massive oak doors

Moore's massive sculptures

the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture

a monumental scale

Synonym: massivemonolithic

2. of outstanding significance

e.g. Einstein's monumental contributions to physics

3. relating or belonging to or serving as a monument

e.g. the use of the arch in monumental architecture

monumental sculptures