

crevice:[英 [ˈkrevɪs] 美 [ˈkrɛvɪs] ]



crevice 基本解释



crevice 网络解释


1. 裂缝:组成酶活性中心的氨基酸残基的侧链在一级结构上可能相距很远,甚至可能位于不同的肽链上,经肽链的盘绕折叠,而在空间构象上互相靠近进入适当位置形成活性区域. 这个区域是位于酶分子表面的一个裂缝(crevice)内.

2. 裂隙,裂缝:crescograph 植物生长描记器 | crevice 裂隙,裂缝 | cribral 筛状的

3. 裂隙[可用于描述生物大分子的立体结构]:cresol purple 甲酚紫 | crevice 裂隙[可用于描述生物大分子的立体结构] | crinophagy 分泌自噬

4. 细缝:scrub:擦 | crevice:细缝 | dislodge: 去除; 取出

crevice 双语例句

1. Being soft and friable, this bone can be packed into any nook or crevice.


2. When reached logarithm growth phase, it was poured or the medium was removed. 5 mL medium containing 10 mg/L mitocin-C was added, kept at 37 ℃, and then cultured in saturated humidity warm box with the CO2 of 0.05 fraction volume for 2 or 3 hours. It was coated with 0.1% gelatin in 6-hole plate, laid for over 30 minutes, and then threw away or the medium with mitocin-C was removed, washed with phosptat buffer for 5 times so as to remove the mitocin-C. 2 mL 0.05% trypsin digestive cells were added, and it was observed under microscope. When crevice appeared, cells became round (about 2-4 minutes), digestion was stopped by adding medium of the same volume, and blew up with straws repetitively to make it into monoplast suspension. Special-used cover glass was put in the center of cell counting chamber. Cells were sucked in by glass siphon, and cell suspension flew out at bucket of up or down-sides of counting chamber, until the cover glass was filled with fluid. Living cell were inoculated at concentrations of 3×108, 5×108, 1×109 L-1 after their number counted.

选取2~5代的小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞,待其至对数生长期倒掉或吸掉培养基,加入含10 mg/L丝裂霉素C的细胞全培养液5 mL,置37 ℃,体积分数0.05的CO2饱和湿度温箱中培养二三小时,在6孔板中加入0.1%明胶包被,放置30 min以上,倒掉或吸掉含丝裂霉素C的培养基,磷酸盐缓冲液清洗5遍,尽量除去丝裂霉素C,加入2 mL 0.05%的胰蛋白酶消化细胞,镜下观察,当细胞间出现裂隙,细胞变圆时(约2~4 min),立即加入等量的全培养液终止消化,并用吸管反复吹打,使之成为单细胞悬液,在细胞计数板中央放置专用的盖玻片,用玻璃虹吸管吸取细胞,让虹吸管在盖玻片上或下侧的计数板凹槽处流出悬液,至盖玻片下被液体充满为止。

3. On the basis of simulation and analysis about ring axial movement and gas flowthrough the piston -cylinder -ring crevice, the infiuence of operation conditions and structure ofpiston and ring on the blow-by is analysed.


4. Ahead there was a crevice in the rock, a sinuous two-meter channel that could have been a deep river a million years ago before this place dried up.



5. As a schoolboy with a avid interest in birds, David Wingate was present in 1951 when a Bermudan naturalist succeeded in weaseling the first cahow out of its deep nesting crevice.



6. Some antibiotics can attain higher levels in the cells described above and in gingival crevice fluid than that in blood, while some antibiotics couldn't be accumulated in cells.


7. According to the Lawrence prophylaxis tool design, about 1 cm in diameter, just around the entire teeth, can thoroughly clean every surface of a tooth, and the gingival crevice hidden inside the plaque.


8. He couldn't wait until Nonsuch reestablished a forest of trees, which tip slightly in hurricanes to uproot just the right-sized crevice, too small for the tropic bird to enter, but just perfect for the cahow.


9. crevice

9. A simulated crevice corrosion device of hot galvanized steel plate is employed to investigate the corrosion of end-fitted metallic hardware of composite insulator. The distribution and change of pH values in crevice solution containing 195mg/L Cl- are measured under anodic polarization and non-polarization condition.


10. II: pitting corrosion and crevice attack.


11. A small hole or crevice through which one may peep.


12. In the handling of seriflux injection into crosswise crevice on bituminous pavement in industrial development zone of Zhangzhou, FWD is used to examine and analyse the handling effect.



13. But his jewels I have with me still, hidden in a crevice in my cave.


14. There is a crevice in the wall.


15. crevice

15. In other words, there was a chimney-like crevice in the side of the cliff.


16. He scrutinized his surroundings in the hope of detecting a crevice in the wall that would lead to his safety.


17. crevice

17. Operation Crevice was a turning point in the British authorities'understanding of the threat posed by al-Qaeda.


18. crevice是什么意思

18. Crevice tool, Caster with brake, Antistatic equipment, Safety class I, Electrically conductive hose connection, Push handle, Patronenfilter, Mechanical double float system, Stainless steel container, Floor tool (360 mm), Suction tube, 1 m, 4 m electrically conductive suction tube, .


19. The lab findings show, the no-blemish copper deposition can be realized through selective copper deposition in trench. In the process of electro-plating, via and crevice come into being due to the misproportion of the current density inside and outside the trench.


20. So I opened it——you cannot imagine how stealthily, stealthily——until, at length, a single dim ray, like the thread of spider, shot from out the crevice and fell upon the damned spot.


crevice 词典解释

1. (尤指岩石中的)裂缝,裂隙

A crevice is a narrow crack or gap, especially in a rock.


e.g. ...a huge boulder with rare ferns growing in every crevice.


crevice 单语例句

1. When his feet became trapped in a crevice, his friends feared that pulling him out by force would cause further injury.

crevice 英英释义


1. a long narrow opening

Synonym: crackcleftfissurescissure

2. a long narrow depression in a surface

Synonym: crannycrackfissurechap