

probation:[英 [prəˈbeɪʃn] 美 [proʊˈbeɪʃn] ]


probation 基本解释

名词试用(期); 缓刑(期); 查看,查验; 试读(期)

probation 相关例句


1. He was a mechanic who was on probation.



2. A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry.


probation 网络解释

1. 试用:据了解,洛杉矶联合学区中新教师的考察,是学区各学校校长的重要职责之一. 如果教师一旦转为终身聘用的状态,几乎从不会因为教学表现不佳而被炒,只有学区规定的两年试用(probation)期内,新教师才有可能因教学被解聘.

2. 保护观察:霍姆斯从1949年其13岁开始就屡犯抢劫、入室盗窃、经常逃学、殴打和伤害人身等罪错行为,在多次交付保护观察(probation)后,终于被费城市法院送进州训练学校.

probation 双语例句

1. The probation period for parole is counted as commencing on the date of parole.



2. During the probation, I found that QA is such a kind of challenging work to do and make you enjoy when you are testing it.



3. The part one is brief on case's background and the description of the case that a new employee of a manufacturer was informed of termination of her probation.


4. Chapter V expounded the defects of probation policy of minors and possible measures to be taken.



5. She also agreed to serve a three-year probation term, and must enroll in an alcohol education program.


6. So here's what I'm facin': 3 felonies, 6 years of probation


7. At last every side does things in his own way lack of the necessary communication. See from the legal system, first the short of correlative legislation in community correction results in the short of juristic authorization in fact. Second it is so rigorous to parole and probation. Third it take community correction limit to parole and probation or else, which go against the development of community correction. See from the protecting to the criminal, mass of people in China consider the community correction as a benefaction to the criminal but not an obligation by the society, so they are easy to do some behavior disregard criminal`s rights.


8. What am I supposed to tell my probation officer?


9. Her Probation Officer suggests that her insecurity stems from the fact that she comes from a broken home.


10. The probation officer reported on the progress of the two young criminals.


11. probation的意思

11. Even with that deviation, the probation officer could see enough of a likeness to recall a name promptly.


12. A legal status, applied to people 16 years of age and older, who have been convicted of a crime and placed under the supervision of a probation officer for a period of time set by the court.


13. probation

13. The probation officer reported on the progress of the two young criminal.


14. During the probation, Party A may dismiss Party B without any reason at


15. probation的解释

15. Mary Winkler must serve 210 days before she can be released on probation.

据悉,该妇人必须先入狱210天后方可离狱察看保释(on probation此处应该是缓刑吧?)。

16. It has unusual effect in decreasing prisoning with fining and probation. Studying foreign practice, learning from its reasonable nuclear will help to improve Chinese criminal penalty and dealing with criminals system.


17. He was tried and sentenced to three months stay in a juvenile detention center and a year probation.


18. An initial period of 3-year renewable contract with a 6-month probation.



19. A graduate from a higher law instiution or a secondary law school who has passed probation, or a state worker who has the same educational qualification shall be appointed assistant notary.

第九条 经见习合格的高等、中等法律学校毕业生,以及具有同等学历的国家工作人员,可以被任命为助理公证员。

20. probation什么意思

20. Tears are the most effective Souls worldly agent, Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales in the Inge children that hard stone-like heart, do not they have been the most gentle of the most beautiful earth mother's tears of probation it?


probation 词典解释

1. 缓刑期

Probation is a period of time during which a person who has committed a crime has to obey the law and be supervised by a probation officer, rather than being sent to prison.

e.g. The thief was put on probation for two years.


2. 试用期;见习期

Probation is a period of time during which someone is judging your character and ability while you work, in order to see if you are suitable for that type of work.

e.g. Employee appointment to the Council will be subject to a term of probation of 6 months...


e.g. After a further four-month extension of her probation period, she was sacked.


probation 单语例句

1. A senior executive of Standard Chartered Bank was found guilty of assault and placed on probation for two years.

2. Qi and her colleagues have tried out a correction plan for an addict and dealer who was jailed for two years then put on probation.

3. The interpretation specifies that courts have to hold public hearings on probation and sentence reduction pleas under six sets of circumstances.

4. A smiling Lindsay Lohan was released on Thursday from almost five years of formal probation, and told by a Los Angeles judge to grow up and stop clubbing.

5. He pleaded no contest last year and was sentenced to probation and community service.

6. Violations could include failing to complete a drug test or report to her probation officer.

7. The actress is continuing to serve morgue duty to comply with her probation in a pair of misdemeanor cases.

8. The law also requires employers to contribute to employees'social security accounts and sets wage standards for employees on probation and working overtime.

9. It also requires employers to contribute to workers'social security accounts and set wage standards for workers on probation and those working overtime.

10. It also required employers to contribute to employees'social security accounts and set wage standards for probation and overtime.

probation 英英释义


1. (law) a way of dealing with offenders without imprisoning them

a defendant found guilty of a crime is released by the court without imprisonment subject to conditions imposed by the court

e.g. probation is part of the sentencing process

2. a trial period during which an offender has time to redeem himself or herself

3. a trial period during which your character and abilities are tested to see whether you are suitable for work or for membership