

dire:[英 [ˈdaɪə(r)] 美 [daɪr] ]


dire 基本解释

形容词悲惨的; 可怕的,恐怖的; 迫切的,极端的

dire 相关例句



1. We are in dire need of help.


dire 网络解释

1. dire什么意思

1. 可怕的:diptych 双折记事板 | dire 可怕的 | direct access 直接存储

2. dire的解释

2. 可怕悲惨不吉利极端迫切(的):Playwright 剧作家 | Dire 可怕悲惨不吉利极端迫切(的) | Luminary 天体,发光体,杰出人物

3. 可怕的,迫切的:dint 凹痕 | dire 可怕的,迫切的 | discomfiture 狼狽,挫敗

dire 双语例句

1. dire

1. Soros has always been a controver- sial figure. But he is becoming more so with a new, dire forecast for the world economy.


2. dire的反义词

2. The council reluctantly admits that they are in a dire situation and they require Blade's assistance.


3. dire

3. It reminds me of God's graciousness in man's dire situation.


4. dire的近义词

4. When we did, our Board of Dire cto rs sided with him.


5. dire

5. Before embarking on a service project one must introspect and examine their equipment, which is, whether their heart is full of selfless love, humility and compassion; whether their head has an intelligent understanding and knowledge of the problem and its solution; whether their hands are eager to offer the healing touch; and finally whether he/she can gladly spare and share time, energy and skill to help others in dire need.


6. And when a dire prophecy from environmentalism's jeremiad looks as if it is coming true, as the price of petroleum rises through the roof and the idea that oil might run out is no longer whispered in corners but openly discussed, there is a temptation to believe that the end of the world is, indeed, nigh.


7. The human, social and economic results are dire.


8. How to decrease stress concentration and abrasion and how to increase fatigue strength and long-term stabilization of prosthesis are in dire need of resolve for modification the design of artificial atlanto-odontoid joint.



9. The American economy remains in dire straits, with one worker in six unemployed or underemployed.


10. There are dire warnings that the baby gap will lead to economic stagnation or even collapse.


11. If the Empire is reduced to dire straits, heaven will remove your honors forever.


12. I was also aware of the fact that the sending apparatus of the Toreador's wireless equipment was sealed, and that it would only be used in event of dire necessity.


13. dire的意思

13. She too saw the rampant corruption in the Republic, and believed in Bel Iblis'dire warnings of things to come.


14. Yet the wagging tail was utterly surprising and endearing to me given this dog's dire condition.


15. Also whether or not sick with the disease are in the city in dire strait.


16. Alfalfa varieties adapted to the climate and soil of southwest of Sichuan province were needed in dire.


17. Along with bigger teeth and a studier body, the dire wolf also had a smaller braincase.


18. In coming decades, however, Gabon and its forests are likely to face dire challenges.


19. dire的近义词

19. The first method dire ctly traverse the octree, the second is to rotate and move the octree for that t he axis of section coincide with coordination axis and then it produces a new oc tree, then produces section quadtree by the first method. The ratio of section's area is calculated from section quadtree.


20. Marjorie: Look, I know you're on vacation, but this is a dire emergency.


dire 词典解释

1. 严峻的;严重的;可怕的

Dire is used to emphasize how serious or terrible a situation or event is.

e.g. A government split would have dire consequences for domestic peace...


e.g. He was in dire need of hospital treatment.


2. 极其糟糕的;质量低劣的

If you describe something as dire, you are emphasizing that it is of very low quality.

e.g. ...a book of children's verse, which ranged from the barely tolerable to the utterly dire.


dire 单语例句

1. Those who want to call off the auction system are simply ignoring the dire reality in Shanghai or are motivated by a special business interest.

2. The problem is particularly dire in the Caribbean, where island nations depend on imports and food prices are up 40 percent in places.

3. The situation in Bosnia was so dire that woodcutters revved up their chain saws to cut wood for fireplaces.

4. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for China's social service system, which is in dire need of improvement.

5. German Chancellor Angela Merkel's second visit to China in a year comes against the backdrop of dire forecasts of a difficult September for the eurozone.

6. Addressing the issuing ceremony of a public security guidebook in Guangzhou Friday, Zheng said there is a dire urgency to raise public awareness about fighting terrorist attacks.

7. He said the country's clout and confidence have improved since he took office, painting a dire portrait of the nation he inherited in 1993.

8. The international community must shoulder its responsibility by sending assistance for those in dire need of it.

9. But survey compiler Markit said it meant the UK economy looks unlikely to grow much, taking into account some dire manufacturing data recently.

10. Zheng's death sentence was unusually heavy even for China, and likely indicates the leadership's determination to confront the country's dire product safety record.