




1.10厘米 ... 高:19厘米 宽厚:10厘米 Height:19cm Width:10cm 负蛇玉龟 Jade tortoise with snake on back ...


1.Victims may be located anywhere on the floor of that room, but must each be at least 10 cm from the nearest wall.受害者可能被放置在房间地板的任何位置,但必须距离最近的墙壁至少10cm。

2.Around the equipment, please keep at least 10cm space.至少保留10厘米空间落后,双方的设备。

3.Watchglasses are round glass panes with a diameter of around 5 - 10cm, used in various experimental techniques.表面皿是直径在5-10厘米的圆形玻璃片,可以用在许多实验中。

4.Finally Josh nails a fish about four inches long, and holds it up proudly.最终Jake抓住了一条仅仅只有4英寸(约10cm)长的小鱼,然后骄傲的举起来。

5.A micro-chihuahua is turning heads as one of the world's smallest dogs - measuring up at just 10cm long, the Daily Mail reported.据《每日邮报》报道,一只10厘米长的微型吉娃娃日前成为了“世界最小狗”。

6.The diameter of the pipe is no more than 10cm.这根管子的直径只有10厘米。

7.The average snowfall here is 10cm a year.这里年平均降雪量为10厘米。

8.The scarabs were usually made of green stone, and could range in size from 3 to 10 cm.圣甲虫通常由绿岩组成,而且大小可以在3到10cm范围。

9.The car will be about 10cm longer than the CLK Cabrio that it replaces and it sticks with a traditional folding soft top.这款车将在约10厘米长于时钟敞篷,它取代了它与传统的棍棒折叠软顶。

10.The pne will never come closer than 10 cm to a wall or another pne.线与线或线与墙壁之间的距离不小于10cm。