

walrus:[英 [ˈwɔ:lrəs] 美 [ˈwɔlrəs, ˈwɑl-] ]



walrus 基本解释



walrus 网络解释

1. 海象:walnut 胡桃, 胡桃木 | walrus 海象 | imbecile 低能者, 痴呆, 愚蠢的人

2. 海象 eagle 鹰:seal 海豹 | walrus 海象 eagle 鹰 | bald eagle 白头鹰

3. 海象 (点击数: ):porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚 | seal 海豹 | walrus 海象 (点击数: )

4. walrus:water and land resource utilization simulation; 水陆资源利用模拟

walrus 双语例句

1. And though the walrus is an Arctic species and thus much harder to study in the wild than the elephant seals and sea lions that flop onto the beaches of Northern California, scientists are gathering evidence that Odobenus is the most cognitively and socially sophisticated of all pinnipeds.


2. walrus在线翻译

2. In summer, hundreds of male walrus haul themselves out onto Round Island, Alaska, to sun themselves.


3. I was the Walrus but now I'm John.


4. I'm not the walrus. The walrus was Noel. I'm just me, man.


5. There's a cartoon of you in here as a walrus.



6. Yet she and her colleagues despair for the walrus's future.


7. Just then she heard something splashing about in the pool a little way off, and she swam nearer to make out what it was: at first she thought it must be a walrus or hippopotamus, but then she remembered how small she was now, and she soon made out that it was only a mouse that had slipped in like herself.


8. walrus

8. I sat by the full pots of the potlach feast, and raised my voice in song, and danced to the chanting of the men and maidens and the booming of the walrus drums.


9. An article carved or engraved from whalebone, whale ivory, walrus tusk, etc., usually by American''.


10. walrus什么意思

10. They often keep their young on ice floes to avoid the crush of the jostling walrus crowds on land.


11. The 55-year-old, who makes regular appearances as a pundit on CNBC's Asia Squawk Box and is famed for his trademark walrus moustache, recently was on one of his many visits to Beijing.


12. I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus


13. There are so many changes and the Elephant and Walrus Kingdoms are very excited to share of what we observe.



14. Walrus invites those living near us to come and commune with us.


15. Walrus populations were in serious decline during centuries of wholesale slaughter for their blubber and tusks.


16. Not everyone sees America's fiery ambassador—with his remarkable white walrus moustache under a reddish-brown thatch—quite that way.


17. Walrus feed on clams, snails and other bottom dwellers.


18. Mammals such as whales and walrus in turn feed on this small prey.


19. Figurine of walrus tusk (excl. original sculptures and statuary)


20. Introducing file locking to Walrus


walrus 词典解释

1. 海象

A walrus is a large, fat animal which lives in the sea. It has two long teeth called tusks that point downwards.

walrus 单语例句walrus的解释

1. There have only been 11 recorded walrus calves born in a North American zoological facility since 1931.

2. Walrus can dive to 182 meters to find clams, snails and other food on the ocean bottom.

3. Now Inuit hunters like herself are finding stranded walrus and seal pups left to die on floating ice.

4. The island boasts the world's largest population of Pacific walrus and the highest density of ancestral polar bear dens.

5. " Walrus are sensitive to human activity and to machine activity, " says US Fish and Wildlife Service spokesman Bruce Woods.

6. The overall winning photo shows a walrus gorging on bivalve shells off northeast Greenland.

walruswalrus 英英释义


1. either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber

Synonym: seahorsesea horse