

infant:[英 [ˈɪnfənt] 美 ['ɪnfənt] ]



infant 基本解释

名词婴儿,幼儿; 未成年人; 初学者,生手

形容词婴儿的,幼儿的; 幼稚的,幼小的; 初期的; 未成年的


infant 相关例句


1. Tourism was then still in its infant stage.


2. The expectant father is thinking of buying infant clothes.



1. infant的意思

1. My infant for once lay quiet in his cradle.


2. Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced because of modern medicine.


infant 网络解释

1. infant的近义词

1. 幼儿:因此,假如我刚刚听到婴儿(baby)一词,继而马上听到幼儿(infant)一词,我会很快从长时记忆的英语单词中找到幼儿这个词,并确定它确实是单词,这样就比我先听到书(book)这类无关的词再听到幼儿确认起来要快.


2. 小孩:要从台北飞波士顿经东京及纽华客转机我们是在波士顿念书今年要带小孩(infant)回台湾,拿的是F1 F2签证,如果在纽华客入境转国内转机时间两小时够吗?因为有带小孩,很怕如果赶不上班机,要睡机场就麻烦了!我们是在波士顿念书今年要带小孩(infant)回台湾,

infant 双语例句

1. Her father, on the other hand, was born Appius Claudius Pulcher and was adopted as an infant by M.


2. Of all foods tested, chicken soup, infant formula, and ravioli had BPA levels of highest concern. Just one to three servings of foods with these concentrations could expose a woman or child to BPA at levels that caused serious adverse effects in animal tests.

本报讯 国家质检总局日前发布公告,因产品中被检测出坂歧肠杆菌,中国境内销售的美国惠氏公司费蒙特工厂在2002年7月12日至9月25日期间生产的以牛奶为主要原料的配方奶粉将被限令召回。

3. When the ground was partially bare of snow, and a few warm days had dried its surface somewhat, it was pleasant to compare the first tender signs of the infant year just peeping forth with the stately beauty of the withered vegetation which had withstood the winter —— life-everlasting, goldenrods, pinweeds, and graceful wild grasses, more obvious and interesting frequently than in summer even, as if their beauty was not ripe till then; even cotton-grass, cat-tails, mulleins, johnswort, hard-hack, meadow-sweet, and other strong-stemmed plants, those unexhausted granaries which entertain the earliest birds —— decent weeds, at least, which widowed Nature wears.


4. Objective To probe into the curative effect of Potassium Sodium Pehydroandrographolide Succinate for Injection in the treatment of infant acute upper respiratory tract infections.

目的探讨注射用炎琥宁(Potassium Sodium Pehydroandrographolide Succinate for Injection)治疗小儿急性上呼吸道感染的临床疗效。

5. infant

5. Six years ago, Zhao胡亥II forced to commit suicide, a separate infant son to Dili.


6. Methods:The infant diaper cases were randomly divided into two groups: one as treated group (120 cases) by RGCO, the other (also 120 cases) as control group treated by Illotycin ointment.


7. Pregnancy over 32 weeks pregnant women, in the physical examination should be filled out personality inventory, in accordance with the results of the analysis to distinguish whether the depression of pregnant women, if pregnant women have emotional depression, should be carried out psychological counseling and treatment; a month after childbirth, maternal re - fill out the personality inventory, depression inventory, to take the same way as the questionnaire score; At the same time, babies 4-8 months, the use of infant temperament questionnaire on infant temperament evaluation, analysis baby belongs to which type, which For parents in the future growth of education and counseling to children is very important.


8. Wilfert Catherine displayed a set of data from Zimbabwe, for a total of 2055 cases in the 6 weeks to 18-month-old baby in a research project, in which CD4 (the human immunodeficiency index, is a normal 700-1500) is less than 200 mothers, And their infant AIDS infection rate of 33.7 percent.

Wilfert Catherine展示了一组来自津巴布韦的数据,在对总共2055例6周至18个月大的婴儿的研究项目中,其中CD4(人体免疫力指数,正常人是700至1500)小于200的母亲,她们的婴儿艾滋病感染率为33.7%。

9. There are no controlled studies in breastfeeding women, however, the risk of untoward effects to a breastfed infant is possible.


10. One infant Meibao cool-dimensional skin cream and pearl ashàcare solution for its unique formula and the new concept of distribution become the hands of a magic weapon to win the market; honey smelting and National Fresh Pipagao Supervisor word capsule superior quality to win the trust of consumers.



11. Then I would be stuck with an unwanted infant, and you would be dead.


12. Challenges in scaling up treatment in these women of child-bearing age may be compounded by emerging data on the high prevalence of resistance associated with single-dose nevirapine used to prevent HIV transmission from mother to infant.


13. The type of surgery is the first to be conducted on an infant.


14. Danone Dumex Food Company is the famous infant milk enterprise in Asia Pacific area.


15. infant的近义词

15. The Xinhua News Agency said investigations into Danone's Dumex are centered on whether the company produced infant formula contaminated with melamine, an industrial chemical used in the manufacture of plastics and fertilizer.


16. Daily milk processing is around 1, 100tons. There are 3 categories for company`s products: shelf stable dairy, infant formula and baby food, and there are 233sku.

平均日处理鲜奶约1100吨,产品有奶粉、婴儿配方及婴儿食品三种类型,共有 233种包装形式。

17. Objective To observe the nevirapine clinical curative effect of AIDS block between mother and infant.

目的 观察奈韦拉平用于艾滋病母婴阻断治疗效果。

18. infant的近义词

18. It's used the diagnoses and treadment of infant's hyperglycemia and decompensation of powdered sugar.


19. infant是什么意思

19. Cabio combines the strengths of the parents and commits itself to providing ara products and services that meet the requirements and standards of the international infant formula industry.


20. Striving for perfection with a focus on meeting customer needs, cabio grows rapidly together with the thriving infant formula industry.


infant 词典解释

1. 婴儿

An infant is a baby or very young child.

e.g. ...young mums with infants in prams...


e.g. The family were forced to flee with their infant son.


2. (5-7岁的)幼儿

Infants are children between the ages of five and seven, who go to an infant school.

3. 供婴儿用的

Infant means designed especially for very young children.

e.g. ...an infant carrier in the back of a car.


4. (组织、运动等)初期的,初创的

An infant organization or system is new and has not developed very much.


e.g. The infant company was based in Germany.


e.g. ...the infant health service.


infant 单语例句infant的解释

1. They were hoping the two women would take the infant back because the potential buyer in Hebei Province complained he was not healthy enough.

2. " The percentage of infant death caused by birth defects is rising in the country, " Fu said.

3. Named Loki after the Norse God of Mischief, the infant primate has been raised by hand after his mother died soon after birth.

4. Her infant was tossed into the river but a giant carp carried it to an old fisherman.

5. The new Nutrition Centre focuses on creating better nutrition for children and mothers and to contribute to research and development of infant formula.

6. Sanlu was at the center of the infant formula contamination scandal in September, which led to the arrest of its chairperson and suspension of operations.

7. Although nothing remains of the incinerated infant, prosecutors said they based the murder charge on interviews with Fritzl's daughter.

8. Shakira is sharing the first public photograph of her recently born baby, with father Gerard Pique planting a kiss on his infant son's cheek.

9. This has also protected the company from the recent melamine chemical scandal that began with infant formula and later spread to eggs.

10. The chemical has been found in infant formula and other milk products from more than 20 Chinese dairy companies in the past weeks.

infant 英英释义


1. a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk

e.g. the baby began to cry again

she held the baby in her arms

it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different

Synonym: babybabe