

convincing:[英 [kənˈvɪnsɪŋ] 美 [kənˈvɪnsɪŋ] ]


过去式:convinced;   过去分词:convinced;

convincing 基本解释

形容词有说服力的; 令人相信的; 令人心悦诚服的

动词说服; 使相信(convince的现在分词); 使明白; 使确信


convincing 网络解释

1. 令人信服:偶而有年輕的鋼琴天才出現,指法嫻熟,技藝超卓,把蕭邦的波蘭圓舞曲和貝多芬的奏鳴曲彈得像一幅雲彩斑艷的織錦,非常的可觀,但往往限於可觀(Spectacular)而已,不太令人信服(Convincing),遑論感動(Touching).

2. 有说服力的:- ingenious 创造性的, 天才般的 | - convincing 有说服力的 | - intriguing 激发人兴趣的

3. convincing的近义词

3. 令人信服的:convincible 可说服的 | convincing 令人信服的 | convincingly 信服地

4. 使人信服的:convince 使信服 | convincing 使人信服的 | cook 煮;厨司

convincing 双语例句

1. In his litigation of claiming the hospital for compensation, the medical identification---the misdiagnosis and the wrong treatments didn`t constitute medical blunders---made by the Medical Association would not be adopted by the court because the staff constitution of the identification group was not compliable. This non-adoption upgraded the status of the other evidence helpful for xxx. But in this favorable situation, xxx`s lawyer took advantage of the ignorance of xxx, convincing him to remove the litigation. As medical institutions have a powerful force in society, and they can affect many aspects of the social life, lawing medical institutions not only consume time and energy, but also would brought adverse effects to his career.


2. Carter is vice president and director of sales and marketing for Intel, which became the third most valuable brand in the world by convincing consumers that, when it comes to computers, it`s what`s inside that counts.


3. convincing的解释

3. First, our studies provide convincing evidence that the genome is pervasively transcribed, such that the majority of its bases can be found in primary transcripts, including non-protein-coding transcripts, and those that extensively overlap one another.


4. convincing

4. He hummed and hawed for quite a while, failing to come out with any convincing argument.


5. He hummed and haw ed for quite a while, failing to come out with any convincing argument.


6. Mr. Kaufman draws a convincing link between this consolidation and greater market vulnerability.

Kaufman 先生对金融寡头的坚固地位和更大的市场脆弱性之间关系的论述令人信服。

7. New market, the recent East Xiaonan plate and convincing City, two new projects surface.


8. One report indicates that the delay is at least in part aimed at convincing them to participate.


9. convincing的近义词

9. Since it was Kaew`s fault, they asked her to do it and after a while of arguing and convincing, she agreed.


10. convincing

10. Convincing game developers to adopt its technology was not easy says David O'Meara Havok's boss.


11. It's a very convincing comparative study on China's achievements made in the past 40 years, and may help some people to know better the advantages and disadvantages of socialism and capitalism and to be clear about China's position in the world.



12. But he was very convincing, and I think it wound up working out well.


13. The testimony of an eyewitness can be weighty and convincing. Many a juror has been swayed by the testimony of a creditable witness.


14. Authorities are to be found on both sides, the intrinsic evidence is not convincing, but something is to be gained by assenting to one view rather than the other, and this appeals to the will, which therefore determines the intellect to assent to the view which promises the most.


15. This is the art of convincing people about.


16. But since Enron and other scandals, Americans don't need much convincing when it comes to mistrusting business leaders.


17. This was done on Mount Carmel; the result was that a miracle took place convincing those watching that Baal was false and that the Israelite God YHWH, was the true and only God.


18. The author holds that the present answers to this question is not convincing, and he intends to give a new and comprehensive answer to it.

第一版演释康德所分析的对象是Gegenstand ,是狭义的对象,只证明了范畴对此对象的客观有效性。

19. convincing的翻译

19. No convincing hypothesis of the origin of rilles exist as yet, but some suggestions have been advanced.


20. convincing

20. Apart from anything else, we just loved the clean but always extended and tuneful bass this setting gave, with an utterly convincing sense of timing that made the most of the rhythmic qualities of any musical style.


convincing 词典解释

1. 令人信服的;使人心悦诚服的;有说服力的

If you describe someone or something as convincing, you mean that they make you believe that a particular thing is true, correct, or genuine.

e.g. Scientists say there is no convincing evidence that power lines have anything to do with cancer...


e.g. He sounded very convincing.



He argued forcefully and convincingly that they were likely to bankrupt the budget...


Benito Garozzo won convincingly.

贝尼托·加罗佐赢得让人心悦诚服。convincing 单语例句convincing的意思

1. " Not even the economic case for liberalisation is convincing, " it said in its report.

2. Census takers have done a good job so far in convincing individuals that their private information will not be disclosed.

3. The South Korean port city of Busan likes to position itself as the cinematic hub of Asia and actress Tang Wei didn't need much convincing.

4. Although the cinematography and editing helps, the two actors try too hard to present a convincing performance.

5. These characters find their lives interwoven with one another - and with murder, suspense and humor - in convincing and comical ways.

6. But it's not convincing enough if the government completely bans pig husbandry for the reason that pigs are regarded as the main source of pollution.

7. The FDA said independent research over the past decade has found no convincing evidence that breast implants were associated with connective tissue diseases or cancer.

8. Japan never come to a national consensus on how to view the war, and it has long had troubles convincing its former victims of its contrition.

9. Results indicated the KMT had convincing leads in Taipei, the new Taipei suburban constituency of Xinbei and the central city of Taichung.

10. Shutting down a website without convincing reasons will deprive citizens of their constitutional right of free speech.

convincing 英英释义



1. causing one to believe the truth of something

e.g. a convincing story

a convincing manner