

myopic:[英 [maɪ'ɒpɪk] 美 [ maɪˈɑpɪk] ]


myopic 基本解释



myopic 网络解释


1. 近视:1.无晶状体(aphakic)无晶状体的病人有较高的机会得到视网膜剥离,特别是手术时造成的玻璃体丧失,甚至平时无害的周边小孔洞有可能会在白内障手术之后引起视网膜剥离. 2.近视(myopic)的病人较易得到视网膜剥离,在近视的病人身上发现裂孔要比在一般没近视的人身上发现要时更谨慎.

2. myopic是什么意思

2. 短视:4、管理者的短视(myopic)行为. 一般而言,由于企业管理者的金钱和非金钱方面的收益主要取决于其在职期间的经营业绩,所以管理者可能仅仅关心其在职期间的企业业绩表现,而不考虑其退位之后企业的发展. 在这种情况下,

3. 近视的:disfavour 讨厌, 不赞成,失宠 不赞成,冷待 | myopic 近视的 | masked group 掩蔽(原子)团

4. 近视眼的:myopia 近视者 | myopic 近视眼的 | myopic eye 近视眼

myopic 双语例句

1. LASIK use Allegretto laser system had good predictability and outcome for predominant myopic astigmatism.


2. myopic的解释

2. METHODS: A retrospective study of outcome of LASIK (Allegretto excimer laser system and Moria C-B microkaretome) for predominant myopic astigmatism (group A, 28 eyes) and normal myopic astigmatism (group B, 30 eyes).

分析LASIK技术(鹰视准分子激光系统和MORIA C-B微型角膜刀)治疗以散光为主眼(A组,28眼)和以近视为主眼(B组,30眼)的术后结果。

3. myopic

3. This is a very interesting result. We need further study to help to solve the myopic problem in our country.


4. Maybe I don`t like to smell it and my eyes have a little myopic.


5. myopic

5. Without different opinions, it is difficult to jump out from our own myopic thinking.



6. The world, how the world sees you through their myopic eyes and all that you thought you have to


7. China's current SDR gambit is myopic.


8. An abnormal cardiac rhythms, modulated parasystole, is caused by the nonliear interaction between the sinus node and myopic Ventricular focus in the heart.

天津大学应用物理学系,天津 300072摘要:心脏窦房结与异位心室搏动非线性相互作用,导致调制并行收缩反常节律。

9. myopic什么意思

9. Adequate space is maintained between the Verisyse myopic ICPIOL and the corneal endothelium, angle, and crystalline lens. Haptic indentation of the iris without distortion of iris curvature is noted. The ICPIOL implanted in phakic eyes is a safe alternative for treatment of high myopia.


10. Methods Fifty-eight myopic eyes in pre-presbyopes who underwent LASIK were enrolled in this study. Patients were divided into two groups (contact lens group and spectacle group) according to their habitual correction style. Monocular AMP was measured with a minus lens to blur preoperatively, and 10 days, 1 month and 3 months postoperatively.


11. Methods one hundred and twenty myopic patients (240 eyes) who needed lasik were recruited for the research.


12. myopic的意思

12. Higher and dining tables do not match, it will cause uncomfortable ride; desk is too high, the chair is too low, people would form a Pafu of posture, shortening the horizon, over time likely to cause spinal bending deformation and myopic eyes.



13. Objective To evaluate intraocular dimensions of the anterior segment and examine decentration, tilt and anterior chamber depth of myopic phakic eyes after implantation of iris-fixated lenses. Methods Thirty-three myopic eyes that received a iris-fixated phakic intraocular lens were assessed.

目的 应用Pentacam术后追踪测量虹膜夹型有晶状体眼人工晶状体中央和周边部与角膜内皮和自然晶体之间的距离,倾斜度、偏心值以及前房深度的变化,评价其在前房的位置。

14. If it was, in fact, led by myopic bungler s, what about the captains of other, less celebrated industries?


15. He added that it was wrong and myopic to try to exclude the crucifix from the world of education.


16. Methods(1)4 cities were chosen randomly according to their economic status and geographical location.(2)An autorefractor was used to detect the diopter in the preschool children from 20 kindergartens randomly selected from each of the 4 cities.(3)1%atropine ointment was applied to the c onjunctival sac of the children with suspect myopia for 3 days and the refractio n of light in their retina was then examined by a barred beam skiascope.(4)The eye axis and corneal curvature of the myopic children were measured.(5)The diop ter, eye axis, and corneal curvature were examined every 6 months during 1-year f ollow-up after the diopter was properly rectified.



17. The results show the scleral buckling procedure cause significant elongation of axial length and myopic shift of refractive error, while the pars plana vitrectomy cause no significant change in all parameters.


18. Main product contain culture print with the paper, learn alliance brand defend myopic, standard envelope etc.


19. AIM: To observe and evaluate the influence of epipolis laser in situ keratomileusis on highorder aberrations in myopic eyes.


20. Practice proved the mathematic cornea ablation model is safe and effective for correction of compound myopic astigmatism.


myopic 单语例句myopic是什么意思

1. Those with a myopic worldview seek to hold this conference hostage by preventing it from realizing its original objectives.

2. The mainland's contemporary film industry is still in its infancy, and its immaturity has led to a myopic focus on the box office.

3. The Israeli government's weak and myopic attitude toward the Arab spring is puzzling, not least because it has long been the region's only true democracy.

4. It is necessary for myopic children to wear glasses to prevent headache, trouble reading or injuries.

5. " There's a driver for people to become myopic and that's education, " Morgan said.

6. I'm embarrassed to realize how fast the situation has changed and how myopic some of my views were.

7. The US government should resist the temptation of myopic protectionist measures that will only create more problems than they can answer.

8. The answer lies partly in HUD's myopic focus on gentrifying urban cores.

9. Such a myopic mentality has been largely glossed over by our economic success.

10. Pursuing a policy that treats a neighbor as a threat is nothing but myopic.

myopic 英英释义


1. lacking foresight or scope

e.g. a short view of the problem

shortsighted policies

shortsighted critics derided the plan

myopic thinking

Synonym: shortshortsightedunforesightful

2. unable to see distant objects clearly

Synonym: nearsightedshortsighted