

church:[英 [tʃɜ:tʃ] 美 [tʃɜ:rtʃ] ]


过去式:churched;   过去分词:churched;   现在分词:churching;   复数形式:churches;

church 基本解释

名词[宗]教堂; [宗]教徒; [宗]教派; [宗]教会

形容词教会的; 礼拜的


church 相关词组

1. as poor as a church mouse : 赤贫;

church 相关例句


1. She loves church music.




1. Is there any church nearby?


2. He never went to church.


3. When he graduated from the university he joined the church and two years later became a priest.


4. church的近义词

4. Many people go to church on Sunday, but others don't.


church 网络解释

1. church的反义词

1. 丘奇:直接衡量语言模型的好坏. 一个模型的复杂度越小,模型越好. 李开复博士在介绍他发明的时,看看上下文中哪类相关的词多就可以了. 这种方法最初是由吉尔(Gale),丘奇(Church)和雅让斯基(Yarowsky)提出的.

2. church是什么意思

2. 去教堂:对衣着的得体有着不同的要求.如在大学里,老师们的着装都很整洁,大方和正式,一方面体现他们受过良好的教育,另一方面可能是为人师表的原因.另外,周末人们去教堂(church)时,每个人都穿的比较正式.但未必都是西装革履,

church 双语例句

1. The central part of a church, extending from the narthex to the chancel and flanked by aisle s.


2. Hagia Sophia from the great dome to 55 meters high, but in the 17th century before the completion of St. Peter's Cathedral, has been the world's largest church.


3. Hagia Sophia or Church of Holy Wisdom.


4. These autocephalous churches share a common faith, common principles of church policy and organization, and a common liturgical tradition.


5. The autocephalous Orthodox Church in America, officially established in 1970, has as its stated goal the unification of all Orthodox Christians in the US and Canada on a territorial basis.



6. The first book to bear this title was published by authority of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1562 and contained texts for the ministration of the sacraments.

第一本书要承担这个称号是由大会的权威的教会的苏格兰1562 ,并载有文本,以供ministration的圣礼。

7. Education was pushing toward higher standards in the East by throwing off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of



8. Education was pushing toward higher standards in the East by throwing off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of studies and a new sense of public duty.


9. What kind of spiritual guidance is the Church offering?


10. Shackle, was taken from a zoo to a Texas church where it rode out the storm with other worried residents.

这头名叫 Shackle 的狮子被从一个动物园迁移到这个田纳西教堂,在这里,它和其他担心不已的居民共同安全熬过飓风的袭击。

11. Aquila and Prisca greet you much in the Lord, with the church, which is in their house.



12. Mr. Henrry Beecher entered Plymouth Church one Sunday and found several letters awaiting him.


13. By tradition the all - male ordained clergy are distinguished from the laity, who assist in the ministry of the church.


14. The church has no ordained clergy.


15. Today most of the population practices Orthodox Christianity of the Georgian Orthodox Church (81.9%).


16. church的意思

16. But the church had not done so.


17. church什么意思

17. Boston Chinese Church of Saving Grace is located at 115 Broadway Street, Boston (diagonally from Mass Pike Towers and Church of All Nations). By God`s grace, since its establishment on October 20th, 1985, Saving Grace has served and preached the Good News to the Chinese community for twenty years.


18. Today her body lies in a beautiful glass case above an altar in Saint Afra's Church - known as the Shrine of Saint Angela Merici.


19. Let us pray for this great opportunity for outreach and raising up of Fuzhou church workers.


20. In the same way, a clergyman is bound to instruct his pupils and his congregation in accordance with the doctrines of the church he serves, for he was employed by it on that condition.


church 词典解释

1. (基督)教堂;礼拜堂

A church is a building in which Christians worship. You usually refer to this place as church when you are talking about the time that people spend there.

e.g. ...one of Britain's most historic churches.


e.g. ...St Helen's Church...


2. (基督教的)教派

A Church is one of the groups of people within the Christian religion, for example Catholics or Methodists, that have their own beliefs, clergy, and forms of worship.

e.g. ...co-operation with the Catholic Church...


e.g. Church leaders said he was welcome to return.


3. 广纳众议的机构(或团体);兼收并蓄的活动

You can refer to an organization, group, or area of activity as a broad church when it includes a wide range of opinions, beliefs, or styles.

e.g. The party has responded by trying to become a broad church that appeals to devout pensioners, Munich punks and aerospace engineers...


e.g. It rapidly became apparent that rock'n'roll was a very broad church indeed.


church 单语例句church的翻译

1. During the Byzantine period, it used to be Christianity's largest church.

2. Beside it is an older church replacing a Byzantine church razed by the Turks.

3. Sunday morning was the last of a string of services the Pope had skipped during the most important season in the Church's liturgical calendar.

4. And several prelates promised to call out Catholic policy makers on their failures to follow church teaching.

5. After losing her temper with her husband one women, the angry Zhang entered a nearby church to calm down.

6. One of the first cinemas to disappear was Il Vecchio at Campo San Margherita, built inside a disused church.

7. The First Presbyterian Church said anyone handing in a gun would get $ 50 which it suggested could be spent on candy or flowers.

8. Pagano is encouraging church members to bring a canned good and a friend to the event.

9. Cardinal Joseph Zen has come under fire after his admission on Wednesday that he provided financial support to the " underground church " on the mainland.

10. Church's life offers a case study of the perils of child stardom.

church的近义词church 英英释义


1. a service conducted in a house of worship

e.g. don't be late for church

Synonym: church service

2. a place for public (especially Christian) worship

e.g. the church was empty

Synonym: church building

3. one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship

Synonym: Christian church

4. the body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church

e.g. our church is hosting a picnic next week



1. perform a special church rite or service for

e.g. church a woman after childbirth