

northwest:[英 ['nɔ:θ'west] 美 [nɔrθˈwɛst, nɔrˈwɛst] ]


northwest 基本解释


名词西北部; 西北,西北方向

形容词西北部的; 在西北的; 向西北的; (风、光线)来自西北方的



northwest 相关例句


1. He returned to the Northwest after graduation.


northwest 情景对话


A:Do you have any direct flight to New Zealand?


B:Sorry, we dont. But I think you can fly on Northwest 222 to Tokyo and then have a connecting flight on Japan Airline 123 to Auckland. And it is the most economical flight, just USD 560.

对不起,我们没有直飞的航班,但你可以乘坐西北航空公司222航班到达东 京,转乘日本航空公司的123班机到达奥克兰。这个航线也是最经济的,机票才560美元。

A:When does the Flight 222 depart?


B:At 11:30am. By the way, it also makes a refueling stop at Chicago.


A:How big is the layover at Chicago?


B:Less than one hour.


A:And how long do I have to stay in Tokyo for the connecting flight?


B:Not so long, just one hour.


A:So the time for the whole journey is about...


B:About eleven hours.


A:Let me count. OK, it works out for my time schedule. Thanks a lot.


B:You are welcome.


northwest 网络解释

1. 西北:大陆(Continental),西北(Northwest)和德美(Delta)航空也於上周宣布实行第二件行李二十五美元的收费标准. 全美航空在不实行廉价竞争的航线上收取二十五美元燃料附加费. 但实行廉价机票的航线上附加费也相应下调.

2. 西北地区:3个行政地区是育空地区(Yukon),西北地区(Northwest)和努纳武特地区(Nunavut). 加拿大是双语国家,官方语言是英语和法语. 加拿大是一个高福利国家,加拿大人享受由中央政府、省政府和当地政府共同提供的广泛的社会福利和保险计划.

3. 西北航空公司:除了联合包裹UPS以外,还有联合航空公司(United Airline),西北航空公司(Northwest)和联邦快递FedExpress)各自获得每星期一个往返航次. UPS击败同业三角洲以及其他运输商,成为独家向中国提供新班机的运输商. UPS高层事后表示,

4. 西北航空:综合媒体报道,大陆航空(Continental),达美(Delta),西北航空(Northwest),美利坚航空(American Airlines),美国航空(U.S. Airways),阿拉斯加航空(Alaska Air)与联合航空公布第一季营运亏损率为5.2%,较去年同期下降7.7个百分点,

northwest 双语例句

1. Patterns in Nature: Aurorae A subdued aurora fills the sky above the Mackenzie River in Canada`s Northwest Territories.


2. In high cold region northwest of Hebei Province where it is drought and less rainfall. the vegetables were planted by irrigating with the water under ground, so the water level under ground decreased; the research on saving water of Radish and Cabbage under PFM was conducted, in order that the aim at saving water, high yield and good quality of vegetables under PFM could be realized.



3. A buckthorn native to northwest North America, the bark of which is the source of cascara sagrada.


4. Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau said the storm had winds of up to 67 miles per hour and was headed northwest toward China at a speed of 7 mph.



5. Zhang Sizhong of Health in March 1958, Republican village township small water. 1985 Northwest Normal University graduate studies in the Department of Education. From 1974 to 1993, successively as the Office of the Director-General Jingyuan Normal School, secretary of the Communist Youth League, vice chairman of the Senate, the chief of the student level, and so on. From 1993 to 1995 successively as deputy director of the Office of the District Hirakawa, experimental schools, such as lead director of the Office of the post office in 1995 Hirakawa, a secondary school principal. In 2000, he served as secondary school principals Hirakawa (vice-county).

张思忠 1958年3月生,共和乡小水村人。1985年西北师大教育系进修毕业。1974至1993年,先后任靖远师范学校办公室干事、团委书记、教务副主任、学生科科长等职。1993至1995年先后任平川区委办公室副主任,实验中学筹建办公室主任等职,1995年任平川中学校长。2000年,任平川中学校长﹙副县﹚。

6. After the American Civil War (1861 -1865), some fears were expressed that the US might attempt to annex Canadian territory, and in 1867, four of the eastern provinces of Ontario, New Brunswick, Quebec and Nova Scotia became the self- governing Dominion of Canada. In 1869, the Northwest Territory, which had belonged to the Hudson's Bay Company, was bought by the government; and other provinces later joined the dominion. In 1999, Canada consisted of ten provinces, and three territories.


7. northwest的解释

7. In Sui and Tang Dynasty (581-907), China was reunited after 300 years long split and entered a united and prosperous period. Its territory at that time reached Japanese Sea in the Northeast, Caspian Sea in Northwest, Lake Baikal and upstream of Yenisei river in the north, and Rinan in the south.


8. It is not a comprehensive history of the campaign in Northwest Europe that began on D-Day and ended with Germany`s surrender eleven months later.


9. And well, located in northwest Yunnan Lufeng County Longchuan River City, since ancient times is the local salt production Gong, As early as the early Eastern Han Dynasty to open salt boiling pans well.


10. The later formation of northwest jet at bottom is important reason of the snowstorm.


11. Three writers which are chosen come from three famous Dong where the dong compact community separately, loyal representatives who can write as Dong of the northwest of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of a piece of pool among them, representatives whom Tian JunTian can be written as Dong of western Hunan, representatives whom Pan NianYing can be written as Dong of the southeast of Guizhou Province.


12. According to the experts estimated that the total solar eclipse duration will be from 1991 to 2132 the longest time of 141 years a total solar eclipse, which occurred in August last year in Northwest China`s total solar eclipse only 98 seconds.


13. The Grand Cayon National Park follows the path of the Colorado River through northwest Arizona.


14. An arm of the Red Sea between the Sinai Peninsula and northwest Saudi Arabia.


15. Apache supplies approximately one-third of WA`s state gas needs whilst the Woodside Energy-led Northwest Shelf Joint Venture supplies the remainder from its Karratha LNG facility.

Apache公司提供的天然气约满足西澳大利亚地区三分之一的需求,而Woodside Energy-led Northwest Shelf合资公司旗下Karratha LNG发电厂负责其它地区的供应。

16. Geological conditions of gold mineralization and ore-prospecting prognosis in Yuejiazhuang-Hutouya tectonic complex rock zone; 2. Structure—magma control of gold mineralization in northwest sichuan; 3. The result is that not only both of them were formed in the same tectonic setting, but also lamprophyre had an important mineral matter contribution to gold mineralization and are the marks for predicting gold deposits.


17. To provide scientific evidence for varietal verify, distribution and application, the data of 2006 spring millet varieties in middle to late maturity group in northwest regional trial of china were studied by means of nonparametric statistics methods.


18. Two severe sand and dust storms occurred in 1719, April, 2005 and 2829, May, 2005 in northwest China are choosed to simulate there initial, transport, dust emission and disappear.


19. It is bordered on the north, northeast, and east by Iran, on the northwest by Iraq and Kuwait, on the west and southwest by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and qatar, and on the south and southeast by the United Arab Emirates and part of Oman


20. Presently, all MSF mobile activities are suspended in the Northwest and the international team based in Paoua has gone to Bangui, the capital.


northwest 单语例句northwest

1. The first batch of 100 tents will be transported by air to Jordan from Urumqi, capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

2. He visited northwest China by train to explore places of interests and Chinese delicacies on the ancient Silk Road.

3. It's to be found at Zhangjiajie in northwest Hunan Province where thousands of sandstone columns rise up precipitously from a deep canyon floor.

4. Its increased capacity in China's northwest regions will exceed 10 million tons after completion of 12 new production lines.

5. Armed police on duty Monday in downtown Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in Northwest China.

6. The first flight left on Sept 25 from Lanzhou, capital of Northwest China's Gansu province.

7. Wei made the statement at a seminar in Yinchuan, capital city of northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region.

8. The destination was the Guanting Reservoir Island in the northwest Beijing but I felt like I was in a caravan into the wilderness.

9. State television reported the quake was felt from the Caspian Sea provinces to the central city of Isfahan and the northwest city of Ardebil.

10. The credit card processing center in Elgin is about 50 km northwest of Chicago.

northwest 英英释义


1. a location in the northwestern part of a country, region, or city

2. the compass point midway between north and west

at 315 degrees

Synonym: nor'-westnorthwestwardNW

3. the direction corresponding to the northwestward compass point


1. situated in or oriented toward the northwest

Synonym: northwesternnorthwesterly

2. coming from the northwest

e.g. northwesterly winds

Synonym: northwesterly


1. to, toward, or in the northwest

Synonym: north-westnor'-west