

snap:[英 [snæp] 美 [snæp] ]


过去式:snapped;   过去分词:snapped;   现在分词:snapping;

snap 基本解释

及物/不及物动词折断; 猛地咬住; 呵斥

及物动词拍照; 用子母扣扣; [棒球]快速传(球); 拍…的快照

名词(树枝等的)突然折断; 严厉的话; 突然的撕咬; 尤指关上或断裂的声音)啪嗒声

不及物动词啪啪作响; (目光)闪耀; (牙齿等)咯咯作响; (精神)突然崩溃

形容词容易的; 喀嗒一声扣下的; 仓促的

副词噼啪作响地; 啪嗒一声; 猛然

snap 相关词组

1. snap out of it : 突然改变情绪, 突然改变习惯, 改变精神状态, 振作起来;

2. in a snap : 立刻, 马上;

3. snap up : 抢购, 匆匆吃下, 抢先弄到手;

snap 相关例句


1. The rope snapped.


2. He snapped down the lid of the box.



1. A fish snapped at the bait.



1. The dog made a snap at her finger.


snap 网络解释

1. 急钮:主题:急钮(Snap)的国际通用拉力测试的标准请问谁有急钮(Snap)的国际通用拉力测试的标准, 谢谢!

2. 对齐:在量化(Quantize)下拉菜单的右边,有一个Length Quant(量化时值)下拉菜单6.在量化精度下拉菜单左边的按钮是对齐(Snap)按钮. 当这个按钮为点灭状态时,Key Editor中的网格便不于量化精度吻合,只是与时间标尺的最小单位吻合.

3. snap的反义词

3. 响指:藏币的同时还可以卷卷袖子,打个响指(snap)或做点手势. 任何这样的动作将有助于把观众的注意力从藏币的手上引开. 有时我会拉观众的胳膊,好让他走近点看,而我用的就是藏硬币的那只手.

4. 突然折断:每一个点都应该完全得被吸收. 没有什么仅仅是瞬间的. 即使手指的突然折断(Snap)也不会使瞬间的. 在这里手指是不断承受着压力的,压力不断增大的过程,然后滑倒,然后你折断了手指. 这是一个过程.

5. snap是什么意思

5. snap:sensory nerve action potentials; 感觉神经动作电位

6. snap:system network architecture protocol; 系统网络架构协议

7. snap:standard network access protocol; 标准网络接入协议

8. snap:sub network attachment point; 子网附加点

snap 双语例句

1. When a dog gets old and starts to snap at you incessantly, you can shoot it.


2. snap

2. Q-Snap frames Sort of a cross between an embroidery hoop and a scroll frame.


3. She hasn't been able to snap out of the death of her husband.



4. The effects of 1-MCP treatments on senescence and quality of snap bean during storage were investigated.


5. Buckle the horse`s halter around his neck and snap the crossties into place so that you can continue to control him once you remove the bridle.


6. Snap one's fingers make a clicking noise by moving the second or third finger quickly against the thumb, eg to attract sb's attention, mark the beat of music, etc


7. The whippers-in snap their leather at dawdlers to keep the pack tight and focused on the huntsman, who with his horn and bag of kibble looks every bit the Pied Piper in overalls


8. At present, we can manufacture special standard product of British system, US standard, Japan standard, Gbif they are classified by the international standard and so on; we can manufacture stainless steel, copper, aluminum, carbon steel if they are classified by the material; we can manufacture the product which the diameter is Φ1.00-12.7mm, and the length is 2.5-150mm if they are classified by the dimension, the shape inside and outside, we can manufacture the standoff, the hexagonal head screw with washer, the step screw, the triangular screw, the snap SEM screw, the non-standardmuttern, the toy shft, the iron nail, the steel nail, the hexagon, wrenches, the rear hole rivet, the rivet, the floral nail etc.


9. The Lumix FX100 which is able to snap eight frames per second features a high-resolution 12.2 megapixel with 1/1.72-inch large CCD, 3.6x optical zoom, 2.5 inch LCD screen display, 28mm wide-angle Leica DC lens, intelligent ISO control up to ISO 6400 and Mega OIS that helps eliminate blurring due to hand-shake.

该lumix fx100这是能够管理单元8每秒特点高分辨率12.2万像素与1/1.72-inch大的CCD ,3.6x光学变焦,2.5英寸的液晶屏幕显示,28毫米广角徕卡镜头直流,国际标准化组织智能控制了ISO 6400和Mega ois ,有助於消除模糊,由於手动摇。


10. With some efforts, they all snap their sticks in half.


11. This is an optional attribute for a snap-in that specifies which node types it can extend.


12. B: No, it was a snap.



13. I'll snap your spin and...


14. It is video snap shot application complete source code can be directly used by the test.



15. When they had got to within five steps of the snorer, Tom stepped on a stick, and it broke with a sharp snap.


16. Chances are you already know how to snap yourself out of negative patterns of self-doubt when they happen.


17. The Monetary Authority of Singapore said it raised the local currency's maximum rate of appreciation but didn't change the width or position of its undisclosed currency rat snap trap traditional band.

新加坡金融管理局(Monetary Authority of Singapore)表示,已调高本地货币的最大升值速度,但并未改变汇率区间的范围和中值,这一汇率区间目前仍未对外公布。

18. A snap-in can either be a stand-alone snap-in, thereby providing independent programmatic functionality, or it can be an extension snap-in that extends the operations of a specific snap-in, and is dependent on the parent snap-in to operate.


19. It is now in the Cold Snap position in the talent tree.


20. My dress snap is broken.


snap 词典解释

1. (使)咔嚓一声折断;(使)啪的一声绷断

If something snaps or if you snap it, it breaks suddenly, usually with a sharp cracking noise.

e.g. He shifted his weight and a twig snapped...


e.g. The brake pedal had just snapped off...


2. (使)发出吧嗒一声(合上或打开)

If you snap something into a particular position, or if it snaps into that position, it moves quickly into that position, with a sharp sound.


e.g. He snapped the notebook shut...


e.g. He snapped the cap on his ballpoint...


3. (打拍子、下指示等时)打响指

If you snap your fingers, you make a sharp sound by moving your middle finger quickly across your thumb, for example in order to accompany music or to order someone to do something.

e.g. She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single...


e.g. He snapped his fingers, and Wilson produced a sheet of paper...


4. 恶声恶气地说;声色俱厉地说

If someone snaps at you, they speak to you in a sharp, unfriendly way.

e.g. 'Of course I don't know her,' Roger snapped...


e.g. I'm sorry, Casey, I didn't mean to snap at you like that.


5. 突然精神崩溃;突然失控

If someone snaps, or if something snaps inside them, they suddenly stop being calm and become very angry because the situation has become too tense or too difficult for them.

e.g. He finally snapped when she prevented their children from visiting him one weekend...


e.g. For the first and only time Grant's self-control snapped...


6. (狗等动物)突然咬,猛咬

If an animal such as a dog snaps at you, it opens and shuts its jaws quickly near you, as if it were going to bite you.

e.g. His teeth clicked as he snapped at my ankle...


e.g. The poodle yapped and snapped.


7. (决定、行动等)突然的,仓促的,鲁莽的

A snap decision or action is one that is taken suddenly, often without careful thought.

e.g. I think this is too important for a snap decision...


e.g. It's important not to make snap judgments...


8. 照片

A snap is a photograph.

e.g. ...a snap my mother took last year.


9. 给…拍照

If you snap someone or something, you take a photograph of them.

e.g. He was the first ever non-British photographer to be invited to snap a royal.


10. “捉对儿”(一种简单的扑克牌游戏,参加者轮流亮牌叠成一叠,争取在出现同点数或同人头的两张牌时,先喊snap以赢得整叠牌)

Snap is a simple British card game in which the players take turns to put cards down on a pile, and try to be the first to shout 'snap' when two cards with the same number or picture are put down.


11. “哟!”(对两件物品相似之极发出的惊叹)

You can say 'Snap!' as an expression of surprise when you realize that two things are the same or very similar, for example if you meet a friend wearing the same shirt as you.

12. 同 snap fastener

A snap is the same as a snap fastener .

13. see also: cold snap

相关词组:snap out ofsnap up

snap 单语例句

1. If no candidate gets the required votes in at most two rounds of balloting, the parliament is dissolved and a snap parliamentary election is to be called.

2. Chinese capital Beijing also began to be hit by the cold snap on Thursday.

3. There were hints that he might try to capitalise on his lead in the polls by calling a snap election.

4. Former Celtic stopper Ramon Vega insists that Celtic can snap up a rare gem in Du Wei if they sign the Chinese defender.

5. Mr Khatami's reformist allies in parliament have urged the clerical leadership to agree to snap inspections by the IAEA to defuse mounting international pressure.

6. At least 10 people have died as the latest cold snap in years hit the US.

7. A cold snap has created a layer of thick sea ice in the offshore areas of the Bohai Bay in Hebei Province.

8. He braved the cold snap, working at his post for more than 10 days consecutively to direct traffic flow.

9. China's major energy firms are boosting natural gas production and imports to ease shortages caused by a cold snap this month.

10. Motorists regularly disrupt traffic on an adjoining highway as they stop to snap photos.

snap 英英释义


1. (American football) putting the ball in play by passing it (between the legs) to a back

e.g. the quarterback fumbled the snap

Synonym: centering

2. the act of catching an object with the hands

e.g. Mays made the catch with his back to the plate

he made a grab for the ball before it landed

Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away

the infielder's snap and throw was a single motion

Synonym: catchgrabsnatch

3. the act of snapping the fingers

movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand

e.g. he gave his fingers a snap

4. any undertaking that is easy to do

e.g. marketing this product will be no picnic

Synonym: cinchbreezepicnicduck soupchild's playpushoverwalkoverpiece of cake

5. a fastener used on clothing

fastens with a snapping sound

e.g. children can manage snaps better than buttons

Synonym: snap fastenerpress stud

6. an informal photograph

usually made with a small hand-held camera

e.g. my snapshots haven't been developed yet

he tried to get unposed shots of his friends

Synonym: snapshotshot

7. the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed

e.g. the waistband had lost its snap

Synonym: elasticity

8. a sudden breaking

9. a sudden sharp noise

e.g. the crack of a whip

he heard the cracking of the ice

he can hear the snap of a twig

Synonym: crackcracking

10. the noise produced by the rapid movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand

e.g. servants appeared at the snap of his fingers

11. a crisp round cookie flavored with ginger

Synonym: gingersnapginger snapginger nut

12. tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sections

Synonym: snap bean

13. a spell of cold weather

e.g. a cold snap in the middle of May


1. break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension

e.g. The pipe snapped

Synonym: crack

2. close with a snapping motion

e.g. The lock snapped shut

3. utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone

e.g. The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer

The guard snarled at us

Synonym: snarl

4. record on photographic film

e.g. I photographed the scene of the accident

She snapped a picture of the President

Synonym: photographshoot

5. cause to make a snapping sound

e.g. snap your fingers

Synonym: clickflick

6. put in play with a snap

e.g. snap a football

7. to grasp hastily or eagerly

e.g. Before I could stop him the dog snatched the ham bone

Synonym: snatchsnatch up

8. bring the jaws together

e.g. he snapped indignantly

9. separate or cause to separate abruptly

e.g. The rope snapped

tear the paper

Synonym: tearrupturebust

10. lose control of one's emotions

e.g. When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely

When her baby died, she snapped

Synonym: break downlose it

11. move or strike with a noise

e.g. he clicked on the light

his arm was snapped forward

Synonym: click

12. move with a snapping sound

e.g. bullets snapped past us

13. make a sharp sound

e.g. his fingers snapped

Synonym: crack