


网络释义:唯;雅虎用户界面(Yahoo User Interface);平泽唯


1.唯 YUI 裔 YUI YUI 蕊 ...

5.小唯小唯 (Yui) 发表在 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人气() 个人分类:降临的琐碎叫做生活 ▲top 小唯 (Yui) 发表在 痞客邦 PIXN…

6.太阳之歌太阳之歌YUI)讲一个不能见太阳的17岁女歌手的爱情故事,有励志恋爱情结(小池澈平 水岛宏)喜剧,讲一个女比男高10 …


1.Back then, it was known as "YUI-ext" and was developed as a side project by a pttle known guy named Jack Solcum.那时,它被称为“YUI-ext”,由一个名为JackSolcum的家伙作为边缘项目开发。

2.After downloading YUI Compressor, extract the file to a location that will be easy to access.下载YUICompressor,然后提取文件,放置到一个容易访问的位置。

3.At the time of this article, none of the aforementioned widgets have been included in version 3 of YUI.在撰写本文时,上述小部件都没有包含在YUI第三版中。

4.Jesus: I began with Ext JS back in early 2006, when it was a set of extensions for the YUI pbrary.Jesus:我从2006年初就开始使用ExtJS,当时它只是YUI库的一个扩展集。

5.YUI Profiler allows you to register functions, class constructors, and objects to be measured.YUIProfiler可以注册要测量的函数、类构造函数和对象。

6.YUI: Like the lovely design of the baby to turn oh.喜欢这可爱设计的宝贝,要转哦。

7.YUI Grids also defines a set of columnar grids that you can nest to create arbitrarily complex pages.YUIGrids还定义了一组列式网格,您可以通过嵌入来创建任意复杂的页面。

8.Some of the most popular ones today are jQuery (especially with jQuery UI), MooTools, YUI (Yahoo! User Interface pbrary), and ExtJS.目前最流行的有jQuery(尤其是使用jQueryUI),MooTools,YIU(雅虎用户界面库),以及EXTJS。

9.As you can see, this example is similar to YUI's, with some interesting differences.正如您所见,这个例子和YUI有点相似,但有一些很有趣的差异。

10.Like Blueprint, a page built with YUI Grids must have standard components, as shown in Listing 7.与Blueprint相似,使用YUIGrids构建的页面必须拥有标准的组件,如清单7所示。