

extinct:[英 [ɪkˈstɪŋkt] 美 [ɪkˈstɪŋkt] ]


extinct 基本解释


形容词灭绝的; 绝种的; 消逝的; 破灭的

extinct 相关例句



1. Many animals and birds are now extinct.


2. My hope of getting some employment was extinct.


3. extinct的意思

3. The passenger pigeon is extinct.


4. The mammoth is extinct.


5. All hope was extinct.


extinct 网络解释

1. extinct的近义词

1. 灭绝的:此是距离方法允许我们推论灭绝的(extinct)祖先的属性,在这个案例中是灭绝的(extinct)核苷序列. 距离方法(Distance Methods)需要在树建筑之前的在所有序列之间计算的成对距离. 一旦获得距离矩阵,就可以利用各种方法来计算树.

2. 滅:4392m), 华盛顿州北部靠近加拿大边境的贝克山(Mount Baker, 3285m) , 俄勒冈州的胡德山(Mount Hood, 3426m)大部分火山都处于休眠状态(Dormant),少数已经完全熄灭(Extinct)比如俄勒冈州的杰斐逊山(Mount Jefferson 3199m),

3. 灭种,熄灭了的:external 外表,形式上,外部的 | extinct 灭种,熄灭了的 | extinguish 灭绝,熄灭

extinct 双语例句

1. The quetzal is one type of bird that could end up going extinct because of the effects of global warming.


2. extinct

2. When retrospecting development of recent history, we may find many languages of the world are becoming extinct.


3. The Javan Tiger is assumed to be one of the 4 tiger subspecies believed extinct in the wild.


4. Any of various large, hairy, extinct elephants of the genus Mammuthus, especially the woolly mammoth M.


5. Any of various large, hairy, extinct elephants of the genus Mammuthus, especially the woolly mammothM.


6. Any of various large, hairy, extinct elephants of the genus Mammuthus, especially the woolly mammoth M. primigenius, once widespread in the Northern Hemisphere.


7. extinct

7. It is time we protected spotted deer from becoming extinct.


8. All told, here upon Earth, eleven root races went extinct while seven survived related to the Tibetan, Mongolian/Inuit, North American Indian, South American Indian, African, Aboriginal and Polynesian root races today.



9. Because of the myriad of extinct volcanoes that exist in Mexico, the highlands are a fruitful breeding ground for the fire opal.


10. Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that *****gers in geography, climate, and sea levels were respONSible.


11. Unfortunately, it`s been extinct for 65 million years. The gatefold on the last page reveals Jack`s final choice, and a big surprise -- literally!


12. extinct的意思

12. And it revealed that eight species have become extinct since the publication of the original plan in 1994, including the wryneck bird, two lichens, three moths and two beetles.


13. Fish thought to have been extinct since the Cretaceous Period but found in 1938 off the coast of Africa.


14. He was one of a class rapidly becoming extinct in Wessex.


15. extinct的解释

15. A member of the Crossopterygii, a group of bony fishes with paired, rounded fins that are extinct except for the coelacanths and are regarded as ancestors of amphibians and other terrestrial vertebrates.


16. Finally, in section 4, we study a periodic predator-prey system with prey impulsivediffusion in two patches, by using comparison theorem of impulsive differential equationand other analysis methods, suffcient and necessary conditions on the permanence and extinction of prey population for the predator-prey system with predator have other foodsource are established and, considering the predator-prey system with predator have notother food source, we show the suffcient and necessary conditions that under which thepredator population will be permanent or extinct exactly.


17. extinct的翻译

17. Really the kakapo has a very similar life history to that iconic extinct bird the Dodo.


18. In some parts of the country Koalas are nearly extinct.


19. extinct

19. It either causes a country to be extinct to catch up with and surpass the advanced country in economy.


20. extinct在线翻译

20. The war is merciless. It either causes a country to be extinct to catch up with and surpass the


extinct 词典解释

1. 灭绝的;绝种的

A species of animal or plant that is extinct no longer has any living members, either in the world or in a particular place.

e.g. It is 250 years since the wolf became extinct in Britain.


e.g. ...the bones of extinct animals.


2. (某类劳动者、生活方式或活动)不复存在的,废除了的

If a particular kind of worker, way of life, or type of activity is extinct, it no longer exists, because of changes in society.

e.g. If the current trend continues, black farmers in the United States may be extinct by the end of this decade...


e.g. Herbalism had become an all but extinct skill in the Western world.


3. (火山)死的

An extinct volcano is one that does not erupt or is not expected to erupt any more.


e.g. Its tallest volcano, long extinct, is Olympus Mons.


extinct 单语例句extinct什么意思

1. The coelacanth fish was thought to have become extinct 65 million years ago until one was found in 1938 off Africa's coast.

2. Coelacanth had been thought to have been extinct 80 million years ago until a living one was discovered in Comoros in 1938.

3. The study suggests that the genes that confer pale skin and red hair evolved separately in humans and our closest extinct relatives.

4. GUANGZHOU - Scientists have been convinced for a long time that living species are going extinct at an alarmingly fast rate in the modern world.

5. An underwater peak in the Coral Sea was home to a type of shrimp thought to have gone extinct 50 million years ago.

6. This led authorities to understand the value of nearly extinct forms of craftsmanship and led to plans to train more people in these arts.

7. He added that the fossils dated mainly from the Late Cretaceous of the Mesozoic Period, when dinosaurs became extinct.

8. Six degrees of endangerment - including extinct, critically endangered and severely endangered - described the current situation of many languages.

9. China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals declared in 1969 that the hog deer was extinct in the wild in China.

10. Xiao's big dream is to build a Disneyland of animals, gathering 200 simulated species that have become extinct since the Industrial Revolution.

extinct的意思extinct 英英释义


1. (of e.g. volcanos) permanently inactive

e.g. an extinct volcano

2. being out or having grown cold

e.g. threw his extinct cigarette into the stream

the fire is out

Synonym: out(p)

3. no longer in existence

lost or especially having died out leaving no living representatives

e.g. an extinct species of fish

an extinct royal family

extinct laws and customs

Synonym: nonextant