

impending:[英 [ɪmˈpendɪŋ] [imˈpendiŋ] ]


过去式:impended;   过去分词:impended;

impending 基本解释


形容词即将发生的,迫在眉睫的; 迫切的; 悬挂的

动词悬空; 迫近(impend的现在分词)

impending 相关例句


1. Hurricane is impending.


2. The dark clouds suggest an impending storm.


3. impending的解释

3. He was inadequately prepared for the impending examinations.


impending 网络解释

1. impending的解释

1. 迫近的:Chicanery 诈骗 | Impending 迫近的 | Immolation 杀戮

2. 迫近:impendent 迫近的 | impending 迫近 | impenetrability 不能贯穿

3. 即将发生的:Impede 阻止 | Impending 即将发生的 | Nourish 滋养

4. impending在线翻译

4. 逼近,迫近:suspending 悬浮,暂停服务 | impending 逼近,迫近 | append 附加

impending 双语例句

1. impending

1. Taking out his notebook as he walks he scribbles down the details of a potential donor for his impending visit, Li Shiding has been in this role for over 12 years.


2. impending的反义词

2. A colonial, who had a case for damages impending at the law courts



3. A Colonial, who had a case for damages impending at the Law Courts, inquired of his solicitor the name of the judge who would preside.


4. Bribery A Colonial, who had a case for damages impending at the Law Courts, inquired of his solicitor the name of the judge who would preside.

贿赂 一个殖民地居民向他的律师打听法庭庭长的姓名,他有一桩赔偿损失案就要在法庭上开审了。

5. impending的解释

5. Whether juxtaposed with the drum beats of the impending War with Iraq or cast against the backdrop of the Columbia Space Shuttle tragedy, America fronts prominently on the world`s stage and people`s consciousness.


6. However, I feel an external force is to monitor our every behavior, it seems that an inattentive, there impending annihilation.


7. I climbed in the cab, bracing myself for the impending apocalypse.


8. I just devoured a pepporoni supremo with no thoughts of the impending calories.


9. The public was advised to avoid unnecessary travel due to the impending typhoon.


10. impending的反义词

10. There are those, of course, who would adopt the epicurean motto of'Eat, drink, and be merry, 'but most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.


11. With an impending high ranking promotion and four years of stable relationship with his dream girl, DAPHNE RECTO, he is at the cusp of getting everything he`s always wanted.

ALAN ALVAREZ的生活似乎一切顺利,工作上,他即将获得升职,和自己的梦中情人DAPHNE RECTO也已经相处4年之久。

12. The high technology of the era - such as the telegraph, printing press, and railroad - may appear, occasionally as a development just arriving, and usually symbolizing the impending end of the frontier lifestyle which will soon give way to the march of civilization.



13. There is an impending need to deal with design and manufacturing issues at the level of micros and submicros, along with science and technology developing.


14. On the other side he looked down into a deep mountain glen, wild, lonely, and shagged, the bottom filled with fragments from the impending cliffs, and scarcely lighted by the reflected rays of the setting sun.


15. It's a sign of impending arousal.


16. The condition (here vividly illustrated by the bold statue`s round, distended belly) promises an impending change in the life of the mother.


17. Now, how did you know about this impending marriage?


18. They discuss the impending marriage of George Gibbs.


19. impending

19. The first item about her impending marriage appeared in an Associated Press bulletin.


20. impending

20. The news of the impending marriage was bruited abroad.


impending 词典解释

1. 即将发生的;逼近的

An impending event is one that is going to happen very soon.

e.g. On the morning of the expedition I awoke with a feeling of impending disaster...


e.g. He'd spoken to Simon that morning of his impending marriage.


impending 单语例句

1. All the reports of the tsunami disaster suggested that few showed any intuition of an impending catastrophe.

2. Rumors of an impending vow swap began circulating when Hurley was spotted looking at estates in the English countryside.

3. Pakistan's beleaguered President Pervez Musharraf announced his resignation on Monday in the face of an impending impeachment motion by the ruling coalition government.

4. And reading the latest statistics about the impending baby boom was not exactly comforting.

5. Both multinational and local companies have been cornered in the Chinese market because of the impending increase in competition caused by Apple's decision.

6. No doubt the impending election will be on their minds when cardinals hold their first congregation Monday to begin planning the pontiff's funeral.

7. They no longer dwell on impending climate doom, but on the economic windfall that will result from embracing the " green " economy.

8. Through the night the lovers stay in isolation, fending off hallucinations and their impending doom.

9. Forgive me for getting sentimental, but all this talk of impending doom reminds me of 2002.

10. The first hint of impending doom came with a shopping trip to Sanlitun.

impending 英英释义


1. close in time

about to occur

e.g. retribution is at hand

some people believe the day of judgment is close at hand

in imminent danger

his impending retirement

Synonym: at hand(p)close at hand(p)imminentimpendent