

pompous:[英 [ˈpɒmpəs] 美 [ˈpɑ:mpəs] ]


pompous 基本解释

形容词浮华的,华而不实的; 高傲的,自大的

pompous 网络解释

1. pompous是什么意思

1. 浮夸的:因此,我们要尽量选用简洁精练、读者容易理解的词语,避免用浮夸的(pompous)或所谓高级的(sophisticated)词语. 但有些学生喜欢用大词或冷僻的词,以为用华丽的词藻能写出不同凡响的佳作. 其实,这样的效果往往不理想,措词显得不伦不类.

2. 浮誇:便是吧,口吻仍不免带点儿浮夸(pompous). 这不是亨特尔个人之过,而是民族与时代之不同,绝对勉强不来的. 将来你有空闲的时候(我想再过三五年,你音乐会一定可大大减少,多一些从各方面晋修的时间),读凡部英译的柏拉图、塞诺封一类的作品,

3. 自大的,浮夸的:11. redress 纠正,补偿 | 12. pompous 自大的,浮夸的 | 13. arrogant 傲慢的

4. 夸大的:pomposity 华丽 | pompous 夸大的 | pompously 傲慢地

pompous 双语例句

1. This combination of the pompous and the private is one of the secrets of its perennial pull.


2. pompous什么意思

2. If any of these strike you as pompous or high-toned, or just plain idiocy, then let me know in the comments.


3. pompous是什么意思

3. I just think Obama is really not a pompous boy.


4. And then that pompous windbag, Christiana Amanpour of CNN and CBS, putting herself out there toreminisce pointlessly about her big friendship with JFK, going all the way back to schooldays when theymasquerading as a serious journalist and woman of the world, even after she married the shallow, 10th-rate JFK Jr.

然后,那个华而不实的馋舌之人,CNN和CBS的克里斯蒂娜娥门帕沃尔把自己扔了出来无意义的回忆她和JFK 的伟大友谊,穿过时间的隧道回到在学校的日子,他们在普罗维登斯分享一所房子――有些事她很小心的避免提及因为她己经化妆成一个严肃的记者和世界级的女人。

5. His book is freighted with pompous words and flashy but empty concepts.


6. His prose is larded with pompous expressions.


7. But it was intolerably dull, pompous, and tedious


8. I hope I can dredge it all up again without sounding too pompous.


9. pompous的反义词

9. A young, unemployed film-maker's 20-minute internet parody of Chen Kaige's latest movie The Promise has delighted China's online audiences and raised the hackles of the country's most prestigious - and pompous - film director.


10. His idea of the art was that it involved something more pompous.


11. Martin is looked after by his Mancunian health care worker, Daphne Moon, who is the love interest of Frasier's brother Niles Crane, a fellow psychiatrist who is even more stuffy and pompous than Frasier.


12. There is something very pompous in his style.


13. In his new book, the writer has switched from his usual pompous style to a plainer manner.


14. This pompous kind of life style implies a vulgar taste, which however takes the body consciousness and Decadentism to the cutting edge of fashion.


15. I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will put an end to the pomp of the arrogant, and lay low the pompous pride of the ruthless.


16. And I got a bit shirty at that – and that was wrong of me, a bit childish and pompous.


17. They take the wind out of pompous and arrogant politicians who have lost their sense of proportion.


18. pompous

18. You're the only pompous blow hard I know, Morrie.


19. pompous的意思

19. Its philosophy was a pompous evasion of real things.


20. The first letter is a masterpiece of pompous condescension, pedantically worded, giving us a complacent snobbish and conceited word picture of him.


pompous 词典解释

1. 自负的;自命不凡的

If you describe someone as pompous, you mean that they behave or speak in a very serious way because they think they are more important than they really are.

e.g. He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities.



Robin said pompously that he had an important business appointment.


2. 盛大的;壮观的

A pompous building or ceremony is very grand and elaborate.


e.g. The service was grand without being pompous.


pompous 单语例句

1. It was catchy and miles from the pompous political slogans of yore.

2. The editor was pompous and rude which made Ma change his mind about signing the release letter.

3. " This little girl once had dreams that pompous men decided to take away, " Glover said.

4. It is not the billboards with pompous ad slogans for luxurious real estate that will kindle social instability.

5. The suggestion seems so pedantic and so pompous that it fails to stand up to even a few arguments.

6. All activities must have an actual effect rather than just being aesthetic and pompous.

7. The spiritual and social values that Chinese people have pursued for centuries have given way to pompous vulgarity and vanity.

8. Moral inspiration through personal example and words as well as care for parents work better than pompous projects.

9. People are wondering what kind of family can afford to marry off their offspring in such a pompous manner.

10. From the decoration to the presentation of the food, this place is an ideal spot for pompous dining.