

matron:[英 [ˈmeɪtrən] 美 [ˈmetrən] ]



matron 基本解释

名词夫人; (受人尊敬的)已婚老妇人; 女看守; 女警卫

matron 双语例句

1. matron的翻译

1. I took my bath, brushed my teeth with soap and dressed myself for school in the clothes that the 2matron had laid on my bed.


2. This grave matron had several sorts of practice.


3. According to the Hunan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Institute Child Health Branch introduce Chinese matron, as the city`s children to receive less sunshine duration is generally easy to calcium deficiency, so that parents, in consultation with the advice of a doctor can choose a number of oral calcium products to children taking.


4. I have told the matron, / Who will announce that I am going to see my parents.



5. For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him.


6. matron

6. So spake our general Mother, and with eyes Of conjugal attraction unreprov'd, And meek surrender, half imbracing leand On our first Father, half her swelling Breast [495] Naked met his under the flowing Gold Of her loose tresses hid: he in delight Both of her Beauty and submissive Charms Smil'd with superior Love, as Jupiter On Juno smiles, when he impregns the Clouds [500] That shed May Flowers; and press'd her Matron lip With kisses pure: aside the Devil turnd For envie, yet with jealous leer maligne Ey'd them askance, and to himself thus plaind.


7. matron

7. Oh, Papa, I tell you fairly, I won't have a matron for a new stepmother


8. matron是什么意思

8. I love how Mary leans against a doorway holding baby Jesus to the adoration of a couple of dirty-footed pilgrims, with all the slightly bored insouciance of any matron chatting with the neighbors.


9. matron什么意思

9. In fact, the laborers who are protected by existing labor law in our country are the natural persons who achieve lawful age, have labor capability, have labor relationship, can pay out labor and achieve payment for labor, including laborers who establish labor relationship with corporation and individual economic organization, handyman who belong to state organs, enterprise organization, mass organizationsuch as cook, typist, dustman, driver and other back office force, non-handyman who belong to enterprise organization of enterprise-style management and other laborers who establish labor relationship with state organs, enterprise organization, mass organization by labor contract, not including official, official-liked staff member, countryside laborer(except employee of cottage industry, peasant who works and trades in city, soldier in active service and matron.


10. Recently both of them want to be a matron of honour for the other, So anotherone must change her marrie's day.


11. These dragons under the watchful eye of the Matron Protectorate, Haleh, and General Colbatann are fierce enemies of the black flight and desire to strike out against the new leaders of the blacks on azeroth; Nefarian and Onyxia.



12. Winters, the head matron, called me to the office and told me to go with old Mack, the black grounds keeper, to get a wbeel-harrew and pick up Honey ont of the read.


13. It prompted the matron to say that she would walk a little way - as far as to the point where the acclivity from the valley began its first steep ascent to the outer world.


14. Does this mean I think I could take on Matron Baenre in her prime?



15. Sophie: So, are you still going to be my matron of honor?


16. Matron of honor: Why'd she wanna hang out with you and your husband?


17. There is however, a primary bridesmaid known as the maid or matron of honor.


18. Matron of honor: Tons of people make the choice to be alone.


19. Matron of honor: What she meant to say was that it's fine that you broke up with Neil.

她其实想说,你和 Neil 分手没什么。

20. matron在线翻译

20. But they did not attend, although they sent Francisca Simodosea to be matron of honor.

尽管他们让 Francisca Simodosea 来做伴娘,但他们本人并没有出席婚礼。

matron 词典解释

1. (养老院及旧时医院中的)女护士长

The matron in a nursing home is the woman who is in charge of all the nurses. In the past, the woman in charge of the nurses in a hospital was also called a matron.

e.g. The Matron at the nursing home expressed a wish to attend...


e.g. Have you told Matron?


2. (寄宿学校的)女舍监,女总管

In boarding schools, the matron is the woman who looks after the health of the children.

e.g. Matron was quite kind but brisk and hurried.


e.g. ...a prep school matron.


3. (医院等机构的)女负责人,女总管;(监狱的)女看管,女看守

The matron in a hospital or other institution is the woman who is in charge of domestic matters. Matron is also used to refer to a female officer in a prison.

4. 中年妇女;主妇

People sometimes refer to middle-aged women as matrons .

matron 单语例句matron

1. Here, she is a dowdy matron who provides a glimpse of comedy by riding a pig.

2. " Even a matron like me is no exception, " He said.

3. The romantic drama will see Swinton playing a foreign society matron in Milan who falls for a young chef.

4. Bergen tackles the wedding planner as an interesting combination of Park Avenue matron and relentless drill sergeant.

5. I don't mind a man working as a maternity matron as long as he can do a good job.

6. A dorm matron at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls has been charged with abusing six students.

7. However, he does not know if the market is ready to accept a male maternity matron.

8. This is the premise of the Yunnan Film Project, the brainchild of Chief Producer and local arts matron Lola.

matron是什么意思matron 英英释义


1. a married woman (usually middle-aged with children) who is staid and dignified

2. a woman in charge of nursing in a medical institution

3. a wardress in a prison