

chief:[英 [tʃi:f] 美 [tʃif] ]



chief 基本解释

形容词主要的; 级别最高的; 总的; 最重要的

名词首领; 酋长; 族长; 主管人员

chief 相关词组


1. in chief : 尤其;


chief 相关例句


1. chief什么意思

1. Don was appointed chief engineer of the project.


2. The chief reason for going to school is to learn.


3. Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces.



1. According to the Charter, the president is chief of the armed forces.


2. chief是什么意思

2. The president is also the chief of the armed forces.


chief 网络解释

1. 主任:在广州,有时则各船管理会联合组成一个管理会,以年资较高的管理会主任(Chief)担任联合管理会主任, 但各船的会计和业务是独立的;所有的大班在贸易季度结束时乘原船返回英伦.

2. 长官:这个官职极有可能与分散于整个帝国的众多生出来的,意思是总督(governor). 科伊(koi)是一个桑海语词汇,意思是长官(chief),其重要性在行省的行政体制中比总督低. 芒曹(mondzo)成两个行政大区:西部的库尔米纳(Kurmina)和东南部的登迪.

3. 领袖:{分段符}84版切诺基还有一个别称--领袖(Chief). 这是一款超级豪华切诺基. 80年代中期的切诺基装备4缸或6缸发动机. 2.5升排量版本可以输出105马力功率,而2.8升排量版本(V6)可以输出115马力功率. 后一种发动机事实上也提供雪佛兰科尔维特.

4. chief:controlled handling of internal executive function; 内部执行功能的控制处理

chief 双语例句

1. Draught animals were the chief means of transport in Xinjiang prior to the founding of New China.


2. As the comprehensive clinical building is a chief part in hospital building, the design of air-condition in it plays a more important role than that of other ordinary civil buildings.


3. You see, our chief engineer, who's based out of Ankara...


4. chief

4. Not bothered either way about Leona whatshername, but the chief embarrassmen


5. Gates then switched to his chief software architect, for his 20 years on the run along to act as supporting roles.


6. Where can I find the train chief?


7. On-site host for the issues raised by the Chinese network, Zhang Mei-zhi, deputy editor-in-chief said: to attract Internet users, the site is the work of all the starting point and destination point.


8. The water scarcity and the excessively rich expression is the chief criminal who causes the lip grain emergence.


9. This article is a review of Bloomfield's chief contribution to the theory of grammar in his Language.


10. chief的翻译

10. When we consider what, to use the words of the catechism, is the chief end of man, and what are the true necessaries and means of life, it appears as if men had deliberately chosen the common mode of living because they preferred it to nay other.


11. When we consider what, to use the words of the catechism, is the chief end of man, and what are the true necessaries and means of life, it appears as if men had deliberately chosen the common mode of living because they preferred it to any other.


12. chief

12. When we consider what, to use the words of the catechism, is the chief end of man, and what are the true necessaries and means of life, it appears as if men had deliberately chosen the common node of living because they preferred it to any other.


13. Sheila Johnson, chief executive of Salamander Hospitality, helped design the desk at her 341-acre farm near Middleburg, where her company is building a resort and spa.


14. Science and technology behaves the relation that is geometrical product with other essential factor in productivity system, it is formed in social productivity in, rising to restrict action all-aroundly, hold chief position.


15. chief的意思

15. Michael Cohl, the company's chairman, is quitting after a bust-up with Michael Rapino, a protégé whom he brought in from the brewing business and later made chief executive of Live Nation.

与首席执行官迈克尔·拉皮诺闹翻后,公司董事长迈克尔·科尔辞去了职务。作为门徒,迈克尔·拉皮诺被迈克尔·科尔从酿酒行业带进音乐界,后来当上了Live Nation的首席执行官。

16. The chief remedy of GIST is operation. Application of Targeted molecular preparation shows good treatment effectiveness.


17. chief

17. TangGaoZu wushu for 621 kept the udinese and tribal pretty Qiu department chief, teacher, after Li evolution for county JianNa RongZhou way DouDuFu langurs dike county in nanning.



18. For the glory of the War Chief!


19. chief什么意思

19. Yes, War Chief?



20. Then the chief captain came near and took him, and gave orders for him to be put in chains, questioning them as to who he was and what he had done.

21:33 於是千夫长上前拿住他、吩咐用两条铁鍊捆锁,又问他是甚麼人、作的是甚麼事。

chief 词典解释

1. (组织机构的)负责人,头儿,首领

The chief of an organization is the person who is in charge of it.

e.g. ...a commission appointed by the police chief.


e.g. ...Putin's chief of security.


2. 酋长;部落首领

The chief of a tribe is its leader.

e.g. ...Sitting Bull, chief of the Sioux tribes of the Great Plains.


3. (用于职位头衔)主管的,首席的

Chief is used in the job titles of the most senior worker or workers of a particular kind in an organization.

e.g. ...the chief test pilot.


4. 主要的;最重要的

The chief cause, part, or member of something is the most important one.

e.g. Financial stress is well established as a chief reason for divorce...


e.g. The job went to one of his chief rivals.


chief 单语例句chief的近义词

1. The former athlete will act as the chief coach for 24 boys from all over China.

2. Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang has pledged to promote development projects in Hengqin to the business sector in Hong Kong.

3. But Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito Sengoku told reporters he would take on the post for now.

4. McLaren chief executive Martin Whitmarsh let his guard slip when asked by reporters on Sunday afternoon whether he thought Hamilton could win before Button.

5. Principal officials will be nominated by the chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for appointment by the Central People's Government.

6. Under the Election Law, the chief executive elected still needs official appointment by the Chinese central government.

7. Lau's appointment was officially announced on Thursday by the Chief Executive's Office, following his failed reelection bid after serving four years in the Legislative Council.

8. " He ordered the defense minister to speed up considerations so that we can act quickly, " Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura told reporters.

9. Fiji's political leaders and its acting police chief criticised the coup, but media censorship by the armed forces meant many here did not hear their condemnations.

10. Kerkorian expressed support for Ford's turnaround efforts and management team led by Chief Executive Alan Mulally when he announced his plans for the tender offer.

chief 英英释义



1. a person who exercises control over workers

e.g. if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman

Synonym: foremangafferhonchoboss

2. a person who is in charge

e.g. the head of the whole operation

Synonym: headtop dog

3. the head of a tribe or clan

Synonym: headmantribal chiefchieftain